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Posts posted by LorfTVP

  1. You know whats going to happen right? The Cubs spend a boatload on players, step on everybody in the regular season, waltz through the playoffs, and crush their opponent in the WS. Just so I can hear "At least the Cubs spent all that money and dominated. What the hell is wrong with the Yankees?" :brooding:


    I actually think the Yankees are playing it smart for the first time in a long time. Brian Cashman can finally show his ability as a GM.

  2. I still don't see why there were no outcries of the Yankees overspending when they gave Igawa's team half of what Matsuzaka's team got despite the fact that Igawa is less than half the player. Everyone has him pegged as a back of the rotation starter and even the Yankees aren't sure how they'll use him. But honestly, 26 million is barely less than the 30 million initially expected for Matsuzaka, which at the beginning, was considered outrageous.


    And a note on the Red Sox signing Hideki Okajima, "By the way, the Yankees supposedly also made an offer to Okajima that actually included more money than the Sox offer, but were turned down because Okajima preferred Boston, thinking that the Sox wanted him more because they placed the first offer."

  3. lugo's goign to the cubs, especially if al lhe's asking for is 4 years 36 mil


    Plus you gotta point out the Lou Piniella connection. Now, we'll see how Piniella's presence stunts the young growth of Cubs players...we all know of his love for veterans.

  4. why not? they risked it. was there any reason for palmeiro to be juicing his last season?


    Actually, yes. Palmeiro wanted to A. Extend his career and to do that he needed to B. Produce and C. He wanted to vault past a few more players on the all time HR list to help build his case for the Hall of Fame. The last thing he wanted to do was go off in obscurity hitting as many HRs as a middle infielder.

  5. Okay, the winter meetings have come and now the hot stove is really going to heat up. Okay, recent news has the Red Sox souring on signing coveted Julio Lugo with the offer of arbitration by the Dodgers since that will cost the Red Sox a first round draft pick that they value quite highly. Lugo is reportedly asking for a reasonable 4 year 36 million dollar deal but that should go up with competition from the Mets and Cubs. Also consider that Lugo is willing to play CF which should increase the number of teams that are looking at him and his asking price.


    Maybe I only want to see this because it would increase the likelihood of Manny staying. If the Sox were to not sign Lugo and instead pursue a SS option via trade, that would save money and possibly allow the Sox to play a Manny, Crisp, Drew OF. Granted this would leave them weak in the middle infield with Pedroia and X. The Sox could pursue a trade for Orlando Cabrera (again). Though his salary is 7.5 million this year and 9 million next year, a trade for Cabrera would free up money for the Angels who overpaid for Speier and allow them to play uber-prospects Erick Aybar or Brandon Wood. This is probably just a pipe dream though. The Angels are also shopping around Chone Figgins but with a salary of 2.5 million, he is more than affordable, and they will only trade him for the right package.


    I dunno, money is the most difficult thing right now. The winter meetings will answer a lot of questions...despite the fact that winter isn't for another three weeks.

  6. Nonsense, the A's don't sign big players. Barry to the Angels.


    That makes no sense since the Angels don't have the money plus their outfield is already full with Matthews Jr., Anderson, and Guerrero. The Angels did promise a big move but I seriously doubt they're gonna sign Bonds to DH and no signs have pointed there so far.

  7. Yeah it's still Ameriquest.

    I think we need to give zito whatever it takes, he's 11-1 in rlington with a good era. They also need to go ahead and give Padilla 40 mill, he's proven he can be at least effective in Ameriquest and he'd be an excellent #3 for us. Leaves us with 2 spots to fill with a couple young up and comers, we had several pitch last year and Tejada and possibly Koronka could be decent at the back end.

    We need a CF, but we should just look for a cheaper speedy guy.


    What's the state of your payroll? You seem to be asking for a bit.

  8. someone drank Selig's kool-aid.


    Haha, while I'm sure players still cheat, I don't think that someone of Pujols' caliber would risk getting caught for steroids. You heard how adamant he was about the hall of fame...he wouldn't risk that by pulling a McGwire/Sosa/Bonds/Palmeiro/Canseco.

  9. Yeah, hope this is good news.


    The Rangers are going to have to overpay as is considering the pitching market but they might have to add a couple of extra million just because they are the Rangers. Hicks usually overpays pitchers to draw them to Ameriquest...is it still Ameriquest?

  10. there's no doubt in my mind he uses performance enhancers


    This is a smart guy...he understand his influence on the game of baseball. I really don't think he's on anything...plus considering his work ethic and how intelligent he is about the game. Have you ever seen this guy hit? The pure mechanics of his work is overwhelming.

  11. I have no doubt that he's a good guy, look at his work in charity, especially with victims of Down's Syndrome, but he is also an intense person with an intense personality. He takes his job with all seriousness and I don't fault him for voicing out...though I would have argued his vastly superior statistics rather than the playoff team angle. But people vent...and he might have gotten a slightly inflated head after finally winning last years after consistently finishing behind Bond.

  12. Paragraphs, Lorf.....Paragraphs..


    And to think I'm the English major...but paragraphs escape me through internet mediums. But VG, as far as the trade winds are blowing, they're saying that the Rangers are out of the race. We'll see.

  13. I'll have you know that in my mind, a Manny Ramirez trade would not be in the best interest of the fans or organization. The Red Sox are currently involved in discussions with multiple teams for the services of one Manny Ramirez though it has recently been limited to the three NL West teams, the Giants, Dodgers, and Padres with the Rangers unwilling to part with Michael Young and the Angels' signing of Gary Matthews Jr. Any deal involving the Padres would be centered around Jake Peavy, the Padres' erstwhile ace, or reliever Scott Linebrink.


    There has been no word from the team so when you hear names speculated it is solely from the reporters and sportswriters. The Giants have had interest in Manny, having previously dealt with a bigger headache in Barry Bonds (who is reportedly in the A's sights) but are thin in the farm system and have few players on the big league team under 35. The best option in terms of trading partners are the Dodgers who have a highly rated farm system and potential closer Jonathon Broxton to trade.


    I still think trading away a player of Manny's caliber, the man who hit 30+ homeruns and knocked in 100+ rbi in nine straight years with a career .314 BA and a career SLG and OPS ranking 8th and 9th ALL TIME respectively. Just wrap your head around that for a moment...all time...including every single great player to ever play the game. With an AAV of about 18 million, Manny's contract will barely cover JD Drew's reporting asking cost of 14 million...which I find outrageous. I wouldn't mind him but with the possibility of a Manny trade, it is far from worth it. Experts say that the Sox will be unable to sign both Drew and Lugo and get bullpen help and possibly a backup catcher without trading away Manny's salary. The difference is only 4 million, what does that get you, a middle reliever? I guess they'd try to make up the difference in talent in who they'd get back from the trade, but still, the Red Sox would need major league talent. I just don't see any reason in trading away such a prolific hitter for a question mark like JD Drew, though I do admire his ability as a hitter. The effect on David Ortiz should be astronomical. Logic suggests that the Red Sox are looking for a more balanced lineup that doesn't center around the 3-4 holes, but from what I've seen, the problem is that the fifth hole never delivered. Drew would be perfect with Manny, but without...ouch. If traded to the NL West, Manny would immediately become the best hitter in the division, and that says something about his ability.


    What I want to do is simply take the risk with Wily Mo Pena in right field, sign Lugo, and put the Drew money into the bullpen...but hey, I'm not GM. I just think that we'll live to regret a Ramirez trade. And VG, what's wrong with asking for Michael Young for Manny Ramirez, that's reasonable. Odds are if Manny is traded the Sox will only get .80 to .90 cents on the dollar in return...I don't like that possibility.

  14. to quote a great red sox fan, bill simmons


    "The Red Sox have gone in so many different directions over the past two seasons, I can't summon adequate reactions to their transactions anymore. No move seems to have any correlation to the last one. They claim they have a budget, then they toss $10-million-a-year contracts around like it's the year 2056. They claim they want to build something substantial for the long haul, then they deal quality prospects who end up thriving on other teams and keep ones who look positively terrible when they get called up. They claim to care about clubhouse chemistry, then they keep allowing popular players like Pedro, Damon, Lowe and Roberts to leave. They claim to value at-bats, on-base percentage and pitch counts, then they trade for a free swinger like Wily Mo Pena. They claim to understand which players would succeed in a baseball city as tough as Boston, then they keep bringing in players who aren't mentally tough enough to play there (Renteria, Suppan, Kim, Crisp, Clement and hopefully not J.D. Drew). They claim they don't want to overspend like the Yankees do, then they blow everyone else out of the water in the Matsuzaka bidding.


    They're all over the place. They really are. My head is spinning just from writing that last paragraph."


    If you dont get it after this paragraph, then forget it. Also dont try and act like they knew about mueller's knee. Thats not why they let him go.


    I don't entirely disagree with Simmons' article, but for the Mueller situation, that all stemmed from a great opportunity to acquire Beckett. That's one thing you can't deny, despite his performance this year, Beckett's potential. The Theo-less three headed monster pulled the trigger for the deal, receiving a Gold Glove defender and 16 game winner, despite the 5 era. Sure, they gave up Ramirez and Sanchez, which I'm still fuming at, but Beckett still has a chance to get better. But yah, I've digressed, Mueller became expendable with the acquisition of Lowell which stemmed from non-Epsteins pulling triggers.

  15. yeah, he only won you a world series, and you guys moved on to mike lowell and josh beckett instead of keeping guys who are proven winners and stud rookies.


    Oh what do i know, you're all right. The sox moves all make sense. Everything they do makes sense. They dont spend a lot of money, they dont wanna keep their captain damon, they just bid insane amounts to talk to japanese guys, they dont want to win now, they're rebuilding, but they trade away rookies.


    I admit that Theo is no longer the wonderkid and he has made some questionable moves of late but the organization still has a plan...the problem is how effectively it will pan out.

  16. Agreed! What a gentleman.

    Bill Mueller,

    Yankee killer,

    Stared Rivera down,

    and earned the crown,

    One of twenty-five,

    Who fought to survive,

    And swept those NL tramps,

    To become world champs.


    See, this is why I hate poetry...I'm not saying that it's an inferior art form but it's not my cup of tea. But that's beside the point. Bill Mueller, the consumnate gentleman, and one of the classiest men ever to wear a Red Sox uniform. Former batting champ, hitter of grand slams from both sides of the plate in a single game, walkoff winner of the Red Sox - Yankees brawl game, and most importantly, the man who knocked in Dave Roberts on that fateful night at Fenway Park. :worshippy: Bill Mueller :worshippy:

  17. Needless to say, I was dumbfounded when I read this. Honestly, an eight year commitment to a 31 year old player? What the fuck are they thinking?! But honestly, I'm more peeved at Speier signing with the Angels, though 4.5 million a year is pricey...he was in the running for the Sox closer.

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