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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. Wow that inning could have not ended worse...
  2. The whole team is in a funk..... Thankfully the pitching is kicking ass
  3. How many times will the mets try to bunt for base hits tonight.... swing the fucking bats
  4. It was clearly foul..... If it were fair it would have been sweet
  5. Cohen cant help himself can he...... 5 batters and he is talking about a no-no, I cant stand that shit
  6. FUCK YEAH DELGADO!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I love you Benitez
  8. They are starting to run u a little score 3-1....
  9. THE BATS ARE ALIVE! Wagner can sit down
  10. Maybe the Mets can stop half assin it..... they would be up 3 runs
  11. Wow did the same anti-met umpire crew follow us to Miami, some horrible calls tonight
  12. Way to be aggressive on the base path..... the hebrew hammer was hoofin it into second
  13. So he has a 4 pitch walk and Beltran swings at the first pitch
  14. Way to make him earn that first out jose.....
  15. I think it is a good play, stopped the Dp. It will be interesting if he gets plunked tonight I think he is too much a vagina to charge the mound
  16. I would love to see Green at first, but do you think he would pull a Piazza? When green had that lazy fly ball drop infront of him in that Yankee game he got himself on my shit list I also would not like to take Delgado out of the line-up. He will get his swing back only by facing pitchers, sitting on the bench will do him no good unless he is actually injured.
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