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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. I guess at this point he knows he is in a deep hole, might as well keep on digging until he hits bottom
  2. yes, we need at least one competent backup not three incompetent ones
  3. One thing we all know for sure, is that you are an asshole
  4. NBA teams still tank to get better opportunities in the lottery. I despise the idea of tanking or even rooting against your team in the last games of the season. I really have no idea how to address it though. Is the answer just unlimited free agency to college students under some dollar value per team?
  5. On the radio yesterday, so I do not know what the source of the information was, but they were saying Snee was looking for it to be a part time job with a good portion of it being from home, but the Giants wanted him to be more of a full time and on premises presence.
  6. You win the internet today
  7. It took them how long to come up with that piece of shit? Been better to stay football team Commanders sounds like the generic name of a team in Double Dribble
  8. I assume that if there was not a contract in place you cannot legally say he was hired.
  9. It is hard to blame him for not walking away from Josh Allen and a team that just completed a great season with what has to be considered a bright couple years to come.
  10. Not yet, but I have seen some articles that the QB coach Dorsey from the Bills is being offered the position.
  11. I would think it is to be expected that an Offensive Coordinator will get some of his assistants to follow him.
  12. He actually looks exactly like my younger cousin Dave, well my cousin is not bald
  13. There is also a fair chance his family might want out of Buffalo for an NYC suburb.. Not everyone loves the Buffalo winters...
  14. They were talking about why he might leave on the Pat McAfee show, and it turns out that the Saints are something like $74 million dollars over the salary cap next year. So not looking to promising down in New Orleans
  15. I picked Rams, so obviously it is going to the be the 9ers
  16. It is not going to happen but I would still like to see Harbaugh
  17. It looks like Odell fucked himself in this deal!
  18. Yeah, but if you kick it to the return man and he takes it to the house everyone would be saying how do you let them have a chance at a homerun win like that... give them the ball with 13 seconds on their own 25
  19. True, but Quinn is less than exciting option, especially coming off the Cowboy staff
  20. None out there who more blew a superbowl 28-3 lead they let go and the team itself never recovered from that
  21. 2 winning seasons as head coach of Atlanta... no thank you, someone better has to be out there. He will not last 3 seasons in New York
  22. I still would refuse to buy Coors Light... I do not care who likes/wants it. That is where I draw the line!
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