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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. If the Giants can get 2 wins against the Commies they should make the playoffs... getting a split with the Eagles would pretty much make it a lock(and make my heart happy), especially if they can win against the Colts
  2. Wasn't he refusing to put on his seat belt? I mean if the plane is going down what good does the seatbelt do? The news this morning said him not leaving when he was told to, caused everyone else to leave the plane and be delayed.
  3. If this team was healthy it’s an easy win tonight. Buy playing guys who should not be in the nfl is rough
  4. The illegal man down field where he is not even engaged with a blocker is bullshit
  5. What happened to our genius coaching? Been playing this whole game like we have a thumb up our ass. not in the fun way
  6. I have seen that as a complaint from a lot of NFL players who want to get into coaching. When they were 26 they were not spending nights sleeping in the coaches office, because they were spending Sunday on the field
  7. From the interviews I have seen the majority of players prefer actual grass... not sure how things rate out medically
  8. I do think it was a clear message... this coaching staff is ass and all should be looking for job elsewhere next season. Brings in a coach who is a proven leader, a fan favorite who comes in with zero expectations. What will be really interesting... if he can sneak out another win or maybe even 2... Does he get a full season with a staff he is part of selecting?
  9. If anything I am encouraged that we have 2 games against Washington... yes they pulled out a win last night, but no reason the Giants can not beat that team twice. Get a split by beating Dallas on Thanksgiving and hopefully split with the Eagles on the last game of the season should have us in the Playoffs
  10. I am not a capologist in any way shape or form... but I do not know if the Giants would want to sign him to a CMC type contract $64million over 4 years with his injury history. The real question is, what would other teams be willing to pay to take him.
  11. Guess Giants figured out how to lose on a bye week
  12. That was my thought too... "conditions" is a shady
  13. I am assuming this frees up some cap space for us to make some sort of move?
  14. Carl Banks was talking about this yesterday... He compared it to when he joined the team in 84 as a rebuilding year where they made the playoffs and then built themselves to a superbowl in 2 years. Having Galladay eating up all that money sitting on the bench is fucking killing us. Really makes it very difficult to make any moves, or at least ones of value. Personally I agree with the idea of any success this year is just gravy... came into the season expecting a rebuild, stick to the plan. Get this team right, and set on a path to success for the next 10 years, not just 10 weeks.
  15. I think that there is a rule about that
  16. Maybe he needs a old school type manager who can get his head right and not have him swinging out of his cleats on every pitch...
  17. He actually looks disturbingly like my cousin Dave
  18. You would think Houston would have least but some Astroglide on before violating the Yanks like that
  19. I am sure this is what most military barracks looks like
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