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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. His sinker looks flat, and it almost looks like he is rushing his delivery
  2. The new Apple sucks... needs some dings in it
  3. Wow this is starting to suck pretty quickly
  4. Pelfry with the face plant.... :WTF:
  5. At least the first pitch was a strike..... then the first batter smashed a dinger
  6. Citi field opening ceremony.... Piazza and Tom Seaver coming out to some gay ass chicago song to throw out the first pitch :makeout:
  7. I have not been inside yet, but driving by it from the Whitestone Expressway it looked like a bunch of guys starting posting bills on a construction wall. It looked horrible and trashy... too bad I did not snap a picture of it. I might try tomorrow.
  8. The thing that is so bad about him is he pitches shutdown baseball for a couple of innings, then shits his pants the next inning.
  9. I was driving past Citi field from the Whitestone bridge. The new citi field looks like shit from behind the outfield. It is loaded with cheesy looking billboards, worse then minor league outfield walls. I thought it was hard to make something look crappier then Shea, I guess I was wrong.
  10. Comeon Pelfry... get the ball over the fucking plate.
  11. The weather is not looking too promising...
  12. So what you are saying is that we are fucked...
  13. I'd rather see the College champs play the Detroit Lions.......
  14. Whatever they do, they should bump the Superbowl up a week, so we get the Monday after it off for Presidents day.
  15. hangs out with a bunch of Mexicans for a couple of weeks... and reverts to a lazy bum. I wonder if it is harder to pick tomatoes with your let hand?
  16. Maybe he can go and destroy the Redskins for us now....
  17. That is why he is the anti-Willie. Willie would say something along the lines of... "We know he can hit, so we are going to stick with him until he comes out of his slump"
  18. I do not know, but to keep that strength as long as he did.... I'm just saying if his name was on that list I would not be surprised in the least.
  19. When they started with this A-Roid stuff, I said that Mike Piazza's name is on that list of 104 players... He had such crazy power to the opposite field.
  20. If he continues to mature as a hitter he could end up being the X factor this season for the Mets. I would love to see him playing second base everyday.
  21. I had a friend who worked for ESPN, according to him Alomar was a fudge packer, and the spitting incident had to do with the ump calling him a fag. Then this little blurb made it into the Post's covering of the story.... Can you rape the willing
  22. Odds makers really do not look too closely into the better the team, it is all about money. There are a lot of Cowboy fans who will throw down some coin on their team winning the superbowl, that is why they are given better odds.
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