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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. Defensive holding? on a Run around that was perfectly played? THAT WAS A TERRIBLE CALL
  2. Its a good thing the Gmen had wasted that challege in the first on an 8 yard incompleteion
  3. Eli might just think Shockey is 8 feet tall.... every throw is over his head
  4. WHAT Carter would not have caught it but he was being tackled and no flag
  5. Nice close up of the hold that made that last play a completion instead of a sack
  6. Why make this challenge? for 8 yards? Suck it up and run the ball on 2nd and 10. this is shit head coaching. In what is destined to be a close game why waste the challenge or Time out?
  7. Even Troy Im still a cowboy stuck up for Eli on the one... Plax was double covered before he was open in the corner of the endzone. Tiki was also open on the play Fuck you Plex
  8. Because Tim Lewis wanted to a DE do it, but Couglin talked him down a level. i cannot stand his zone blitz packages
  9. I picked up a mix 12 pack from Mendocino Brewery Red Tail Ale, Eye of the Hawk (8%) ale, White hawk IPA and Black Hawk Stout... The Stout is really good, smooth with a nice toasty flavor.
  10. This is going to be a brutal game. Two teams that started the season with super expectations one will end their loosing streak today. The winner has a pretty good chance of making the playoffs, the looser can start looking twords the draft. Both of these teams have prided themselves on Defense and have sputtering offenses. It is going to be a hard fought low scoring game that is going to be full of turnovers and brawls. Special teams might just determine the winner of this game. This will be a great game to watch. God I hope BJ gets 20 touches today The Gmen should win this game... Frank Caliendo of Fox just picked the panthers
  11. This is bad ass.... would you be able to add in little cowboys,eagles, and redskins getting run over?
  12. Years..... outside of PTI or Around the horn there aint shit on that channel anymore. They used to switch to half hour sports centers during non-double season times, now they fill it with human intrest stories
  13. it just has so much potential to go the other way for 7... Id rather see an end-around.
  14. it just has so much potential to go the other way for 7... Id rather see an end-around.
  15. He adds speed and hands to the receiving corp but there is no worse play then the WR screen... especially on 3rd and long
  16. GorillaNJ


    It dawned on me yesterday that our D-line is going to have two of the best DE in football for the next 8 years... Now if Will Joe can play to half his potential and Coifield keeps it up that is a tough front 4. Kiwi was an animal yesterday, all over the field. When he gets a little smarter look out NFL.
  17. You've got to be shitting me... We need more RUNNING and less passing.... Martz would never do that
  18. Not to stick up for the coach, but in the post game he said that Jacobs bounced that run outside, it was called between the tackles and the time out came from on the field not the coaches booth. Turning on the cover none D was all the coaches fault
  19. I just didnt want to feel left out since it seemded as if every Giant was getting one called on them.... i wanted one too The crack back the the out of bounds flags were 100% bullshit
  20. You are forgetting who the coach is for this team. BJ will get no more then 7 carries. I still think the Cowgirls are going to get thier assess handed to them
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