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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. I think it should be an execution instead
  2. Fox's "A team" blows. For every good insight Troy brings he is a total homer for the cowboys. Always very critical of the giants, no matter what they do. I think he does not seem as bad because he is paired with Joe Fuck, in comparision anyone would seem good.
  3. You know I had forgotten all about that. There were several first downs that were given to the Egirls without a mesurment and more then generous spots. The NFL needs a way to better manage spotting the ball and in/out of bounds calls. Instant Replay does alot for the in-or-out question, but a spot is a crap shoot at best. There should be some sort of sensor that can detect where the ball is when the play stops. Maybe the whistle causes a precise location of the ball to be placed on the field grid.
  4. I aggre the officiating was horrible, but it was not what cost the GIANTS the game. That was Horrible defensive play calling. The hold on Snee pissed me off though, first of all it was not a hold and second of all it was totally away from the play. If you are going to let holding happen fine just let it go for both teams.
  5. My 30 some-thing Hatian Secretary just came up to me and told me the GIATNS need a defense. If she can see it, why couldnt TC?
  6. There is a Chance TC keeps his job, but I do not think it would be a good thing. Yes the coordinators need to go, the play calling sucks but the game mangement sucks too. They are never left with TimeOuts at the end of the game. Two timeouts yesterday and the GIANTS would havew gotten the ball back instead of watching the clock tick to the game winning field goal. The first thing the New GM should do is fire the coaching staff and bring in a new one. The only coach who should stck around is the O-line coach but if your new coach doesnt want him...out you go. This team needs an attitude adjustment, and chopping heads might do it. The draft has to include the best CB available, if the talent is not in the draft find a Free Agent. With a new scheme maybe Webster will not be so bad, even if he is you will still have McQ and Madison. I really think Scheme is the biggest problem this defense had all season, but one young talented CB will go a long way. LB- Blackburn Peirce and Arrington will be a solid starting crew with Emmons as an expensive back-up there is a need for a young LB (Maybe even two) to come in with some energy and kick up the pass rush. A WR that can catch the ball accross the middle. Speed does not matter, this team has enough Tim Carter with his speed and 10 thumbs. Give me a player with dependable hands and nerves of steel. Like Colston on the Saints- Last pick in the draft out of Hostra. Had a rep for making the big play and having great hands. Comes into the league catches 70 balls for 1000+ yards and 8 TD's. (Good thing we got Moss instead.. huh) KICK RETURNER!!!!!- This was the most glaring thing missing from yeserdays game. Shit I was missing Chad Morton. Sinorice is not a return man, and McQ should never have a ball intentionaly sent in his direction again. We have a long wait untill April A late draft pick should go to a shifty RB. Someone that is a nice change of pace from the punishment that will be Jacobs.
  7. maybe Carl Banks? But then again there might be some young Coach out there who can put in a good scheme
  8. Why NEVER cover the WR at the line? Every single play they were given 10 yards on the snap. How many 8 yard passes to the outside receiver did the midget Mexican fagot complete today. I hope Tom C is fired and Tim Lewis is signed as the head coach of the Cowboys next year. This team CAN win with TC as coach but this D cannot win with TL as Defensive Coordinator. Damn I need another beer
  9. Rivers would be a totally different QB, especially if he had to step in for Kurt Warner halfway into his rookie season. Eli didnt want to go to the Bolts because they had a QB that could have kept him on the bench. Picture if Eli had two season to sit and learn before being thrown to the dogs.
  10. Was that necessary? Might as well mention the humble looks of TC's wife
  11. Lets say TC, Gilbrite and T.Lewis all die tomorrow of Gonorrhea and the call comes in to you.... What is your game plan against the Eagles? Offensive Game Plan This is the easy part... GIVE TIKI THE BALL! Even if it is not working keep feeding Tiki. Start to mix in some play action passes, I do not see NOT using play action on almost every pass. Force them to commit that safety or have the LB's watch the play before attacking. That half a second delay could spell the difference for a 3 yard Tiki rush and a .5 yard Tiki rush. Defiantly use the extra TE set hopefully with Seubert to get an extra block to spring Tiki...or BJ. You know they are going to bring the pressure, so work in some screens to Tiki and some quick slants to Tyree or Moss. Send Tim Carter and his speed deep on every play, his hands of steel are of no use across the middle on short routes. Use his speed to take the CB and hopefully Safety deep with him. Equally Shockey has got to get the ball in the middle of the field- make sure the D is accounting for him on every play. Defensive Game Plan. Throw out the Zone Blitz, it is the most useless play in all of football, especially against a RB like Westbrook. Helmet on a Helmet football and toughness is the only way to win this game on D. No more sitting in a Cover 0 zone letting the play develop in front of the secondary. Smack someone in the face every down. Bump the receivers at the line, force them to come off their routes and for God's sake cover PEOPLE not an area. Blitz from every direction, bring Wilson on the blitz, bring CB's and Pierce. Bring 5 or 6 rushers on most plays, yes it will open up the D to the screen or quick pass, but the midget homo cannot see over the line so the faster the pressure the better. Force him to step up and make plays, do not let him roll out of the pocket. This is a winnable game, if the GIANTS step up and play tough football. If they step back and play candy ass like this coaching staff seems to support it will be a LONG sunday.
  12. LT redefined the position of Linebacker and was the reason a Sack became a stat. He was the best player on one of the best defensive teams in the history of football and has a pair of superbowl rings. Tomilson is just another running back... a damn good RB but can you say he redifined Running Back? How many superbowl rings does he have... how about playoff apperances?
  13. I think you are right, Bill Cowher will not coach in the NFL next year. He will go to TV or maybe relax off somewhere and be the hottest coach on the market next year. I would kill to have a defensive minded coach who loves the running game
  14. EA likes to save some money buying seconds... I bet he got his couch from Rent-a-center. Sure there is a busted spring in the middle but it looks good in the living room, as long as you dont use it.
  15. If you cannot play this week you should be on IR.... Especially if you are as mediocre as Webster.... Any warm body can cover WR with a 10 yard cushion.
  16. Without that assumption I dont know if I could tun on the game Saturday night....
  17. They should offer to not take him back after he is bored out of his mind on TV next year.
  18. It is playoff time, last week I wanted to see them loose and not even make it... Now I want to see them go all the way. Not for nothing starting off against the Egirls is a good start. Until they fucked themselves the Gmen were in that game 2 weeks ago. There was no reason they didnt win that game and there is no reason they cannot win next Sunday. The Eg sat a lot of starters this week, that has a tendency to stop a team's momentum, and I think Buckhalter came off the field with an injury. Then you get the Bears who the Gmen had a strong game until they got stupid...again. Chicago's offense sucks and the Gmen can win that game. Ride Tiki all the way now... If Huff was the biggest problem on the sidelines i think these games will be won... but I think coughlin is the problem and will end up being the demise of this team..
  19. I think they ran it again to give BJ a chance to shove it down the redskins throat for the face mask. After they took the first knee people started brawling anyway, it was probably not a bad Idea to get some aggression out.
  20. There is no reason to get rid of him, maybe with a new defensive coordinator that actually has CB cover people he might have a better chance. It has got to be hard to play Lewis's retarded Zones when you have been used to playing man all through college. He doesn't cost much to keep him until his contract is up
  21. I think it was a risky call but it was to give BJ a chance to get into the endzone... he had a TD if he wasnt dragged down by his face mask. It was the type of call that could show a player the coaching staff is behind you..... But the Giants have been able to fuck up anything.
  22. Keep feeding tiki... maybee it is time to drop Tim Lewis too. That efense is a joke
  23. Wow just wow.... I figured this was going to be the other way
  24. Plus I got a sixer of Dazed and infused from the Boulder Brewing company...Lets get this game underway
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