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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. The newborn at home is tough, but if you start givin stuff up now it only gets worse, after my first son was born I missed an entire Bow season, and it has been a strugle to get it back since. If you wanted to give up a pair of GIANTS tickets im sure I can find someone to take'em off your hands Alright DWright it is time to show your stuff.... be patient work the count an knock a base hit the opposite way
  2. Ill be there too.... I dont know what section we are in but it is upper deck Row U
  3. That is how to start it off Jose!!!!!!! That will get the crowd pumpin
  4. I think he needs to throw one up in Pooholes head... send a message we are not hear to fuck around
  5. our Losses this series 4-2 5-0 9-6 Loss in the 9th All of those games were winnable, especially if you consider the Mets averaged just over 5 runs a game during the season. If the bats wake up tonight
  6. The starting pitching while it seems to be out weekness has not be responcible for a single loss in this series. Wagner blew one, but it has been the cold bats. I think Shea will be rocking tonight and the bats will come alive, this time tomorrow Ill be in my seat in the upper deck of Shea waiting for that Ugly Apple to show it's face!
  7. Was obviously not alive in 1986... I was a young wippersnapper of 8 and that series burnt into my brain that it is never over. The Mets came back to Shea needing two wins against the RedSox. Everyone thought the sox were going to win it... everyone except for me I clearly rember being up late watching Game 6 and my mother telling me I should go to bed because it was over... and I refused and we all know what happened next To this day anytime I am watching any game and I want to change the channel my mother always says... Dont touch that dial, dont you rember the 1986 Mets? So who are you fans of little faith to throw away your Miracle Mets, do we have the starting pitching? No... Do we have the offensive Firepower to make that not matter YES! Do we have the best Bullpen in all of baseball? YES Do we have the teamwork to make the Dream Work? HELL YES LETS GO METS!!!!!!
  8. you are not serious are you? How many runs did the Mets put up the other night? This game, let alone series is far from over BTW could The Hebrew Hammer be any slower?
  9. I would like to rip Joe Buck's vocal cords out through his dick hole Come on Glavine get a fucking out here
  10. Fuck that, throw at Pooholes head next time he comes to the plate..... did a fan grab that ball?
  11. D wright has got to start hitting the ball the other way.... but 2 runs anyway
  12. That was a close call.... atleast the ball is being put in play. That is always a good thing!
  13. Lets get this fucker started!!! GO REYES
  14. You mean the Daily News is a Tabloid Next thing you are going to say is the Post is a rag
  15. From your mouth to Yahweh's ears...... I have a ticket for game 7, but I would rather see us win the next two
  16. Why admit that a vanilla defense kicked your ass?
  17. Why admit that a vanilla defense kicked your ass?
  18. They called the game already? I feel much better with Glavine getting his 5 days rest.... If he pitches tomorrow I guess he would be the game 2 WS pitcher? Who starts...Perez...maybe El Duque?
  19. I thought it was a clean hit, there is no way to know that Vick is going to duck out of bounds or pull a spin move and take it into the end zone. If he is going to run like a RB he will get hit like one.
  20. Excdept he is 23 and ub the post season for the first time.... Not that Dwright is playing very good right now but it is hard to make a 1to1 comparison from him to A-Rod
  21. I do not rember him looking this good before, he hits every hole and is never brought down by the first man.... i think Tiki is better then EVER! If he gets the ball in his hands 25+ times a game the Gmen will win more often then not!
  22. I do not rember him looking this good before, he hits every hole and is never brought down by the first man.... i think Tiki is better then EVER! If he gets the ball in his hands 25+ times a game the Gmen will win more often then not!
  23. That was a hell of a game, let Tiki run wild every week
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