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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. Shit I made the same topic probably with the wrong name
  2. Where the fuck did that come from tonight? Straight forward power running style. Such a great change of pace with Wilson and Bradshaw. The real test is if he can do the same thing Thursday night againsts the jags.
  3. The website we use for our office pool has it at 7.5.... I picked the Giants because this game should be won by more then a touchdown... and if it is, I don't want to be pissed because their win will have me lose.
  4. It is going to be interesting game with schiano only coaching his second pro game and his assistants coming from our giants coaching staff... They have an advantage on knowing what the giants are going to do!
  5. So what, Tyron could just get burnt over the top for a TD? I am sure that is exactly what the Cowboys were looking for.
  6. Running game looked horrible last night. Any time they came out in any sort of power set with Hynoski or the TE's bunched in the offensive line got no push. The only runs that "succeeded" out of those sets where just Bradshaw making something out of nothing by falling between two blockers forward. Power running was a weakness last year too... The runs that had any sort of chance were coming out of a more spread formation... I would have liked to have seen Wilson get a couple more touches in a single back formation.. but after the fumble you knew TC was sitting his ass down. Glad he stayed in on Kickoffs though... Cruz I think ends up the biggest goat of the night though... just catching ONE of those it is a different game we are talking about. Can only hope that this game was a smack in the face reminding him he might be a celebrity all of a sudden but he is not Jerry Rice, but a player still only one year removed from the practice squad. He will regain his focus! Eli needs to be given more control of this offense like his brother Peyton had in Indy.
  7. Lay a big hit on him and see how that spleen is feelin
  8. I'm wearin Ron Dayne like I did all last playoff season
  9. LOL.... I spend 85% of may day doing that. I have always been an overachiever
  10. Jpp starts his season long streak of leading the league in sacks
  11. I really liked how after the Jets game the Giants players opened up the curtains around the superbowl murals.. and I think it was Diehl was saying this is Giants Stadium!
  12. I think you are right... Giants ownership is a classy bunch. I would not expect TC to stick around more then two seasons
  13. Shit!!! Forgot to set the dvr... Missed the first 10 minutes
  14. If Ojmo does not make the squad no way he makes it through to the practice squad
  15. I hope to get to watch some of this game tonight.. Wed night football is bullshit... I understand it is because our first game is on a Wed (bullshit too) Perriloux does have a cannon of an arm... but as far as back-up material to our MVP QB. Carr is much better suited. Smart player, can make the throws, given some time behind the starting O-line will make few errors and keep the team in games. But really Eli goes down for multiple games we are fucked. Kuhn is a physical monster... raw talent type of player I would be shocked if he did not have a good game tonight. Especially against the bottom of the Pats depth chart.
  16. GorillaNJ


    From Giants.com The Giants this morning pared 15 players from their roster to reach the NFL’s roster limit of 75 players. Two veterans who had offseason knee surgery and have yet to practice this summer, defensive tackle Chris Canty and tight end Travis Beckum, were placed on the reserve/physically unable to perform list. They will miss at least the first six games of the season. Offensive lineman Brandon Mosley, the second of the Giants’ two fourth-round draft choices this year, was placed on season-ending injured reserve with an ankle injury. The Giants terminated the contract of five-year veteran cornerback Antwaun Molden, whom they signed on April 16. Molden played for New England last year. The team also waived 11 players, including three with NFL experience: tight end Ryan Purvis, defensive tackle Carlton Powell and defensive back Chris Horton. Also waived were wide receivers Julian Talley and Brandon Collins, tight end Christian Hopkins, defensive backs Brandon Bing and Jojo Nicolas, running back Joe Martinek, tackle Joel Reinders and defensive tackle Oren Wilson. According to NFL rules, the earliest Canty and Beckum can be activated is the day after the sixth regular season weekend (October 16). From October 16 up until the day after the ninth regular season weekend (November 6), players on reserve/PUP may begin a 21-day practice period before a decision has to be made whether to activate, terminate, or keep them on the reserve/PUP list. The Giants and the rest of the NFL must reach the regular-season roster limit of 53 players by 9 p.m. Friday. The Giants host New England in their final preseason game Wednesday and will face Dallas in the regular season opener on September 5.
  17. Slippery is a great description, there were several times where I thought he was done, but was able to get away from that first tackler. He looked much stronger last night then against the Jets. Probably because the starting online was blocking well enough that he was getting to the lbs
  18. High ankle sprain for prince... Maybe nas can step in and play for him
  19. Wow!!! Great punt block and recovery!
  20. Seeing Kuhn at camp was impressive. He is a big dude and moved pretty damn quick. A couple of the drills he stood out enough where I looked his number up in the year book saying who is that guy. fucker needs a hair cut though... call me old fashioned but a man should not have hair as long as my wife. What I noticed about Wilson is he is a showboat... would make a play and then do a pose or a dance... I hate that shit, but if he has the skills to make the plays I guess showing off is not the worst thing in the world. But I am sure that pisses TC off.
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