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I refused to even look at/listen to/read ANY post game analysis (including this board) until I've had time to digest what happend last night. I worked all day and just thought about what I saw last night.



First of all, our first half defense was outstanding. Hats off to our reserves. If our DC knew what he was doing or had a spine, we may have pulled one out DESPITE our bumbling QB and abysmal playcalling. Instead Lewis decided that a 10 point lead was enough to play prevent. Tim Lewis should be out of a job next season. ONLY because the Giants don't fire people half way through a season. I've seen enough of his coaching "skills" and it's little wonder Pittsburgh showed him the door. I am fully convinced that our starting defense is so full of talant, that they were good despite Lewis' ineptness.


Speaking of coaching..................EVERYTHING about that FG attempt was bad coaching. From the decision to kick it, right down to the falling asleep during the play. I've been a defender of Coughlin, but that one play makes me wonder if he in fact knows what he's doing.


Eli was simply terrible. He fell apart when we needed him the most, and I'm tired of defending him. He can no longer rest on his "youth" as a factor. It's time to grow up.


Why did it take so long to get the ball to Shockey??? Our offense is so much more explosive when he gets to touch the ball.


Lastly..........Why was Jacobs given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty?? They said you can't use the ball as a prop, but EVERY TIME the Bears mocked our "ballin" celebration they were using the ball.

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I refused to even look at/listen to/read ANY post game analysis (including this board) until I've had time to digest what happend last night. I worked all day and just thought about what I saw last night.

First of all, our first half defense was outstanding. Hats off to our reserves. If our DC knew what he was doing or had a spine, we may have pulled one out DESPITE our bumbling QB and abysmal playcalling. Instead Lewis decided that a 10 point lead was enough to play prevent. Tim Lewis should be out of a job next season. ONLY because the Giants don't fire people half way through a season. I've seen enough of his coaching "skills" and it's little wonder Pittsburgh showed him the door. I am fully convinced that our starting defense is so full of talant, that they were good despite Lewis' ineptness.


Speaking of coaching..................EVERYTHING about that FG attempt was bad coaching. From the decision to kick it, right down to the falling asleep during the play. I've been a defender of Coughlin, but that one play makes me wonder if he in fact knows what he's doing.


Eli was simply terrible. He fell apart when we needed him the most, and I'm tired of defending him. He can no longer rest on his "youth" as a factor. It's time to grow up.


Why did it take so long to get the ball to Shockey??? Our offense is so much more explosive when he gets to touch the ball.


Lastly..........Why was Jacobs given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty?? They said you can't use the ball as a prop, but EVERY TIME the Bears mocked our "ballin" celebration they were using the ball.


You know I agree with you here. Especially making the case agasint Tim Lewis. He brought the blitz early and it worked great and some fucking reason, he stopped and that's when the bears capitalized.


I'm not ready to be that harsh on Eli, yes he had a terrible game and he's had terrible games this season, however the protection wasn't there .. Bob whitfield was manhandled. Again that goes back to coaching.. if you know your OL can't give your QB all the time in the world, why not go for quick releases and let players (ie. Shockey) gain YAC?


Also, Eli threw on pass too high for plax.. Plax was more concerned about getting a flag than catching the ball.. his flop looked stupid. I don't know why I blacked out after the TD return by the Bears. I don't recall anything after that play.. except the final score.


Oh well... from the first place in the NFC to a dog fight in the NFC east. I really hope we can get a solid defensive coordinator next year. One shut down CB wouldn't be too bad either. The CB position has been killing us for a while now it's time to do something about it.

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First post on new board. not bad....what happened to the GMB? If it took me this long to migrate and upgrade a web server I would be unemployed. ....unless people doing it are doing it gratis.


and about the game.....season is long and has many ups and downs....whatever team is heathier (also see luckier) in December wins

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Eli had a horrible game and maybe he needs to be pulled for a series to wake his ass back up. He didn't get much time in the pocket though and he didn't get many times where he could step up in the pocket. Were we playing at home? Our WRs were getting mauled for most of the night with no PI calls. Tom Brady had a bad game too, it happens. Most of the blame falls on Eli and the offense. The defense played great but collapsed in the second half, they gave up 21 points. I'll give them a pass with a patchwork unit. Did you really think our offense was gonna score much more than 20 points against the #1 ranked defense?


TC's decision to go for a 52 yard FG was plain stupid and he also punted the ball away at midfield with 7 minutes left down by 3 scores. IMO, TC quit on this game.

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The "Reserves" played great for a half but they are reserves, and not used to 60 minutes of football


There were no reserves to step in for the reserves on the D-line


translation........they got tired and gassed


this is exactly what happened in 2002 to the Giants in San Fran.....the D-Line was thin, and had no one to rotate in


Ernie swore this would never happen again.........it just did

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The "Reserves" played great for a half but they are reserves, and not used to 60 minutes of football


There were no reserves to step in for the reserves on the D-line


translation........they got tired and gassed


this is exactly what happened in 2002 to the Giants in San Fran.....the D-Line was thin, and had no one to rotate in


Ernie swore this would never happen again.........it just did

They were gassed because the Giants offense did not mount a single drive over 3 and a half minutes long the entire game. I think there was only one longer then 3 minutes in the second half.

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Hehe. . .I'm gettin' a kick out of all the "fans" just now realizing what I have been saying for years. You know, Eli is a bust, TC can't coach, etc. Welcome to my world, fellas.


Eli had a terrible game. He doesn't suck. The season is long and pretty much every team has one or 2 let downs. We're hard on our team because it's our team. At the end of the day, we're 6-3 and atop the NFC east. Who really gave us a chance to win this game anway.. with all the injuries? Our hopes got really high when our team came out swinging..

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This one was tough to swallow, but the injuries were the back breaker. Our defense went downhill on the play Madison tweaked his hammy. Lewis adjusted because Madison wasn't there. I am not a huge Madison fan, but we definately see a difference when he isn't out there.


Our Dline was gassed because there were no substitutions and the Offense was not buying them a break.


We are not as good with all these injuries and the Tiki thing will become a distraction. If we take a nose dive it is 2003 all over again. Fassel was basically fired for a year riddled with injuries, Coughlin should probably get the same treatment.


Kinda wish we hired Lovie Smith.... Let's see how General Tom handles this. We are still probaby the third best team in the NFC even with the injuries.

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We are not as good with all these injuries and the Tiki thing will become a distraction. If we take a nose dive it is 2003 all over again. Fassel was basically fired for a year riddled with injuries, Coughlin should probably get the same treatment.


Dude, we basically sucked coming out of the gate in 2003. It just took us a couple of games to figure that out. Fassel was fired because it was apparent by the Falcons game that the players were mailing it in.


We were in this thing until Coughlin had the brainfart with the field goal. And that was with a ton of injuries, playing against the NFC team with the best record. It's not time to throw a rope over the rafters yet.

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