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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. Ive got some Anchor Porter and Brooklyn Pilsner.... Talk about opposite brews If it gets ugly I do have a couple of shots of Chivas left
  2. Ron Jaworski picked against the Giants tonight. Talk about a Bitter Eagle cock smoker. I cannot rember the last time he picked the Giants.... i even think he picked the Texans the other week. What I wouldn't pay to See LT come up from behind him as his is doing the PTI interview and just level his ass.
  3. They have not changed the Saints game on the Giants website yet, but the Dallas game is scheduled for 4:15. I hate the 4:15 game almost as much as I do the night game. It is a such a challenge to stay sober through that 1:00 game.
  4. My wife made fun of me for posting during last weeks game... something about the biggest dork she has ever met.....
  5. Jacksonville is in the lower half of the league when it comes to Sacks, so Eli should have some time. Even with the lack of sacks they are very high when it comes to INT's The weaker point of thier D is against the run, giving up an average of over 103 yards a game. What does that say to you..... (What do you think is says to Huff ) It says to me, run the fucking ball until they bring the 8th man in the box, then hit shockey in the middle and Plex Deep. Couter-act the blitz with screens and draw plays. DO NOT PASS ON FIRST DOWN for atleast the first half! Force them to commit that 8th man and bustem with a deep pass with a play action when Jacobs is in the back field. This is a winnable game tonight, on a national stage. Kick some ass and ESPN will be saying that the Gmen are superbowl bound again
  6. Lots of running, but Eli does have to throw the ball deep to Plex. Yes 8 yard passes to Shockey or Moss are a good weapon, but they are much more useful when the Safteys are worried about the deep threat. The most important thing is running the ball, if Tiki and BJ combine for 35 carries GIANTS win the game. Less the 25 it will be another L
  7. Moss dropped to the 2nd round because of this injury. It was a known factor when they drafted him
  8. VG have you been drinking? Tiki is the best player on the team. Next year is Jacobs turn.... I would like to see BJ get more carries a game, but Big Blue is still the Tiki Barber Show
  9. I would rather see Tiki or BJ handed the ball EVERY SINGLE First and 10.... It is called playing to your strengths..
  10. How about 24 - 1st and 10... 13 Passes!!!!! WTF. Im not saying never pass on first and 10, but more then half the time?
  11. Good coaching leads to better QB's. Play calling that takes advantage of the tools the team has makes for a better QB. Why is play action not being used? Do you rember the play action on the goal line to shockey last week, it was as convincing a fake as I have ever seen. Play action by its very nature opens the TE in the middle of the field. That takes advanatge of the Giants two biggest weapons Tiki and Shockey. Why not run the ball 25-30 times a game? That sets up the play action and brings in the saftey opening up Huff's favorite the Deep pass. Not to mention it puts the ball into the hands of our best player. Eli's biggest problem is the shithead of an Offensive Coordinator and Head Coach he has. If Eli had been on the Steelers last year they still would have won the Superbowl.
  12. GorillaNJ


    Ok, a good slant is almost impossible to defend, especially if the guy is also a deep threat.
  13. GorillaNJ


    WR screen is one of the worst plays in football. It runs the risk of giving up an INT that is guaranteed to go the other way for 6. It is good that he is going to get a chance to play, but I cannot imagine him making or breaking the game. How is he at returning punts? He has to be better then Mort
  14. GorillaNJ


    How great can the news be, a rookie WR with a bad wheel might be coming back for a Monday night match up on the road that has the GMEN as 3 point dogs...Great :brooding:
  15. SportsWrath has been better then the GMB for a long time... Its about time you realized it.
  16. Seatle was my fault, I broke my Giants Pint glass just before kickoff. I have been rotateing glasses since. I need to find a bar with Giants glasses so I can "Procure" one.
  17. I guess you havent watched too many other games this season :brooding:
  18. They were gassed because the Giants offense did not mount a single drive over 3 and a half minutes long the entire game. I think there was only one longer then 3 minutes in the second half.
  19. Get off the crack.... Lorentzen should not see the field unless Eli is injured. Eli needs a competent person calling the plays.
  20. The D was gassed from not getting a rest the entire game
  21. Im glad that they did not throw to Carter. He just would have dropped it
  22. Seubert is doing such a good job as a run blocking TE I would hate to see that taken away from the playbook right now. When he is able to pull or move behind the line like a FB it is freeing up Tiki to get past that first wave of defenders. That turns a 3 yard rush into a 7 yarder
  23. The Gmen are not out of the playoff picture, true. But with the TC/Huff gameplan I cannot see them making it deep into the playoffs. The talent is there to make it all the way to the Superbowl, even with the injuries as they exist today. But failure to use the tools that have been given to you will doom this team in the long run. I mean WTF are they going to do, if they get a opening round game in GIANTS stadium ths January? Throw the ball 40 times?
  24. That one bad call is not a reason to fire him, but the fact that there were only 22 rushing attempts when the were AVERAGING 6.8 a CARRY is insane. They threw 32 passes throw on a wet night when the running game was kicking ass. 14 fucking completions and you dont think you should run the ball? They need to get rid of Huff now and tell TC his hours are numbered.
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