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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. Thank you Jacks..... ELI GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS
  2. Way to step up D... Now it is time to run the ball, throw some screens to Tiki or BJ.... maybe some short passes to shockey. Get this O rolling a bit
  3. And the Scotch comes off the bench for the second half
  4. Some one needs to get Eli pissed off. Maybe Plax did it on that play. Eli needs to step up and lead this offense. Show some fucking emotion that isn't
  5. Plax is horrible tonight... This is why the steelers let him go, he does not show up for big games. He is playing half ass and half speed
  6. Coughlin is a fucking cheerleader and a Joke Eli looks like he is trying too hard to be cool and composed Tiki is half way out the door Jacobs - is not on the fiels Shockey is trying to be a good team mate Plex is a POS with the Character of a chalk board. WHO STEPS UP?
  7. Coughlin is a fucking cheerleader and a Joke Eli looks like he is trying too hard to be cool and composed Tiki is half way out the door Jacobs - is not on the fiels Shockey is trying to be a good team mate Plex is a POS with the Character of a chalk board. WHO STEPS UP?
  8. The D is gassed..... they need to get some players back. Or the offense has to let them off the field
  9. He did not overthrow Shockey... unless his hands are a bad place to throw it to.
  10. Now is the time when a good team has the offense come out and bang out a 15 play drive that puts atleast 3 on the board and eats up 6+ minutes. I am feeling a sad ass 3 and out though
  11. What sort of pussy ass tackle was that.... he had him 2 yards short of first down
  12. Wow, three non catches.... Lets throw to Plex again Atleast the challenge and all the commercials have given the D- a chance to rest
  13. This is what a dominating run game looks like..... Huff take notes
  14. The Safteys have to step up and make the INTs... with him just getting rid of the ball he will not see Gibril lurking
  15. Do you think they could play some more commercials... i am almost able to follow the game
  16. Come on secondary... second play in a row where the QB just got it off
  17. The D gave us the first 3, i think they will have to depend on them if Eli is going to keep making decisions like that
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