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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. This should be Tiki's last drive
  2. That ball almost hit Shockey in the Head
  3. STUFFED HIM! Now Bring in BJ and run it down their throat and out their ASS
  4. Stripping the ball has worked pretty well so far this game
  5. GodDamn that was a tough ass run by BJ
  6. 5 out of 10 rushes 4:50 off the clock -> TD That is what winning football looks like
  7. A pair of 4 yard rushes by Tiki... i am liking what I am seeing from the offense right now.
  8. 6 runs out of 9 plays 5:40 off the clock -> TfuckingD
  9. 6 runs out of 9 plays -> TfuckingD
  10. Two running plays in one series... you must be kidding me
  11. Wow, we learned NOTHING last week
  12. Way to start the game :brooding: RUN
  13. Right now they are a better team with him on the sidelines. Period.
  14. Have you noticed the last two weeks that the opposing team has been targeting him because he cannot cover? I dont think that he should be cut or anything but he needs a week or two out of the lineup.
  15. I had it once in the French Alps.. Who could forget a name like Orkney Skull Splitter... plus it was a barley wine one of my favorite beer styles. I did find it once in a liquor store outside of Atlantic City. Im not sure who distributes it
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