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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. It looks like he is going to cry.... I can only hope that is not his tough guy face
  2. Can someone help me out. I did not have my camera last night on the boat, would you be able to put me and my fish over this guy and his fish... I tried but my photoshop skills leave much to be desired. Thanks a lot, the best rendering could lead to a cabinet position from the Mid Atlantic Party- Secretary of Photoshopography
  3. I hear he has some free time on his hands
  4. I hate him with a passion normally reserved for things out of philadelphia. There is not one player on the Giants who has more potential and less ability. The man is as fast as any player in the league but he has 10 thumbs He couldn't catch Herpies in VG's Barnyard! The fact that he will be the #2 guy on Sunday will keep me awake at night. PLEASE PROOVE ME WRONG TIM.....PLEASE
  5. Them winning the game doesnt help me win the office pool... I have a hard time betting against the Gmen but this is a game I have mentally marked as a Gmen loss from the moment I saw the schedule. Ill have to pick them, I dont want to be the Jinx. Last time I jinxed the team (Broke my Giants Pint Glass) it was for the Seatle game and we all know how that turned out
  6. When Tim Carter is your #2 receiver, you should be running the ball as much as possible
  7. I think it is a good celebration, not over the top or in the other team's face. As long as it is done one guy at a time it will draw a flag and the players seem to have fun with it.
  8. I would have loved to see Tiki with an extra 5 runs- Jacobs with an additional 3 and Eli with minus 10 pass attempts.
  9. tHAT WAS A HORRIBLE CALL. The ball broke the plane.. should be a TD... Bull Shit call
  10. Next time they pass on first and 10- I kill a puppy
  11. What happened to the pressure D that they were playing the last two games. Im seeing a lot of zone BS
  12. What do you know our running game gave us the score... maybe they will stop passing on 1st and 10
  13. I like this pic A smaller fast back might not be a bad thing to pick up late in the draft. Someone to change it up a bit. Lets just hope that hyper-extended knee isn't something that haunts him the rest of the season.
  14. I was just watching the same thing, how can JAWS say the Cowhores are the best team in the NFC East, when just last week the GIANTS kicked their asses all over the field. There was not one aspect of the game Dallas even competed with the Gmen in their own HOUSE! What do you expect from an Eagle i guess
  15. I was expecting tiki to bust over 100 yards today, but Bj picked up some nice carries. They did go to the air too often, but the Bucs were playing tough against Tiki. id hat to say it, because I think Tiki is the best player on our team, but I would love to see BJ get some more touches. The D-line and LB's played out of their heads today. Now if the Secondary can just step it up this will be one of the top 5 D's in the league.
  16. Temps in the 40's with 30mph winds, TIKI should have a big day. I think he has a minimum 150 yards rushing today with 0 TDs.... Let see the Defense step up and shutdown the bucs running game forcing some passes into that swirling wind. It is going to be a good Day!
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