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Posts posted by randoff

  1. Back to the FACTS....


    Dateline October 24, 2006

    Cowboys make QB switch, but Romo throws three picks in loss


    After Bledsoe's sack-filled first-half performance ended in an interception, Tony Romo trotted in to start the second, when he was greeted by a standing ovation and chants of his last name. Then, on his first snap, Romo threw an interception.

    Eli got New York (4-2) rolling with a 50-yard touchdown pass to Plaxico Burress on just the fifth play and rookie Kevin Dockery sealed the victory by returning the final of four interceptions 96 yards for a touchdown with 2:38 left. In between, the Giants made plenty of other big plays...




    Dateline December 3, 2006

    Gramatica kicked a 46-yard field goal with a second left Sunday to give the Dallas Cowboys a 23-20 win over the New York Giants


    "Anytime you come up to this place you know it's not going to go smoothly," Romo said. "We made mistakes today. I know I did. You just have to have a chance to do something at the end of the game to win." Both teams did -- there were three scores in the final 3:33 -- but the Cowboys had the last chance. First, Marion Barber III scored the first of his two touchdowns on a 1-yard run at the end of a 66-yard drive. Then Manning drove the Giants 63 yards for the tying score on the pass to Burress.

    Romo finished 20-of-34 for 257 yards with two interceptions and 0 TDs. Eli finish the game 24-of-36 for 270 yards with two touchdowns and no interceptions.


    Hey I'll give them Cowboys that one....they won when they had to.



    Five of Romo's seven interceptions were against the Giants. Wow!

  2. ....You know what I mean, stop tryin to outwit someone on the INTERNET. What kind of loser are you? Youre putting up posts, while talking in the 3rd person, that appear to try and sound witty. Just talk about the subject at hand, dont try to win some poster of the year award. :rolleyes:

    LMAO...at 'Poster of the year award'. Oh man!!! Funny!

  3. HA HA HA...I'll bet you are sitting there in your little Plaxico jersey just praying the Cowboys start Baker, Bartel, Johnosn, or Moore that first game of the season...


    I doubt it would make a difference. The Cowboys best weapon that night will be ELi. As long as ELi is healthy and starting, the Cowboys will be 1-0. :clap:

    Naw Eggo...I don't wear an extra medium like you do...


    Anyway. You gotta come better than that! You're scared because Toni is a possible holdout. And since your 'Boys effed over the Statue of Liberty errr Bledsoe....you have old ass Brad Johnson at the helm. Actually that would be an upgrade (I fear that more than a Toni Roma).


    And you've got that wrong...the BEST weapon the Giants have is Roy "Push me, push me!" Williams. The 'middle LB' errrr safety who was toasted by Moss of the Redskins AND my 'little freind' Burress last year.

  4. Fact:

    After a Pro Bowl year, Tony Romo is looking for a new deal with the 'Boys after seeing Matt Schaub get a six yr 48Mill Deal with the Texans


    8 freekin' games or so and this guy MAY hold out??? :confused::rolleyes:


    Let's just say this is so....now you've got QB's Matt Baker, Richard Bartel, Brad Johnson, and Matt Moore to get your #1 QB spot?



    Dallas Cowboys has some fine ass Cheerleaders. I can't front! The Giants have NO cheerleaders.

  5. While we are on the subject, the guy who got all the press for dropping passes last season, ........was TO.


    Interestingly, this had a negative impact on Romo's stats, not Peyton's baby brother's stats. So, if we want to analyze dropped passes, I am quite certain that Romo would put even more distance between himself and Peyton's baby brother... :clap:

    You ARE correct about T.O., last season and his dropped passes. He rated real high as far as dropped passes. Now IF I was a true Cowboy fan, I would have left the T.O. 'dropsies' out of it....it really doesn't make Toni Roma a better QB. Back on the T.O. 'dropsies'...T.O. has really never been one to drop passes but he set a 'low' standard for himself as soon as he became a Cowboy. Why is that? The 'old' cowboys (Irvin, Harper,etc..) were never known for 'dropped' passes.


    Now if you was to project Toni Roma's stats over three years (assuming he played the way he did for his 8 game run)...his career would be real mediocre. But hey....acccording to the press and Dallas fans, for the first 4 games Toni Roma was Roger Staubaugh re-incarnated!!!


    Dallas was 8-4 through 12 games and ready to take its place as a legitimate Super Bowl contender from the NFC. However, Romo and Co. stumbled in the final quarter of the season, going 1-3 and eking into the playoffs with a 9-7 record.


    So with the 22nd pick in this past weekend's draft, Dallas had a chance to grab a player who appears more of a sure thing than Romo. That, of course, was ex-Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn. Projected by most as a top-five pick, Quinn plummeted into the 20s, where the Cowboys could have grabbed him. Instead, owner Jerry Jones traded the pick to the Cleveland Browns in exchange for a second-rounder in 2007 (which was unloaded for more selections) and a first-rounder next year. Brilliant!!!!! :clap:


    Now ask yourself this 'How many years do you give a Romo?'

  6. My point is I think you're putting way too much of the blame on the receivers and not enough on the passer..... ...That's one every 3-4 games. When Eli's passing 30 odd times a game that's not effecting his passer rating too much. At some stage you have to look to his accuracy. Too many of his balls are rushed or just plain not catchable.

    Eli last year 32.6 attempts per game

    Eli finished with 57.7% completion percentage.

  7. I see your point... but the problem with that is when Eli does, he hasnt been very accurate. Lots of passes over Shockey and Buress' heads... lots at Tiki's feet.


    Even scarier: the knock on him coming out of college was that he wasn't terribly accurate. So this might be the best we get.


    On the flip side, Mc Nabb wasn't very accurate his first three years or so, but he's right on the money now, so hopefully its fixable.

    I feel ya....but are you correct? "The best from ELI?" He was at 57.7 percent last year. I think you're right. :unsure:


    I looked at last years stats and Eli had 522 attempts (32.6 a game)

    Rivers 460 attempts (28.8 a game)


    Someone noted that Eli handed off to the Yds from scrimmage leader named Tiki. And Rivers has the best RB on the planet. So why is it that Eli's attempts are so much higher than that of Rivers?

  8. I know. That's why when people say, "well, Roethlis-whatever and Rivers had Bettis and Tomlinson" I'm like, "WHAT?" Eli had Tiki Barber... NO ONE had more yards from scrimmage over the past five years (or something like that...


    But the Eli supporters have a very valid point about the coaching. I don't think anyone can say that the playcalling has been good the past four years... I always used to say, "Nine yards by Tiki... then six... then thirteen by Jacobs... then THREE STRAIGHT PASSES? WTF?" Huffnagle was horrible, and Gilbride won't be much better; hes always been pass happy since his days in Houston with the run and shoot (Oilers, not Texans, for all you young'uns).


    .....the best Eli's got. On that note... Lorenzens has about one more year in my book as well. WHEN Eli goes down this year (we'll miss Petitgout), he had better show us something.

    Not to make excuses for Eli either BUT this coaching staff has asked Eli to do a lot esp in the "Chuck and Pray" passing game. Big Ben didn't chuck it as much as Eli does. Rivers works what he has best...the intermeidiate passing game to Gates. SD really doesn't have a long threat. Now take Jay Cutler for example....kid has a rocket arm and I am not surprised to see the Denver coaching staff having Jay rocket the ball deep. Montana never had a rocket arm, but the coaching staff in Sisco utilized his skills to the max. And I know Eli's no Montana nor is he Cutler....but can this coaching staff allow Eli to throw short passes in bunches? The Giants have Toomer, Shockey, Steve Smith and Moss (if healthy) to get those short passes and make it happen!


    I've got an idea....since the Giants need depth at the O line position or better yet....Lorenzen can be an H back or a Fullback. :);)

  9. :confused::confused:


    Is he serious?? What the hell is this kid smokin? :unsure:


    Look, youre barkin up the wrong tree. If youre gonna bring up history, than no one, I mean NO ONE, has more championships......... And yes youngin, they only called it the SB since 67.

    I kept tellin' him to acquire the Superbowl set DVD so he can really understand a few things. But again, he seems like that annoying spoiled kid....trying to get a rise. But in reality we are laughin' at him. :)

  10. So three playoff wins and 1 Superbowl loss over a span of nearly 16 years is not a drought?


    You New York fans set your standards so low... :unsure:

    Well REREAD the definition of drought. Your team (Cowboys) are in one. Zero Playoff wins is a serious "lack of something". And as a true fan of the Giants, sure I am not thrilled with the last 10 years BUT (there is a but)....since we are comparing Cowboys vs Giants (in your eyes), you have to admit your team hasn't done shit since.


    You know what a REAL drought is....??? The Browns are in a drought, Cardinals are in a drought, the Bengals WERE in a drought until they win the AFC Central a few years back. And the way it's looking your 'Boys are seriously in a drought.


    Just admit it. And say that you are really a Giants fan and you are sorry for "Trolling". Comon man!?!?!

  11. ...the Dog's favorite team is irrelevant to this site, and if the Dog is so compelled to discuss other teams, then the Dog will happily go to those message boards and do so...


    For the record, the Dog started this thread with a legitimate question, that many members here have posted thoughtful responses to absent of malice...you my dear furstrated boy chose to respond otherwise (dare the Dog say, in a snide fashion...)...

    I've replied to the topic question like 2 pages ago....but I was merely interacting with your 'friend' Egg. And like I've stated before, I am FINALLY enjoying the GIANTS section again. Posts are flying out one after another and football season hasn't really started yet. And BTW I am not "furstrated" nor am I upset. I like chatting with you guys.



  12. Let me help you out with your research: I could be wrong but, in the last 10 years, the Giants have won 2 playoff games and no championships. So, while the Cowboys drought since winning 3 Superbowls in 4 years, the last being 1996, has produced 0 playoff wins, the Giants drought has included 2 playoff wins since 1996 and 0 Superbowls...since 91. If you want to go back a little further, the Giants did win a playoff game against the Vikings in 94, only to lose a close battle with the 49ers the next week to the tune of 44-3.


    I don't think I would want to trade places...


    But, while we're on the subject, as boring as the Panthers owning Eli in 2005 was, the 1997 loss to the Vikings in the Meadowlands was an exciting game, as was the 2003 loss to the 49ers. Care to break these down with me?


    In summary though, if my research is correct, the Giants have one 3 playoff games since 1991... :LMAO:

    I'm starting to like you...remember the song "Here we go 'round in circles"?

    But break out a dictionary and look up the word Drought. Facts are facts ZERO wins means closer to the true definition of drought, than 3 playoff wins. With the definition of the word that you will look up you will see what a drought really means.

    And I can break it down for you...while the Panthers were so called 'owning' Eli. (BTW, your use of 'owning' in every post makes u slip farther and farther in to the kid zone)....well what I'm trying to say was where was the Cowboys in the 2005 season? And same question for 2003? What were the Cowboys doing?

    You talking in circles....you're reaching for stuff that EXACTLY proves my point. The point is that the Cowboys have done NADA since 1996. NADA!

  13. Now these two yahoos come up in here talking this and that....like good cop/bad cop. Eggy/Dawg I think are the same poster. But Eggy is getting flustered (hating himself for giving this so much attention) and Hot Dog is shooting snide remarks about whatever....


    ...now my question is: Isn't their "job" as fans of OTHER teams to 'rattle' the members here? I mean it's almost bordering on Troll-ism. Now rule says we should ignore them and they will go away. Not me! I like it. Responses are flying one after another, interaction is happening, and I sense a little worry from Eggy.


    Dog is a Giants fan IMO......he wont answer the "Who's his fave NFL team" question. Bad Egg is a Giants fan that will reveal his true colors with more interaction. Just my Opinion of course.

  14. You still haven't completed your little research project? By all means, let me know when you have.

    How far do I need to go back? The Cowboys haven't one nada since their Superbowl. NADA!!!! Do u understand the words that are being typed? :rolleyes: Nada!!!! (English: Zero). So in my 'little reserch project' and it is little....I determined that the Cowboys haven't won a playoff since beating the Steelers in their SB win. I didn't have to look far, because the COWBOYS are the only team to accomplish that feat. And how did you determine that Cowboy fans would 'gladly' take 3 Superbowl wins in a row, then no more playoff wins since...over a few more recent playoff wins? Tell you what, I'm going to work tommorrow and ask the TWO Cowboy fans that same question. I will have to ease it on the two fans because well you know....they are shy. Dunno why....they were noisy 11 years ago...but anyway, when I get them to talk, I am curious to see IF they agree with your survey.


    I would have respected you a lil IF you would have came on here woofing about the Eagles or the Patriots...but you are all up in a Giants Board and expect us to not say shit to ya and you're talking about the 'former' Americas team??? Stop it son! ;):)

  15. I'm going to hate myself later for giving this anytime at all but, nonetheless, I feel compelled to respond. Why you choose to focus soley on (1) and (7) is interesting. However, regarding (1), if you are going to bring up some drought, you might as well put it in context. I'm willing to bet that 90% of the fans in the league would glady "suffer" a 10 year "drought", if you told them their team would win 3 Superbowls right before that so-called "draught."


    .......I am simply responding to your incomplete and inaccurrate statements...It's a tough job, but someone has to do it... :flex:

    Eggy?? Eggy???? Wait! Hold up???? Hello Eggy????? You're hating yourself for responding to me??? Last time I checked this is a GIANTS Forum. Doesn't say Cowboys forum, doesn't say "We haven't won shit forum". Let me repeat 'GIANTS FORUM'. You sound ridiculous 'hating to' respond to this and your ass is in here TROLLING. That is the newest twist I've ever heard. You are on a Giants Message board flinging out crazy remarks and YOU are hating to respond???? Wow!!!! You are a funny guy, I am crackin' up over here!


    Where did u get 90% from? Is that your job to take a survey of teams that won 2-3 Superbowls in a row then failed to win another playoff game since? Well here's a fact for ya....the Cowboys are the only team EVER to have accomplished such a feat. The only NFL team to win 3 Superbowls and not win a playoff game in 12 years. :clap:


    And don't hate yourself, beat yourself up, or worry Eggman.....there's counseling, therapy and Paxil. :rolleyes::TU:

  16. Remember the expression "playing yourself"? That's Bad Eggster in a nutshell.


    Honestly if he was a 'fan' of Dallas, he could come up with better ammo. Or better yet, he could change his name and become a Patriot fan.... ...aren't they the hot shit that the ESPN's are feeding us????

  17. I guess you're right. It's was a low blow to call the Giants lucky.


    But had the Giants finished off the Bills to the tune of 52-17 or 30-13 their really would be no need to analyze that fieldgoal attempt which, incidently, happened to be long enough... :D No matter how you look at it, the word "choke" still comes to mind.

    I'm not right. But I do know a little about football Eggo. It would be stupid to denounce any Superbowl win by any team. Seriously, you need to get your hands on a the Superbowl set, rewatch the games you've missed. I'm not talking about the New England wins, I'm talking about HISTORY eggy. Because seriously, the more you post, the more I am starting to see a pattern.... ...one thing I see is I don't believe you've followed the Cowboys back then. I believe either you was too young or someone hipped you on to them because they have cool uni's and had Emmitt Smith. I could be wrong, so please don't go throwing a tantrum, ok? Let's keep the talk about football (leave my mother out of it), cool?? :rolleyes:


    Let's analize "Happen to be long enough"? Do you mean the distance that Norwood kicked from was long enough? I don't get it. To me the proper term would be Norwood is in range, no wind, a chip shot, he's made field goals of 45 yds before,etc....

  18. Bad Egg has dissapointed me. Showing his 'true' colors. Like I said he sounded so intelligent until recently. Just imagine a little 6 yr old that is always right. And his/her parent trying to tell them something and the kid is always whining or fighting the advice. Or that same kid kickin' and screamin' in the aisles of your fave grocery store. It's pathetic how fast Eggo went from 'informative' to 'whiny'.


    (1) Playoff win drought following 3 SUPERBOWLS in 4 years. First team to accomplish this. And No team has won more Superbowls so, in the big picture, hardly a drought. Waaa Waaa waaa...mommie!


    (7) I'll take TO on my team before Shockey anyday...So long as he lines every Sunday and catches TDs, I could care less what he does between Mon-Sat. Why do you care? Booo hooo hooo....but I want a T.O. Mommy! :LMAO:T.O. has 22 million reasons not to kill himself..... See I care!



    I may have to put you on "ignore" for this, Iceman. You would be my first... (Picture Egg throwing a tantrum now)...ooooh the big IGNORE list, you are scaring me! :LMAO:


    BTW, speaking of 'reading'...don't forget the forum is a Giants one. So while you're saying Nice to see you can't read. OWNED! maybe it's YOU that needs to read. But seriously, you are reading. Reading everything on the Giants. And then coming here to a Giants message board blabbing about whatever. Nice!


    Ya big baby!!! :worshippy: :TU:

  19. Bad Egg has dissapointed me. Showing his 'true' colors. Like I said he sounded so intelligent until recently. Just imagine a little 6 yr old that is always right. And his/her parent trying to tell them something and the kid is always whining or fighting the advice. Or that same kid kickin' and screamin' in the aisles of your fave grocery store. It's pathetic how fast Eggo went from 'informative' to 'whiny'.


    (1) Playoff win drought following 3 SUPERBOWLS in 4 years. First team to accomplish this. And No team has won more Superbowls so, in the big picture, hardly a drought. Waaa Waaa waaa...mommie!


    (7) I'll take TO on my team before Shockey anyday...So long as he lines every Sunday and catches TDs, I could care less what he does between Mon-Sat. Why do you care? Booo hooo hooo....but I want a T.O. Mommy! :LMAO:T.O. has 22 million reasons not to kill himself..... See I care!



    I may have to put you on "ignore" for this, Iceman. You would be my first... (Picture Egg throwing a tantrum now...ooooh the big IGNORE list, you are scaring me! :LMAO:


    BTW, speaking of 'reading'...don't forget the forum is a Giants one. So while you're saying Nice to see you can't read. OWNED! maybe it's YOU that needs to read. But seriously, you are readig. Reading everything on the Giants. And then coming here to a Giants message board blabbing about whatever. Nice!


    Ya big baby!!! :worshippy: :TU:

  20. We are starting to roll now...


    6. Ten Most Dsyfunctional Offseasons, June 20, 2007 by Andrew Perloff (SI): Ranks the Giants at # 10.

    We??? As in You and I being avid Giants fans? Seriously, I have never seen any poster post so much info of a team he so calls is not a fan of.


    But we can spin stuff all day long.

    The Playoff win drought

    The 1-15 season (gotta be top 10 in worst flops for a rookie QB, not even Eli went 1-15)

    Coaches with guns

    WR with crack habits

    Defensive guys with a TRUNK fulla weed.


    Nah, it would be silly for me to mention past shit....wouldn't it?


    Tuna quits on the Cowboys

    T.O. was suicidial (that's a first!!!) (Shockey for example isn't that bad)



    See we can go on all day with the games. But don't lose us...you started off so informative and now you are slipping into the Troll zone.

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