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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. I know Pop Warner which is the biggest youth football does give all the coaches training in keeping the head out. Not saying you do not end up with some "old school" coaches teaching other things.
  2. At least our youth program and highschool follow a rugby style wrap and roll tackle that is built around keeping your head out of the tackle.. no more bite the ball
  3. I am no Yankee fan... but there is no way that they can let him leave the Bronx. They really could not let him leave to come and play in Queens, as much as I would love to see him out playing in our outfield and putting up triple crown numbers. The one place I would love to see him go, would be Boston!
  4. Yes... it is nice to see the bats swinging again. That is really what the next month and half will come down to, the pitching will be solid.. can they score the runs.
  5. Good coaching wins you in close games. In no way did either team look impressive. But giants grounded out a victory. Bring us Monday night!
  6. Would love to see an early score here and grind out a win
  7. Cheerleaders jump up and down on the sidelines... star players bury themselves in the playbook and ball out in practice
  8. I like his full breakdowns too, but his O line review is superb.
  9. Looks like you have to go to the link to watch this guy, he does a great job breaking down the Oline tape
  10. So, the question is, what can we get for him in a trade? If he is healthy come Nov 1st and we are not going to pay him with a big contract next season, is there a reason to keep him for the rest of the season?
  11. I agree. He was pretty good. But he has some odd fascination with bears. Made several bear comments through the broadcast
  12. Your Gorilla almost called this. Way to start the season
  13. Ref is going to throw out his shoulder with these flags
  14. How did that 2 point conversion work? Worst play I’ve seen called
  15. Nice. I’ve got some strip steaks I salted yesterday. Sipping an ipa right now with a couple different beers and whiskeys I’m waiting until the giants game to get into would love to see the Giants come out, play a clean game with limited penalties leading to a close victory
  16. It really is hard to have reasonable expectations when we have a first time HC and Offensive coordinator running a team they did not pick the players for. What I expect is the soft schedule will teach us something about the teams leadership... there should be a lot of close games that good decision making can realistically be the difference between a win and a loss. With games against Panthers, Bears, Jags, Seattle, Texans, Lions and 2 against Washington... there is a lot of winning to be done in those games, maybe sneak a win or two against better teams. If they are unable to do that, we might as well have stuck with Joe Judge
  17. Taking 2 of 3 from the Dodgers is a fantastic way to head into what is going to be a soft schedule
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