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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. Run the ball on 1st and 10 get 2nd and 6
  2. Pass on first and 10... great fuckin play call there.... At least the D is bringing the pressure
  3. Keep that corner blitz commin
  4. You'll be an old man of 28 before you know it :brooding:
  5. The bats do need to wake up, but Maine can step up and pitch a gem tonight. It is not beyond his capability to shut'em down
  6. You also like to touch little boys, and we dont that against you....
  7. Cant ask for much more then a shutout to take the 1-0 lead in the series
  8. Spalding, this calls for the old Billy Baroo... Billy,Billy,Billy,Billy,Billy,Billy." Meat of the line up.... " Billy,Billy,Billy,Billy,Billy,Billy this is a big one"
  9. He missed two in a row, but the third one did not get past him
  10. Im just gifted... some guys can play ball.... i can find tits
  11. I guess holding on to the ball at 2nd is an option... Strike zone is a little large to the lefties
  12. Thats what I like to see, when he doesnt have to throw the ball Every throw to first I hold my breath
  13. they need to get floyd off the diamond, that achillies is not going to get any better, especially on a cool night. I know he wants to show off his weavos with a contract coming up this off season, but if you cannot leg out a foul ball to first, what happens on a liner to the gap?
  14. Radar gun from Balco Ill give him props for that one
  15. Are both ptichers still perfect through the first.... HOW many fucking times will we hear that until some one gets a hit. I have heard perfect out of Fucko's mouth 3 times already
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