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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. I am watching on the NFL Network instead...
  2. Just over an hour and a half. i catch a 6:00 train and am at my desk about 7:20. It sucks, but I do have the trade off that when I get home from work I can take a 5 minute drive to take the kids fishing and the kids go to one of the best schools in the state. That is what I have to say over and over to myself as I sit on that NJ Transit train ride home.... sucks for me but good for the kids.
  3. Yeah, they always take just about the full ten minutes... then trades can add time too. I just dislike anything during Prime Time... I get up before 5am for work everyday, so come Thursday staying up until 10 is a struggle.
  4. I cannot find out how long between picks... is it 10 minutes? If so are we really looking at the Giants picking around 10pm? That fucking sucks... Draft Saturday was one of my favorite days, get up early throw a rack of ribs on the smoker get some beers on ice and have my buddies who come over during the season hang out for the day. Now I will be home with the kids flipping between the Mets and the draft, and fighting to stay awake to see the Giants pick. NFL Draft Thursday Night
  5. I think that 10 wins is realistic...
  6. This is the NFL not the NBA.. the best teams are built from within and improved by key Free Agent Players.
  7. You are right... it does kiind of look like a bus terminal.
  8. I will be going with my wife to see Bon Jovi there.... one nice thing about a Bon Jovi concert is there are no lines for the men's room
  9. It is sort of encouraging, they seem to be playing good ball. Getting hits, not fucking up in the field but they cannot turn well played games into W's. Maybe when Beltran gets back they can turn this on and bang out some wins... That or the beers is dragging the optimist out of me...
  10. Nice to have the first win in the books
  11. I think PUP is something that you can only be declared during training camp and lets you come back, IR you are out for the season.
  12. That I could agree with... but taking away the sudden death possibility would make OT less exciting. The best game I ever saw was the Giants at Eagles in Philly on Halloween 99 or 2000. Strahan intercepts the ball for a pick 6... game OVER!
  13. He should have done the old, pick a number between 1 and 10 trick... I am just glad we do not get stuck missing the first Sunday of Football for a MNF game.
  14. Neither was a pulled hamstring. My money is on this muthafucka ends up with Gigantism and never turns another double play in his life
  15. Seriously.. Thyroid imbalance?
  16. What? Thunder Road is one of the greatest songs ever..... or Glory Days... The Boss himself is kinda a dueche bag but he has some good songs And Soccer signifies the downfall of America... It is a game for the 3F's Females, Foreigners, and Faggots
  17. I am going to see Bon Jovi there in a couple of weeks... I would rather that be first then Soccer... I would even prefer gay sex championship on the 50 yard line... atleast they are up front about it. Fuck Soccer
  18. Shame The first sporting event to be held in the new GIANTS Stadium is going to be a fucking Soccer game... Mexico vs Ecuador...
  19. I hope you are right, but I see another 3 month long pulled muscle
  20. This is a strange season... normally I start off the season with optimism. This year as pitchers and catchers report it feels more like a silent dred. The past three seasons have been killers because I had high hopes at the start. This season I expect nothing from this team, and hope to be surprised.
  21. Too bad they did not lock Gilbride in his office while they demo it...
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