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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. There is the Shockey we knew... one catch, then one drop
  2. Tynes cannot even kick it bast the fucking 10 yard line in a DOME
  3. It is a real no-brainer because he has not the number one receiver like they thought coming into the season. Manninham, Ross and Nicks are three solid receivers and Moss sucks ass as a kick returner.
  4. Suddenly your posts in P&R are starting to make sense.
  5. Now that is a good woman... will she be fetching you beers? Maybe a 1/2 time hummer?
  6. If the Jets held them to 1 TD and 1 FG on offense... wait until they get on the field with the Gmen. If I were a betting man I would pick the Giants and the under.
  7. I did not watch the Jets v Saints game, but the Jets D basically shut them down...
  8. Looks like 15.5 was little of a worry... that was covered after the first play of the second half
  9. I remember watching him in the bowl game FSU played this year. He is both a punter and place kicker. He had 3 punts stop dead within the 3 yard line and if I remember correctly each kickoff ended up in the endzone.... I wonder why he could not stick with the Ravens... and why we still have Tynes.
  10. That is exactly the score I worry about.. Gmen put up a quick 14 points and turn on the cruise control. Half time is probably 17-3... have a long 3rd Qtr TD drive and basically shut it down... giving up a BS TD in the last 3 minutes or so... I always get nervous about a 2 TD+ spread, but have been burnt many times by that fear.
  11. Jim you make some valid points... if I loose the pool this week by one game, and the Gmen only win by 14 you owe me a Guinness.
  12. Holly shit... I always pick the Giants in the office pool, but I never pick a team with over a 2 TD spread... Especially with Eli's status up in the air for the game... I think I have to pick against our team for the first time in my life.
  13. That is a strange way to dress your son
  14. You can trust that fuckface will miss one kick a game
  15. Johnson needs to cut his hair... I can see him about to breakone through a hole and some LB grabbing a handfull of dred.
  16. That trip against Peppers did not even draw a flag... I am sure he would gladly pay $7500 to keep Romo off the turf.
  17. Even if the gun was registered, he did not have a carriers permit. Each state/municipality has it's own rules for that. Anybody can get one in PA, but almost no one gets one for NYC.
  18. I think they have drawn up the perfect Defense for the play already. Leave him wide open so Eli throws it in his direction. The guy is a top notch run blocker, so hands of stone does not bother me in the slightest.
  19. A grown man should not be called Freddie... but I would not complain to his face about it.
  20. You can see that he is looking for holes or cutbacks, it is even worse when he is in the single back set. Normally when he follows Hedgecock to the hole he is the most productive. He had a couple of runs where he hit the line at full speed, but for the most part he was hesitant and that will lead to more injuries then anything else.
  21. I am not sure what the NYC Laws are in regards to discharging a firearm in public... but if he had a permit to carry the gun in NYC he more then likely would have been playing in the game yesterday.
  22. Shit seems to happen pretty often with Tynes... the worst thing about the miss yesterday, he did not even shank the kick, he just plain missed it. he did not slip, the snap and hold were good, the ball did not hook or shank, a bird did not shit in his eye.. he kicked the ball perfectly straight wide left from slightly further then a PAT. It is amazing that he has not cost the Giants a game yet.... has he even had a kick-off go into the endzone, other then that one after the 5 yard penalty?
  23. It is actually 3.5 years if they hit him with possession of a firearm in NYC.... they rung him up for attempted possession, which I cannot figure out how you attempt to possess something and break a law by doing so... But it is one of Bloomberg's anti-gun measures.... Im surprised you are not a fan of this sort of thing Nas.. it is one of the things that scores Bloomie points with the left. I think it is regoddamdiculous, but it is the law
  24. Now you know the plight of the Mets fan
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