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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. And that is why we run the ball on first down- with our MVP
  2. Morton WHY Juke, just pick a hole and run through it
  3. He was down, it didnt look it until the re-play
  4. Because we should throw the ball 60 times a game, minimum :brooding:
  5. Time to bring'em out again kick some more ass.
  6. Did that hold make any difference in the play, NO. did Coifield getting grabbed from behind by his shoulder pad? Which one do they call.....
  7. I guess holding is Ok at this point of the game
  8. Do you think Morton will watch this game and see what happens when you just run straight as fast as you can on a kick off
  9. Stupid Penalty... Time to kick some more ass
  10. WHY PASS ON FIRST DOWN There is nothing I hate more...
  11. His name is not LADanian
  12. Bull shit Zebras... That was a pretty fuckin mild celebration for 15 yards..... Is it going to be that sort of game. Lets see the D kick some more ass, and maybe just so happen to flatten a zebra
  13. Ugh not a field goal Alright walking wounded time to kick some ursine ass
  14. Ward > Morton.... I would rather see Jennings
  15. 17-10 Gmen... Hard fought game dominated by Line play. The tougher team wins tonight. The Giants O-line has some Bad Mutha's Like Chris Snee
  16. Im about to start poppin some tops. I grabbed a sixer of Left Hand Milk Stout
  17. They just called me up, I better get my shoulder pads on..... This win is going to come down to the Offensive line, they have to be tougher then the bears front 7. They have to let tiki get past that first wave of defenders so he can do his thing. This should be a trench war tonight... I CAN'T WAIT
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