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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. I mean, can't argue with Keith... lol
  2. Mets are playing great... both pitching and hitting. Have a big week coming up with a home series against the Phillies, then to Atlanta and to Philly again, really want to see them keep this run going. I do not know if it is just the Mets fan in me but I keep waiting for things to take a downhill turn
  3. Jones throws a bad pass in practice... There goes the season.
  4. Was very nice seeing win over the Braves last night! Not sure I was in love with Diaz going two innings but he needed to come in for the 8th to shutdown the Braves big bats. Just hope that tonight the Mets come into the 9th up by 5 runs and Diaz can take it easy.
  5. Well a pass rusher is easy to get excited about... especially in the near term. Im excited to have the tackle positions locked down for the next 10 years
  6. It is a lot easier to come in as a Defensive Edge guy than it is to come in and play Tackle from a technique standpoint. Hopefully by the end of camp Thibs has given Neal lots of different looks and has him better prepared for week 1
  7. Mets revert to last year for deGrom. He gives up 1 run over 5 innings with a couple scattered hits We can’t move base runners and have the bullpen give up a couple dingers
  8. Can't wait to see deGrom take the mound tonight! Give him a couple games to get himself into form, and hit the playoffs hot!
  9. Works out to about on quarter per rape... not horrible
  10. I was at my son's wrestling last night and missed the first couple innings, listened to a couple in the car and got home just in time for Peterson to come in and give up the HR to tie it. Once Escobar swung the bat in the 9th I knew the game was won. This team certainly has a way about rallying. Marte is a fucking dude, batting .300 now and he just seems to come up with hits in the clutch. I get that it is fun to go back and forth with Yankee fans, but looking on facebook and twitter it gets a bit much, even Mr. Met after the game with the broom seemed a bit much sweeping a 2 game series? Now if the Mets take 2 in the Bronx in a couple weeks, I then condone more sweeping.. lol
  11. My son's highschool team wears them for workouts... they complained about it last summer on hot days, it makes the helmet like an oven, but cuts down on practice bumps on the head. So they just get extra water breaks on hot days
  12. Im starting to get excited when Diaz comes into the game.... https://fb.watch/ewRSaesfqV/ The past couple seasons of blown saves are starting to disappear from my brain
  13. It’s so nice watching the Mets who learned to score runs this year
  14. Well that’s not the start Mets were looking for.
  15. Looking Forward to a couple games against the Yankees.... Should have a full citi field and a hyped up atmosphere... I do think the 2 game series are kind of bullshit though
  16. These are my favorite uniforms of all time...
  17. Anyone watching? Of all sports all star games this is normally the best of them Home Run Derby was actually pretty exciting last night with Pujoles getting past the first round
  18. That is a win all day....
  19. Well you got your 2 out of 3 from the Braves, now to sweep the last place cubs and come into the All Star break strong. I did some speculation that deGrom might be making his comeback against either the Padres or the Yanks
  20. My assumption is that Texas is a hot place for NIL's.. including what looks like $50K for each lineman Plus so long as he does not get injured he is going to come out of college as a 1st round draft pick between his size, arm and name. (Most likely not in that order)
  21. Early afternoon game today... hope the Bats wake up a bit and we start getting runs across the plate. They were getting guys on base against Strider and had his pitch count way up, just could not produce runs.
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