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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. GorillaNJ


    They should not have tried to pass on first down in that situation, that part of the field it is time to man up and run the ball to get a couple of yards breathing room. You should not start first and 10 on the 1 yard line and still be on the 1 yard line on 3rd down
  2. Solid end? I think that is pushing it. Maybe a servicable end
  3. I have been one of the people saying give this guy a chance. Last night has all but changed my mind. He was horrible last night. They were targeting him and he looked like a high school player. Maybee the answer is he just needs to keep making mistakes and LEARNING from them. Like going for that pic on third down, when he could have just lit up the reciever and forced a punt. He sucked last night, but he was far from the reason there is an extra notch in the loss column
  4. GorillaNJ


    That is when you trott out that 260lb beast of a RB and tell your O-line its time to balls up, put a helmet to a helmet and gets those hard yards. It is called football.
  5. What killed the Gmen was failure to commit to the running game. We have a potential MVP who leads the leage in rushing... he only had 18 fucking carries. Since throwing the ball was the name of the game, the GIANTS did not have any long possesions on offense. The Walking Wounded D did not get any chance to rest. The team has the talet, just a lack of a play caller. Huffeneger should be fired today, tied up to a pole in the parking lot and left there for every fan to stop by and kick him in the balls. Hang a little sign over his head that says RUN THE BALL YOUR NEXT TOM!
  6. I actually agree with you..... This game should have been a W for the Gmen. they could fuck up a free lunch
  7. Please do not give it to Tiki anymore tonight....I dont want to see what they should have been doing all game when it is too late
  8. Bad coaches yes, but the players and the team are not bad at all.
  9. How can you blame this on Eli? The play calling is forcing him to throw the ball when they should be running. Was that INT on a horseshit throw... yes. Why did he have to force that throw, because our coaches figure there is no reason to give our best player the ball. Eli is a good QB, he is not his brother but he is a solid QB if he is given the chance. BTW
  10. You are right it is not over by any means.... but pay the fuck attention
  11. Hmmm try to pass on 1st, we get fucked.... Maybe call 21
  12. Running the ball on first down...hmmm interesting
  13. We get a horse collar call on a non HC... makes up for the 4 times it hasnt been called for Tiki
  14. What do you know, Jacobs blew up through the line... running the ball maybe that works
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