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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. They pulled the pitcher throwing a no hitter in his first game? Mattingly is a fucking bigger asshole then even I thought he was
  2. Yes. Gary just mentioned it. So next inning the Mets break through
  3. Yes it is easy to grin when your ships come in, and you got the stock market beat, but the man worth while is the one who can smile when his pants are too tight in his seat - Judge Smalls... From the looks of it right now he has the team in good spirits and it shows, last night everytime they gave up the lead right away they would respond, I know I had that sinking feeling us Mets fans know all to well, but the team sure did not.
  4. Fucking Hansel never makes it easy
  5. Yes this is my struggle too... but I am looking at it this way, I am enjoying watching them play this year! Last season I was hardly even turning on SNY by time June rolled around. Last night I started cursing Hasel Robeles... that dude can never make anything easy. He can look lights out against one batter than looks like horseshit against the next and then turn back into a stud. I'd love to see him get replaced in the pen... maybe by a lefty.
  6. Please let it be Cleveland... would be three top 5 picks for sure!
  7. That is total bullshit... If he misses OTA and training camp, and all the pre-season games. It will be week 6 and we will all be talking about how Eli and he are not on the same page, or waiting for him to be in game shape, or to see if his ankle is still an issue. The dude is under contract still, come in and practice to be ready for the season on day 1.
  8. No one would give up 4 premium picks for a guy with one year on his contract.
  9. What happened to Engram? That dude is a legit downfield threat anytime he is in the game
  10. I think a lot of this has to do with there being nothing really going on right now, we are pretty far off from the Draft still and the rush of free agency is over so writers need something to do. I do not like the idea of ODB negotiating through the media with statements like wanting to be the highest paid player in the league. I could not imagine the Giants giving him that sort of contract right now with a year left on his rookie contract. He is an extremely talented player, but if the right deal was offered I do not think you could say no to it. Personally, I think the 4th pick and the Browns 2nd round pick would do it for me. Drafting Barkley and Nelson changes this football team dramatically.
  11. That is very true... I guess it comes down to would we rather see 5-8 seasons of an outstanding running back defining the Giants offense or 10-15 seasons of a nasty muthafucker making our mediocre running game look serviceable. I really do not know the right answer, but I would lean towards the RB getting us a shot another playoff run this year. I would not be unhappy with Nelson, but would love to see him not come off at the 2nd pick.
  12. Once in a generation Guard.... Thats a tough pickup at #2 and a tough pickup if there is a potential 10 year QB and a Top Tier RB sitting there... not to mention a can't miss DE.
  13. JPP for a third???? 7th pick in the third? I guess it could be worse
  14. Because neither team wants to end up on the back page of the post as the loser in the deal...
  15. This move is great for the Giants! It does 2 things. First it sets them up to have Barkley on the board for them, Second if the Browns decide to take Barkley it make the 2nd pick even more valuable if they are looking to trade since everyone knows that the Jets are going QB with that 3rd pick.
  16. Well there is some great news... now for Flowers to learn to play RT
  17. I would think he would have a much hotter whore...
  18. It is nice to want.... They have him still this year under contract and can't they hit him with the franchise tag the next year?
  19. My gut reaction was 100% against picking Barkley with the 2nd pick... but it might just be the pre-draft hype for him on WFAN, but I am starting to think he is the right pick. Gives Eli another shot at a playoff run next year, and Webb another year to learn and grow into the system, a system that now features a top flight running back and a world beater at WR. Just need to get some sort of help at LT, which apparently is not available as a top pick this year, but maybe second or third round
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hszlZ-PAMQ Watch him beast out his bench press....
  21. Please let this be a sign that the Giants will be looking to bring in some real linebackers
  22. It is not like he really has any impact on the decision, or that BB is going to leave New England. The take away I get from it though is, he knows a strict style of coaching is successful in winning Championships, and even with that he would rather not do it. That is not the win at all cost attitude I would like to see in my Defensive leader
  23. I cannot imagine signing a QB with the second pic in the draft and him not seeing the field next year.
  24. Yeah, i do not see any coach being worth the number 2 pick in the draft... MAYBE a 5th or 4th round pick
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