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Everything posted by GorillaNJ

  1. Yeah. It was right in the hands. But the two passes before that were way off
  2. He did hit some guys in the hands that were dropped. He throws a pretty ball but he does not look to be in any rhythm
  3. The secondary looks like shit... guys getting turned around all over the place
  4. I will let you know how many tickets for me shortly... My kids want to come to the game since I have never taken them. For teenagers they are very comfortable with heavy drinking and excessive profanity
  5. If they stay healthy, it will turn a C line into a B line.... defenses are going to struggle to cover all those weapons. Nothing slows down a pass rush like a team that has the potential to screen or hit deep passes
  6. The Mets tried to blow the game last night... That 7th inning was rough as fuck to watch. That Joey Votto for the Reds is a real hitter, I would take that dude in our lineup in a heart beat. This McNeil kid we called up is looking pretty good, except for that scrappy fucking beard he is rocking. Have to assume his production will go down as pitchers start to build up a game plan against him, but I think some work with major league batting coaches he should be able to turn into a decent player. Wilmer had a great game for his birthday too... 3 for 4 with 2 RBI and run scored.
  7. Can anyone give me a single good reason Reyes is still on the Mets Roster... the guy is fucking DONE.... there has to be SOME minor league infielder who can come up and get some experience instead of sending Jose out there... unless they think some GM will get drunk AF and trade him over waivers
  8. This 100%.... having the threat of a running game, a vertical passing attack, and the short pass to explosive players will surely help the offensive line when actual games start. These guys need a bit of time together, and with the O-line coach to really start to come together... Have to hope that coming into November they really start to get their shit going and start pushing to a playoff run.
  9. Well it has not worked well the last 2 seasons... Maybe they open the pocketbook this off season and pick up a major league hitter or two
  10. How did the disgraceful 25-4 drubbing from the Nationals not even get a mention here... That is a sad sad sad fucking thing as a Mets fan. In the 8th inning when Jose Reyes is up pitching and they are just teeing off on him, someone should have gotten a ball thrown at their head and benches should have cleared. Instead the fucking Mets sat there laughing at themselves. I cannot believe the team did not deal our Wheeler to someone for a couple of prospects who could potentially hit a baseball, there had to be some interest in him, guy has been pitching really well despite a history of injuries.
  11. The Phillies are paying $3 million of asdrubals salary.
  12. I hate the Mets. Salary dump of Cabrera to the fucking Phillies for a mid range starting pitcher prospect
  13. The AL should just have 8 dudes bat... why should one guy only hit? Is this beer league softball?
  14. Well he comes in next year basically as the 3rd round pick...
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R6yQuB71D8 Not a bad little video... but on a side note, how much cock do you think Kim Jones has to suck everyday to keep her job? From the sound of her voice I think her throat takes quite the pounding
  16. Your stud catcher who can't catch a ball in the dirt and is batting .188 this year and has been on the DL several times, a mid-rotation pitcher and an infielder who can hit around .250. Does not sound like a lot to give up for a guy that could get you over the Red Sox in the playoffs, and sure as shit is not enough for one of the best 5 pitchers in all of baseball.
  17. Last night the Mets scored some runs... it was actually not horrible to watch. Sanchez, loaisiga and Drury for Wheeler... He would walk in and be your number 2 starter and probably take you to the Series
  18. The Wilpons will never spend that type of money to get both Harper and Machado. It is a sin what they are doing to DeGrom... that dude was lights out pitching last night, the official scorer had it as 2 earned runs but both came after bonehead errors that would have ended innings. Just score a couple of runs and the guy has 9 or 10 wins at this point.
  19. Yeah Trubinsky as the 2nd pick last year got $29 million contract and a $19.25 million signing bonus
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