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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. It all depends who is starting at RB next week.... if it is not BJ or Ward the Giants are in BIG Trouble. Even Ward does not instill tons of confidence
  2. Lets go Pick by Pick 1st was a quick pass on the hot route to shockey against the blitz. Shockey did not turn around and was hit as the ball was in the air anyway. 2nd was a comeback route for Burress where he ran a lazy ass route.... maybe it was the ankle he couldnt make a tight cut and get infront of the saftery, but an effective route would have been a first down pass 3rd Was a tipped pass that would have been a TD for Shockey 4th.... I was not paying close enough attention, but the Gmen were obviously pushing for something.....
  3. I am an Eli appologist..... he had a horrible game yesterday. QB's have horrible games, it happens. He also has had some good games this season. Nobody on the Giants had a good game yesterday, period. Guess what, they are going to win the Wild Card. They are 2 games up from everyone and are looking to go into Seatle or Tampa Bay for the Wild Card game.
  4. First Drive they were hitting on all cylinders... Mixing the plays well, Minn had no clue what was coming.... once Gil had to call plays that he did not script back on Tuesday he was lost.
  5. I drank with a cold precision.... showing my true professionalism, practice really paid off this week.
  6. He had a bad day today.... but he was working with his #3 RB who did nothing today and had several drops and bad reads with his receivers.... It was a horrible game that a great player would have stepped up to win. He is not a great player (Farve or his brother) right now, But he is a good player that had no help anywhere today.
  7. How many weapons does this offense have? When is the last time they performed to the level they should? Week one against Dallas?
  8. We sucked today..... every aspect of the offensive game. horrible....... absolutely horrendous ... Did Eli have decent game...no. But he had tons of dropped passes and no one worried about the run... Our O-coods should be shitcanned before monday
  9. This team is in trouble if they cannot run the ball...... out running game was down 2 RB's today and it showed. We Suck
  10. Wow this is the worst game I have ever watched
  11. Dockery just killed himself.......... and Strah make a fucking tackle
  12. Is it bad to get drunk with just the kids and internet friends? I hope not
  13. WHAT?????????????????? 92 ?????????????????????????
  14. Not bad coverage on that play... but the guy made a catch.... maybee we can hire him as a coach
  15. how was that not pass interfearance...
  16. Nice Play Opie.... play was busted just throw it away..... not your fault your shit hole of an OC cant call a play
  17. Fuck yeah Shock.... get that First Down
  18. OK, keep giving it to Bradshaw............ im sold
  19. HOLY SHIT A CATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  21. It would help if people could catch a ball that hits them in the hands
  22. how many times has opie hit guys in the hands? Or had his TE mugged 10 yards down the field. I do not think you can hang this horrible offensive performance on Opie alone.... the entire offense has sucked goat balls
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