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Hampton27 missed

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Everything posted by Hampton27 missed

  1. Whip it good. When a problem comes along you must whip it.
  2. They did blitz in the second half but Webster kept giving up the 3rd and longs.
  3. He still managed to beat the cowgirls.
  4. So you're saying after 1 horrible game and 1 average game, he should lose his starting job? I hope you don't hold a job in management because you change your mind as much as the wind changes directions.
  5. Maybe Eli needs to get pulled for a series or two to get his head out of the clouds. It has happened to the best of them. Of course it would have to be for a minute period as lorenzen would destroy our playoff chances.
  6. Eli had a horrible game and maybe he needs to be pulled for a series to wake his ass back up. He didn't get much time in the pocket though and he didn't get many times where he could step up in the pocket. Were we playing at home? Our WRs were getting mauled for most of the night with no PI calls. Tom Brady had a bad game too, it happens. Most of the blame falls on Eli and the offense. The defense played great but collapsed in the second half, they gave up 21 points. I'll give them a pass with a patchwork unit. Did you really think our offense was gonna score much more than 20 points against the #1 ranked defense? TC's decision to go for a 52 yard FG was plain stupid and he also punted the ball away at midfield with 7 minutes left down by 3 scores. IMO, TC quit on this game.
  7. I wishI knew what site you guys are talking about.
  8. I think Diehl will get moved outside. Witfield is too old and it showed. At least we have a couple of options.
  9. Actually, Eli had a couple of decent passes that brought them down the field with Tiki making a couple nice runs. The momentum had changed to our side. What killed us there was the fumble by Eli that went out of bounds that brought the ball back about 12 yards because Witfield couldn't hold his man. They should have played it safe and gained a few yards to get the ball a little closer for the FG on 3rd down. I had no confidence at all in Feely making that 52 yarder. To me it was a waste plus we were down by 4 points.
  10. Yes, I agree with running on 1st down there. Not on 2nd down though in that situation, they had stacked the line.
  11. 52 yarder for Feely was a stupid move. Should've went for it or punted. Once Hester fielded the FG, he was committed to run it out or the ball would have been spotted at the 20 instead of where the ball was kicked from. The players lost their heads on that play.
  12. He had a horrible game. As for what we gave up for him? I'm tired of hearing that nonsense. We've had way too many 1st round busts over the years to even think like that. I don't give a rats ass about what we gave up. This isn't the NFL in the 80's, there is free agency now. This is no longer a time when the draft is the only option.
  13. I'm with ya, this place is almost as bad as GMB. We just lost our first game in 6 weeks with a half banged up team. The injuries are my only concern. There is good news though, Manning has played much better on the road than he does at home and 3 of the next 4 are on the road.
  14. I thought many of the runs came off the edges in the second half which was a good adjustment for Chicago because of our DE situation.
  15. Manning had a horrible game but I wouldn't throw him under the bus yet. As a matter of fact, I still have alot of faith in him. There wasn't much time to throw or step up n the pocket but he still needs to make some plays. Were we playing at home last night? Our WRs were being mauled on many plays with no calls. Eli has proven himself to me in many games and it's gonna take more than a couple of bad games to give up on him.
  16. Upon further review of the plays where we were backed up into the endzone, Eli hit Plax in the numbers but he couldn't hang on because a DB was hanging all over him. Should have been a PI call IMO.
  17. Let's not forget that Eli could not step up in the pocket for most of the game. The Bears DTs are the best in the game. That's a recipe for disaster for any QB when you not only have pressure coming from the left end but you can't step up either. For the guys that want to see us run the ball more, we did after the Plax fumble. It was 3rd and 12 and we handed it off to Tiki for 2 yards. We played for a fuckin FG, it could have been 17-3 instead of 13-3.
  18. I understand but Tiki almost got nailed for a safety on the play before. I agree Jacobs needed to get many more carries. The coaching staff really fucked this one up. After the Plax fumble where we got the ball back, we ran the ball just like everyone here wanted. It was 3rd and 12 and we handed the ball to Tiki for 2 yards. We played for a fuckin FG and instead of 13-3, it could have been 17-3.
  19. I have zero confidence in him since last years Seattle game. R A was always on the money even if it was a 50+ yarder. M B was a can't miss as long as it was within reasonable range.
  20. The Bears stacked the line at the goal line. No matter who the RB, they were gonna get killed in that situation. We had someone wide open but Eli couldn't deliver it. Eli played like shit.
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