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Hampton27 missed

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Everything posted by Hampton27 missed

  1. I was very disappointed with Corey against the Texans. On that one pass in the flat, Corey didn't even try to make a tackle on the guy. But in the Seattle game, he made a great play on the ball for the INT. I guess he's very inconsistent. I wouldn't give up on him just yet. He hasn't been picked on much this year, which is a good sign.
  2. A balanced offense is what keeps the defense guessing. We tried to run in Philly and it was to no avail. I honestly believe that we may need to get another big o-lineman to become a dominant running team. Jacobs has helped but lets not forget that this team couldn't get a 3 and 1 for many years. Jacobs is usually carrying a few defenders on his back to get his yards and Tiki is usually juking the first couple of defenders in the bacfield to get his yards. I want the team to run the ball too but make no mistake, our passing game opens up our running game. This is not the 1990 Giants and we can't go one dimensional.
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