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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. I am doing a shot of whiskey for every Redskin score tonight... I expect to be tanked by halftime. BTW the things I would do to that whore in your avatar would either land me in Jail or dead.
  2. ah.. I did not catch the end of the game yesterday. I would rather loose a close home game to an out of division opponent then get smoked at home in prime time by a hated conference rival! Sunday nights game crushed what little hope I had let sneak into my heart for this season.
  3. No the Jets have the top rated running game, and top rated defense in the NFL. I would give my left nut to be the Jets. Replace Sanchize with Eli and that team is going to the superbowl this year.
  4. As much as I want to see the Giants win tonight and roll into the playoffs, it is not going to happen. This team has not played a good game of football since week 5.. Tonight no Webster and possibly no Ross... The Redskins are going to hang 40 on us tonight. Eli is going to have a tough game in the cold and wind when the Redskins put in enough effort to get Gil to abandon the running game. ( will happen once they go down 2 scores or 2 consecutive series ending in punts) Eli might make a run at it like he did against the Eagles and pass for 300 yards, but I do not think it will be enough to win the game. I am fully expecting to see the Giants coaches knock this team out of the playoffs tonight. Hopefully TC decides it is time to retire and Reese sends both coordinators packing.
  5. The lack of a Defense by the Giants has us in the situation that every game is potentially a loss. I have 0 confidence in a team whose defense is unable to make any stops. This season is over.
  6. Do you really want to see this team get it's ass handed to it in the playoffs? That game last night was horrible... only slightly better then the Denver game if you ask me.
  7. Are Aikman and Buck going to announce this game... I might have to turn on the Radio.
  8. And they are already at home! All that I know is I cannot watch another game like last week
  9. The Giants do control their destiny... if they win out they make the playoffs, with how bad they played to still be in that position is pretty good.
  10. He gouged the eyes of a RB... sounds like the attitude adjustment our Defense needs... could he realistically fall to the middle of the first round?
  11. I do not follow college football closely at all, but is this going to be a good draft for LB's? I would be nervous about having a rookie starting at MLB, drafting one and picking up a free agent would be a good idea though. Another spot that needs a good draft pick this year is Offensive Line... I am not a sky is falling the Oline sucks type of guy, but they need to start grooming some players not named Guy Wimperer
  12. What about people who work in the Bus Depot's across the city, they breath in some shitty air..(much worse then what existed in a bar) should people have to push the buses in and out? It was part of the job, and many of those workers smoked too. Why make a law to protect the small number of bartenders/waitresses who do not smoke by infringing on everyone else? I just do not see why there is no choice... if Bloomy were as smart as he thinks he is, he would have come up with a smoking license already. Just like a liquor licenses, bars could buy one install and maintain some sort of ventilation system that can be inspected at whatever interval the liquor licenses are inspected. Then the city is making some money, and places can pay for their freedom.
  13. i do not know, I really do not think I could be a fan of a team that plays in a dome. You know first thing that happens they turn into a finesse team that tries to score 50 points a game. That is not football as I know it... I picked Bills since they are NY, and that is who my wife likes.. but Steelers could be another possibility. As for the wind, it will be interesting, i would think that sort of setup would create a cross wind but I am sure they tested out the model in a wind tunnel.
  14. Football is a game that is meant to be played in the elements. If the Giants ever build a dome, i will become a Buffalo Bills fan. I wonder how this stadium is going to play in the winds out on the meadowlands. The roundness of the current stadium made that wind swirl, this one almost has corners, I bet that will make field goal kicking even more difficult.
  15. That is just because you are too stubborn to admit that you are wrong.... You do know that you are wrong, you just will not admit it.
  16. how is it your space? You do not own it any more then I do. There is actually someone who does own it and THEY want to allow smoking.
  17. Yes, I disagree 110%. If you want to be loud and obnoxious knock yourself out. I really would never want to see obnoxiousness being outlawed in any way shape or form... then again I believe in Personal Freedom. There are bars by my office that play nothing but rap/hip hop music and guess what I do not go to that bar. I like the bar that serves cheap drinks and let me smoke cigars with my friends. I also like the bar with the girls in bikini's and $2.00 any drink happy hour, will you make that illegal too? You are free to have a good time wherever one exists for you. Are you going to outlaw country music bars because you do not like country music? Or death metal bars because you do not like death metal? What about open mic nights, some of those bands are fucking atrocious. Nas you should just admit that you want to force your beliefs on everyone else, freedom be damned.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWrimX_x1Ag
  19. Graham Gano was a fuckin pimp last year in the Florida Bowl game, he punted three in a row within the 3 yard line and nailded every FG and kickoffs went through the endzone. He did not have a good pre-season with the Ravens though... but could he really be much worse the Larry kick it to the ten Tynes?
  20. No one said my freedom is limitless... I do not go to your house/job/train to have a cigar. I go to a bar with many other people who do the same thing. You are free to go elsewhere... you are just lucky that personal freedom is no longer something championed by the Democrats and we are stuck with them for now.
  21. If I am somewhere smoking a cigar and you do not like it, take the personal freedom to go elsewhere. Your freedom ends at the tip of my nose, you should not be telling me what to do or not to do. What if I am not the only person in the bar enjoying a smoke, does your freedom infringe on them also? No one is forcing you to go to the bar, are they? With how this is law is set up I am not FREE to smoke anywhere indoors, before you were FREE to avoid smoke any time you wanted. What about the personal freedom of the business owner? The one place the "Blarney Stone" the owner always smoked cigars in his own bar, that he was running for 30 years since he took it over from his father. Now that bar is out of business. Why should the potential of your "freedom" to be infringed IF you walk into his business dictate how he runs it?
  22. The problem is that this team is an F-350 that the coaching staff thinks is a Ferrari. Sure they both come with a V-12 but one is tow your boat and the other is to get Italian models to fall to their knees.
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