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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. I think they might both be lefties, the older one already throws with his left. The little one uses his left hand to eat and play with his toys
  2. How long does Willis have on his contract? Isnt this his contract year? On a strickly player for player basis Willis is one of the few players that you could even consider trading DWright for. A strike out pitcher with the ability to win 20 games a year for a 3rd baseman who in his frist full season battted .307 with 27 dingers... that has to translate to a potential of .340 with 40hr... Wright is such a fan favorite he is un-touchable, especially for the whitebread Mets fans... we need one star player who speaks English as his native language!
  3. Piazza just CRUSHED that ball..... I hope he doest hit number 400 tonight wearing that God Awful camo jersey....
  4. He is like that drunk great uncle at christmas time... 1962 we blah blah blah were is the scotch? I almost want to hear him say pull my finger
  5. Wow how old is he? They should let him do the second inning BEFORE he hits the bottle
  6. David wright comes out to Brass Monkey.. Bad Ass
  7. How is that pickoff move not a balk, he is moving twords the plate and swings it to first...
  8. Glavine is looking pretty sharp so farm throwing strikeouts..... It is just too bad that I doubt he can keep it up all season. What do you think of Ron Darling doing the game.... pretty good so far, not as arrogant as Hernandez
  9. 13-4........ Cant wait to play some teams other then the NATS..... lets get some validity.
  10. How many put outs does he have in center field tonight? 21 in the 7th?
  11. Last season I was disapointed with Beltran, the $ he is making and the numbers he put up were not impressing me. He has what looks like a casual playing style that just gets on my nerves.... But I do aggree dont Boo a young talented player Beltran a week into the season.
  12. Is it just me or does he always look like he is running at half speed? He is getting to some balls with range there in the big outfield of RFK, but he looks effortless. I think that is why he is easy to mad at....
  13. I think that Wright would be an excellent 3 hitter... He has power, works the count and does not strike out often. He is very good at putting the ball in play. I guess they just dont think that Beltran has the pop for the 5 hole
  14. I like Wright as much as anyother Mets fan, but the MVP chants in the 5th game of the season are a little pre-mature
  15. A rain delay would be nice, maybee start the game at 3:30 this way I can get home intime to catch the late innings. Normally I would take a half day today and watch the game in a cozy bar, but I have to be at some meetings today so it is not a possibility.
  16. If Me-shawm came in knowing his roll at the #2 or 3 reciever and embraced that I would not be opposed to giving him a short term contract, no more then 3 years that is for sure. As much as his talets would help I think a real burner with servicable hands would be a better addtion to strech the field. If Tim Carter could just catch the god damned ball the recieving corp would be solid. But he couldnt catch herpies at a vietnamese whore house.
  17. I actually like what EA has been doing so far this off-season. The secondary is looking pretty good now, Two quality safties, Madison as a starter and McQ for some debth. There will be a sigh of releif when we hear who picks up Will Allen (Come on CowGirls) Now I just hope he stays away from Arrignton and drafts an OLB like Bobby Carpenter out of Ohio State.
  18. Two years ago they were talking about him as the MVP, now he is traded for a 2nd rounder! If he comes back healthy Miami made a great trade!
  19. I thought if an aggreement was not met the teams would have to cut payroll to get under the previous cap? I think that the cap is a great thing, Who wants the NFL to become like baseball, where smaller market teams just cash it in becasue they can no longer compete with the $ the Yankees/Red Sox of the league are willing to spend. Maybe the best way to dictate what the cap is, to adjust it every 5 years to follow the change in revenue that the league has been bringing in
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