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Posts posted by LorfTVP

  1. you really got to suspect nomar, skinny little 180 pound kid throughout college and all of a sudden he looks like that?

    I know innocent until proven guilty, but 100+ players tested positive for steroids back in 2003. I bet at least one red sox player was on the list. That was Ortiz's breakout year too ;)


    Eh, you never know, but you can't rob someone of their natural ability. Nomar has always been able to hit a baseball with the best of them. But that's in the past now...I hate the whole witch hunt and think it's bad for baseball. I just want to see things cleared up...can't fault me for that.

  2. Kapler


    Kapler has long been considered one of the fittest people in all of baseball...this is just proof that fitness doesn't mean that he can be an incredible baseball player. As for Nomar, there were rumors that he would be named in Canseco's book but those were just that, rumors. You know as well as anyone that steroids don't necessarily mean pumped bodies and all that...Alex Sanchez used them! Plow, I'm honestly ashamed of you. I know you're defending your guys but to accuse ours is just unsportsmanlike. Innocent until proven guilty, remember that.


    Bonds = guilty.

  3. looks like more people side with me lorf. Nice job with the homer pick. :TU:


    Haha. Well, I think the NL is gonna have some damn good pitchers next year, not only because they have some of the best SP in the game (Oswalt, Carpenter, Zambrano, Sheets, Peavy) but weaker offenses as well. Aim for NL SP in fantasy. Granted odds are I won't even be in a a FB league this year due to circumstances...Plow...I hate you.



    The Padres met with free-agent left-hander David Wells and his agent on Thursday. While it still appears likely that the two sides will come to an agreement, Wells apparently has other options and so do the Padres.


    The team is considering free-agent right-handers Brian Lawrence and Chan Ho Park, and actually would prefer Weaver to Wells, depending on the pitchers' respective prices.


    For now, the Padres plan to go with Terrmel Sledge in left field while using Jose Cruz Jr., a switch-hitter, against certain left-handers. However, a trade for Brewers outfielder Geoff Jenkins remains possible.


    So yah, whoever the Padres sign as their fifth starter goes a long way to show how incredible a rotation they can be.

  5. Oh I know, I don't fault him a bit. But I always looked at his as a "I'd play this game for nothing" kinda guy, or a guy in the mold of Ripken, wanting to stay on the same team his entire career. But like i said, I don't fault him for wanting the $$.


    At least he's not demanding Beckham money.

  6. Don't all athletes get identified with one name anyway?


    And I really hate this discussion. I just want to watch a baseball game with nothing else going around it. Just good old fashioned baseball.


    Screw BALCO. Because of them I never got to see the true way baseball is played.


    You could go to one of those old time baseball games.

  7. you're a smug little bastard, arent ya?


    Haha, I apologize, I didn't mean it that way. Ichiro is seriously consider leaving the Mariners because they can't contend and unless the Giants can prove that they can win this year without Bonds, I doubt Ichiro would consider them strongly. It's hard to predict where people will go next year because honestly, can you imagine Ichiro, Jones, or Hunter in any other uniform?

  8. I don't care how unfair it is to Bonds, I want to see him out of baseball, lynched, and mobbed before he gets any closer to that record. Even if it bites them in the ass for this year, the Giants should part way with Bonds and just sign some of the surplus of OF available now...granted none approach Bonds, but this is a changed man. The Giants should pursue one of the CF FAs heavily next year...maybe Ichiro wants to stay on the West Coast (granted he wants to go to a winner). But yah, Bonds is following in Palmeiro's footsteps, blaming Tejada.

  9. Latest News from Rangerville on Michael Young. Rangers are going to talk contract extension before the end the offseason. Mike is not overly eager to resign but said he will sit down and listen to any offers from the Rangers. He said if the Rangers want an extension they need to treat it like free agency because thats what it is. Bottom line, he wants to get paid and the Rangers damn well better give him a blank check.

    Oh, he's signed through this year with club option for 2008 at 4 million dollars I think.


    I thought he was a nicer guy...but this market now...oh boy.

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