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Hampton27 missed

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Everything posted by Hampton27 missed

  1. I think the first TD pass was against Madison and it was the same play that he got injured on.
  2. On the bright side, this isn't the first time that our o-line had to be switched around, and we did make it through okay without any problems. Witfield may need to work with the 1st unit. On the dark side, the 1st unit doesn't have Strahan and Osi to practice against.
  3. Webster has looked bad lately. He made a nice play when he intercepted that pass in the Seattle game. I don't remember hearing his name much until the last two games. In the Houston game, he didn't look like he wanted to make contact with the guy who caught the pass in the flat. Not good. Demps has not looked good either, he slipped on that 3rd and 22 play. It was a wet field but he fucked up with that long TD run in the Atlanta game too.
  4. No problem and I know you weren't trying to be harsh. I quoted you, but my response was meant for Treehugger because he said to quit bitching. I don't want any other coach, I like the job TC has done and I'm really not bitching. Some of the responses led me to believe that I may have read too much into that call. Thank you for your input, that's what message boards are for.
  5. I remember that call very well and it was a big momentum changer. A few years ago, the refs held out and they put replacement refs in. The word is that the Giants organization and a couple of other teams went against their cause. They probably did the same thing once before also, as the Giants have a very conservative organization.
  6. Yeah, I forgot about the USFL. I thought they used the 3 step drop alot in Eli's 1st year albeit, he wasn't good in most of his games. In most of Simms' career, he threw more INTs than TD passes including the 86 Superbowl year. It took him until his 12th year to throw for 60% completions. For Eli being so inaccurate, he sure throws for many TDs in that short field. Most of his TDs are thrown in the endzone and they don't come from yards after catch.
  7. Well, a couple of draft picks don't mean much to me especially after seeing all the bad decisions that have been made over the years. As far as Eli not being as good as his brother, I'm in agreement and I know he doesn't have to be. Eli plays in the meadowlands. As far as throwing TD passes, he has surpassed all of our other Giant QBs since 1968 (albeit it was a 14 game season) and he might break that one this year. As far as making the same mistakes, I see less mistakes in his first 3 years than many other highly successful QBs. It took Phil Simms 13 years to pass 60 % completions and in most of his years, he threw more INTs than TDs including the 86 SB. Simms' stats Staubach's young career didn't look any better It took Aikman until his 3rd year to throw 65% and Eli surpassed his best year in TD passes in his first full season. And yes, Aikman had a much better team If you been watching football for 55 years, you should know that it takes a few years and sometimes 5-6 years for most QBs to develope. Peace
  8. He does need to step it up and he is inconsistent. Practically every other QB, even some of the great ones took at least 5 years to get a 60 percent completion rate. Montana, Young, Marino and Ben are a few exceptions. Montana and Young played in the west coast offense with mainly short passes though.
  9. My account somehow got deleted but I am Hampton27 missed. I changed my profile name but I can always change it back after 90 days. I had over 3000 posts when I came here because Nemesis kept our post count from GMB. When my account was deleted, I lost all my posts but it's no big deal for me.
  10. I guess I look at it a little differently than you. Most of our draft picks have been busts over the years possibly including Corey Webster as the latest. Franchise QBs don't come around very often and sometimes teams need to spend to get one. We are not living in the NFL of the 80s anymore where the draft was your only option, free agency changed everything. I'll tell you what, he sure throws more TD passes than any other Giant QB that I have ever seen in my lifetime and I'm 40 years old. BTW, The fans gave up on Phil Simms too and they all looked like fools back in January of 1987. It was his 7th year.
  11. These are the last 3 games. PASSING CP/AT YDS TD INT E. Manning 16/31 154 1 0...... 1 TD 0 INTs = average game....not a bad game PASSING CP/AT YDS TD INT E. Manning 17/28 179 1 1......... 1 TD 1 INT= average game.......not a bad game J. Feagles 0/1 0 0 0 PASSING CP/AT YDS TD INT E. Manning 14/32 121 0 2 ..........0 TDs 2 INTs= horrible game You guys will never be happy if you keep analyzing his every pass. He played a pathetic game, they all do. Tom Brady looked pretty average against the Jets.
  12. Okay, fair enough. I just hope the team sees it the way you do. Maybe I read too much into it.
  13. You have the right to your opinion and I can't disagree with any of your statement. I'll still keep my faith in this team and hope for the best though. One bad game and one average game by Manning doesn't change my mind about him, he's already proven himself to me as I don't have a short term memory like most fans in the NY area do.
  14. Sorry but you play to win. We were losing by 18 (3 TDs) with 7 minutes left. You can't punt in that situation and if you do, than you're quitting. We were at the 49 yard line. I like Coughlin and I'm real happy with the Giants. I just don't understand that call. I believe that call was far worse than the FG call because it sends the wrong message to a team that is known not to quit. The game is over and I expect our team to have a few losses. I'm just questioning that call. That's what this message board is for. I'm sorry if I bothered anybody by raising this question but I have been a member since the day we all came over here from the CE section.
  15. Thanks, you made a good point and that's what he'll tell his team if they question that decision.
  16. Shouldn't you be worshipping your Homo Romo doll? I have only missed 2 games since 1985 because of funerals. TC has made some mistakes but this is the one that really irked me. I don't whine about every decision, we are 6-3.
  17. This is the only game I ever complained about with TC's decisions.
  18. I guess many posters aren't interested in this thread. I seriously think that it was worse than the FG call. A coach is the one that tells his team never to quit. With that call, he let his team know that he quit. It probably would have nothing to do with the outcome but that's not the message you want to send your team. I like Coughlin and I want him to succeed, I just think that was a big blunder.
  19. I've been registered over there since March of 2005 but I have never made a single post. I only went to read their posts maybe 3 times. I guess I'm not missing anything.
  20. All this talk of Eli fading like last year. Some posters like pulling straws out of a hat. You really can't listen to Lockhart and treat it like gold. Eli played very good in Washington (game 15) last year, his WRs couldn't catch a cold. He had 65% completions in the second Philly game albeit he threw 3 INTs in the second half. Just because we ran the ball against Oakland and Kansas City doesn't mean Eli tanked. I would really like to see one game where I don't see a pass bouncing off the chests or in and out of our receivers hands and see what kind of numbers get put up by Manning, just one friggin game just to see what his numbers would be. I'm not claiming Eli to be perfect and he did suck yesterday. I just know that QBs need to get into a rythm and they also need to build their confidence up. Dropped passes eliminates them both.
  21. I still can't get on that site. It tells me I need to enable cookies which I did. I put it down as an exception and I still get the same crap.
  22. When we were down 3 scores with 7 minutes left, why didn't he go for it on 4th and 10? He punted instead.
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