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Posts posted by randoff

  1. I used to go EVERY year when the Giants and Cards were in the same division. It was a blast! Where you at now?

    My family and I live in a little town called Victorville, CA. About 2 hours south of Vegas and 45 minutes drive away from Barstow, CA.


    Didja go that year (to Tempe, AZ) when the Giants played the Cards and snow flurries came down?

  2. Wow, what a blast! I had fun, unfortunatley alot of you on here didnt. I know some may remember me from giants.com, bluehearts board, etc. And you know Im a true blue Giants fan and know my history. But it seems that the posters on here have thier minds made up. What is wanted on this MB is straight Giants talk, nothing else. Which I love, but sometimes to spice it up a bit is fun. The only thing I dont get is, you get two COMPLETE idiots on here, (dog/egg) or, one, :confused: ...anywho, that come on here, bash the Giants and start all the childish trashtalk......and I get blamed. Thats cool. Theyre more your style. I will continue rooting for my beloved Gmen here in AZ, go back home occasionally and enjoy games with my family and friends back in Jersey, (who, by the way, would bitch slap the Cowgirl fan and not take thier side) and enjoy games and seasons for years to come. Good luck to you all, regardlees of what you may think, I had fun. And if youre a Giant fan, best of luck to ya!

    Rule no. 457:

    Never let anyone run you off a message board (unless you've been somehow banned or suspended).


    Sorry to see you go. But if you change your mind...we'll leave the door open!

  3. I think that the Eagles are the team in the NFC East that worries me. Say what u want about Mcnabb's 'staying on the field' but he's a heck of a QB. Eagles recieving core isn't so 'standout-ish' but they get it done. Westbrook too! Westbrook is like the 'Randall Cunningham' of the Giants past. A Giant killer!


    Dallas has to prove to me that they can stop the pass. And who's the main RB gonna be? Julius Jones or M. Barber? And can Tony Romo do 'it'? And what will happen IF he doesn't get an extension? Shows that IF he does not get an extension....the Cowboys never had confidence in him anyway.


    Washington? Why is everybody (so called experts) so sure Washington will have a better record than the Giants?

  4. Some people say Troll has a slightly different meaning. For me, if youre on a board constantly that is not your team, and you go around bashin the team every chance you get, thats a troll.


    And no, not me goin to the Cardinals board, I live in AZ now, and I visited there once...ONCE.


    ......if youre on a board constantly that is not your team, and you go around bashin the team every chance you get, thats a troll. Or a fan of said team??? One wonders if....?


    Anyway,,,,hey BigBlue? You ever go to the new Arizona Cardinals stadium? I used to live in AZ and in San Diego. Before the NFL realigned the divisions....I'd check out my Giants every year at Sun Devil stadium. I even went while I lived in Diego, CA...

  5. The Doff can imagine us having a 'panel' of posters here on a talk forum. 5 to 6 guys talking football (mainly Giants football). We could have distinguished guests from here that are Cardinal fans, Cowboys fans or Bengal fans...just to talk football on TV prior to the actual games on a Sunday.

  6. it is possible, in the Dog's mind, that a team can be better then another, and still have the same record...8-8 may have gotten them in the playoffs in the NFC (the Dog seems to remember the same mediocre record getting another team in the playoffs in the NFC last year)...


    In addition to off field problems, coaching motivates players to want to take a team appraoch - the Giants were littered with individual egos dictating everything...to say that they have the Bengals off season problems would be silly, but to say that they are without issue? By the way, as an aside, the Dog actually knew a man who was an aquantance of Bill Parcells - they were discussing the challenge of coaching in the NFL (This was by the way back when Parcells was with the Giants), and Parcells shared that he thought that high school coaches had it more difficult, because he only had to worry about the x's and o's, and winning, and not teaching kids to be men in addition...he then went on to say that 90% of the players in the NFL are using drugs, drinking heavily, cheating, and/or abusing their spouses...the point being, every team has it's issues, not just the ones that are too stupid to get caught...and the Dog wonders, is it possible for a coach to pull the reigns in on players when they are in the offseason or outside of the facility? That is like blaming a teacher for a kid that goes home and beats up his siblings...Just the Dog's thought anyway...

    What the Doff was comparing was the team with 'better everything'....better coaches, better RBs, better WR's...etc. Granted the Bengals and the Giants finished 8-8 last season. The Doff merely wanted to ask again "Were the Bengals actually better than the Giants in '06?" In the Doffs non biased opinion and imagining if the Doff Meister was neither a fan of the Giants OR the Bengals. The way the Doff sees it is that Cincy lost the last season game albiet to a 'rival' BUT Pittsburgh had no incentive to win. Giants struggled all of last year but managed to win in a must win 17th game vs Washington. Perhaps the label of 'better everything' should be changed to 'almost better than the Giants (on paper)?"

    Now with those 'character issues' displayed by the Bengals....the Doff wonders if the scouting staff of the Bengals is "better"? Hmmmmn?? Care to discuss there Lord Dog? ;)

  7. I love Tiki, but fuck that oreo

    I loved Tiki as a player but how should he act? Like a 'non-oreo'? I guess he should hold his dick in front of the camera, talk broken english and wear gaudy earrings and Jesus pieces around his neck. ;)

  8. QUOTE(BadEgg @ Jul 13 2007, 12:49 PM)

    I said that the Bengals were a 500 team and that good teams would have won some of the games they lost. In sum, I don't think the 2006 Bengals were a very good team. Now answer my question?





    QUOTE(BadEgg @ Jul 13 2007, 06:46 PM)

    I keep answering the question and you keep rephrasing it into something else. But I will respond to your new question: The Bengals have a better QB, better WRs, better RBs, better coaches...Get the picture?


    Like I said...I cannot wrap my head around those two statements. Better everything....but the Bengals weren't a good team in '06? Who's to blame if the Bengals had 'better' players but still finished 8-8? That's what got me pissed when I lost my 55 bones!

  9. I keep answering the question and you keep rephrasing it into something else. But I will respond to your new question: The Bengals have a better QB, better WRs, better RBs, better coaches...Get the picture?

    Now you know I have to ask a question:

    If the Bengals have 'better' everything...why is it that they finished 8-8? AND missed the playoffs by LOSING to Pittsburgh??? (Steelers had nothing to gain and still won).


    Oh, I can give you that...the better recievers. 'Ocho Cinco' and TJ "House schmaZilly' (put him on the board CHAMPIONSHIP!) And Carson Palmer did better than Eli....but the 'better coaches' thing I gotta dispute ya on....(see below).


    1. Marvin Lewis is something like 27-21 overall, Tom C is something like 93-83 overall as a head coach. Which one is better, you decide?


    2. Coaching is closely related to the off field behavior of the team. Marvin Lewis (and the coaching staff for the Bengals) has problems with this Bengal team. Prime reason why Giddell has to get tough (besides Pacman's eff ups). Giants have ZERO issues off the field. If your so called statement of 'better coaches' should fly, shouldn't the Bengals be well behaved and not have so many 'lawbreakers' a la Chris Henry?


    (But Egg, I know it's cool to post 'bad lists' concerning Giants meetings, Eli's woes, Shockey's drops and Tiki's coach 'bashings'...but I guess you'd rather have BETTER coaching, 3 NFL suspensions and 8 felons on your team)

  10. I didn't see the interview but I think the Romo situation is a difficult one. I think it is risky to give him a new contract now. But I don't think the Cowboys have much of a choice. If he plays as well as he did last season, and they don't sign him early they could be put in a situation where they will overpay to keep him. So I would rather see them sign him now and work with him, rather than overpaying or starting from scratch with a rookie (unless they can get some vet FA QB next year -- but I don't know who would be available).


    Romo has a good enough arm to make all the necessary throws and he has shown he can win in pressure situations. He also has a very good work ethic, seems to be a decent leader, and the team likes him. If they give him a better line and a consistent running game signing him should be worth the risk. I also think an improved defense will make a big difference as that was the root of their problems late last season. But it is not the ideal situation...

    Good points. Now is the Doff allowed to disagree without the silly Eli remarks? Ok...here goes. The Doff thinks that based on Romo's LAST 4-5 games of the season (which wasn't stellar) is the reason why Dallas is 'prolonging' this extension. Doff says IF Romo would have played lights out all the way, the would be NO doubt the Cowboys would have hammered a deal....NOW! Romo said he "doesn't really care how much he makes". He was also saying he is basically leaving it up to his agent to make a deal. The Doff is assuming Toni wants big loot without tainting negotiations...by saying so in the public.


    That is why it makes no sense for prognosticators to worry about Jones saving money now by signing Romo. Jones will be only too happy to pay Romo top dollar because he knows he will get it back tenfold in success on the field and marketing opportunities if Romo is successful. He is already one of the most popular quarterbacks in the league and he has yet to win a playoff game. CBS NFL.COM July 11, 2007


    It's clear Romo would prefer to solidify his future. And the Cowboys, who have no viable alternatives, appear willing to cast their lot with the four-year veteran. He is the quarterback the Cowboys groomed for the future. But the future is now, and it's time to pay the guy who will probably be the Dallas starter for the next several years.

    "I'd definitely like [an extension] before the season begins, but you never know how things will go," Romo told the Dallas Morning News this week....The only other experienced quarterback on the roster is 15-year veteran Brad Johnson, who is no longer a starting-caliber player. Dallas passed on Brady Quinn in the first round of this year's draft, choosing to deal its top selection to Cleveland and allow the Browns to snatch the former Notre Dame star.....If the Cowboys were to grab one of the top quarterback prospects in next spring's draft -- like Louisville's Brian Brohm, Michigan's Chad Henne, Kentucky's Andre Woodson or Hawaii's Colt Brennan -- Jones would be forced to lay out huge money for an unproven player at the game's most unpredictable position. (Dallas has Cleveland's No. 1 pick as well as its own in the 2008 draft.) The Dallas owner would have a hard time reconciling that. So the question for the Cowboys isn't whether to sign Romo to an extension, but rather, for how much? And that is the primary challenge to hammering out an accord that meets the needs of both sides.

    Romo owns just 10 regular-season starts and has launched only 337 pass attempts. Although his record as a starter is an estimable 6-4, Romo's performance in his final five starts wasn't nearly as good as the numbers he amassed in the first five. ESPN June 2007

  11. And maybe the next time Eli gets interviewed he will criticize Trey Junkin and Matt Allen for blowing the FG in the 2003 San Francisco debacle...While he is at it, I'm sure that Ali-Haji Sheikh blew a few makeable FGs in 1983...


    But make no mistake about it, as soon as Shockey and Buress start shaking their heads...quick, Call Archie!!!!

    Now now now Egg....I repeat, how can you expect that NO ONE will come at you with nasty stuff by making comments like that? You know that the Romo cmments are coming at'cha next.


    Hey? Didja see the Romo interview on ESPN? Concerning his extension? Cowboys haven't offered up anything yet. My question is: What does the Egg think about that? Discuss.

  12. The Dog has to agree that it is a step in the right direction, at least in the sense that he made the comment and not his daddy...


    This does bring up an interesting discussion point - what defines a leader, specific to the QB position? Admittingly, the Dog has questioned Mannings leadership ability from draft day forward, but the Dog is not sure that is fair, as a leader may come in various forms...if anyone would care to express their thoughts on the subject, the Dog would welcome them to do so...

    Part of 'leadership' is your offense counting on a QB to make the 3rd and 10 precise pass that converts to a third down. Eli and like all other starting QB's are the ones starting the plays on offense (unless you like to 'direct snap' it to a FB)...and starting QBs must 'oooze' in confidence. Must be able to be a little cocky (not just with words but with actions). For example, when I watch a Giants game this season and Eli throws a pin point pass to S.Smith for a BIG first down.....that pass must make me say at my home (while watching it) "Damn, IF I was Eli I wouldn't have made that throw but Damn....he fit that pass in there?"


    Also people get caught up with this 'body language' thing displayed by Eli....I did too. But I am confident that the 'mopey' look will subside this year due to plays being called that's to Eli's liking. I really think Eli likes the 'hurry up' game and the short and intermediate passing attack. And when Toomer, Smith, Shock, and S. Moss are on the recieving end of those short passes it'll build his 'leadership' skills and confidence will seep out from the recievers, coaching staff and Eli himself. IMO of course!

  13. Why are you aplogizing to Randoff?


    I have never described Romo as the next coming of Aikman. To the contrary, he must produce this season or he must leave. Show me where I contradict myself. I contradict you. But that isn't a crime. You contradict you.

    The Doff will add this to the perverbial 'fire'. Bad Egg...this is an example of 'negative points about said team' on a Giants MB:

    Our baby boy's all grows up!

    Too bad when Shockey or Burress glares at him wrong he'll turn to jelly and throw it to Pacman, or whoever the nearest DB is...But gosh, it's tough when your receivers expect the ball within arms' length...

    I love it. I hope he starts every single game

    Doff has NO problem with the fact that Burress and Shockey does pout on the field....but the part in bold was not called for in the Doff's most honest opnion.

  14. Look at little Eli manning up by taking a shot at someone who is no longer on the team...Our baby boy's all grows up!


    Too bad when Shockey or Burress glares at him wrong he'll turn to jelly and throw it to Pacman, or whoever the nearest DB is...But gosh, it's tough when your receivers expect the ball within arms' length...


    I love it. I hope he starts every single game... :LMAO:

    The Doff sees that Bad Egg hasn't taken any advice from the Doff's last post conc Egg. Tsk Tsk!

  15. Civil, calm, intelligent...not the first time that I have been described this way.


    I would also add articulate and patient... :worshippy:

    May the Doff make a suggestion? Take this as constructive critizism, ok?


    Some of your points are contradictory. And the Doff this that with 'precise' thinking BEFORE you answer or debate in a thread will help here (from your standpoint). For example, it wouldn't be cool to say "Run along Doff and find me more stats" then in later posts knock a person for finding stats that 'strengthens' a persons debate. Smell what the Doff is cooking?


    One more thing...you really can't expect Giants posters to be happy with you IF mostly what you post is negative points about said team. Because EVERY team in the NFL (minus the Patriots) has negative issues that tends to upset some IF harped upon.

  16. Let's clarify a few menutia type issues: first, the Dog does not ever recall refering to you as the "doof"...that is not the Dog's style...and as for "bibblue," the Dog must have a type-o in the mix...


    the entertainment value drops when threads deteriorate into silly mudslinging - the Dog has noted that in the past, when fans of other teams come to discuss items (and the Dog does admit, that quite often they come with intention of mudslinging themselves), then nothing of value occures - take badegg, a cowboy's fan that came to discuss in many cases valid points - a specific example had to do with manning, and thread ended up being a sries of pictures of romo dropping the snap...very uninteresting to the Dog...now, take the example of the discussion occuring over taylor being the best ever - if everyone was aware of the Dog's team of choice, it would now be a dead issue, as it would deteriorate into attacks on that team...again, very limiting...


    you appear to stick to debatable points - why is it you have a difficult time following this line of thinking?

    Let the Doff state that it's very possible that the Dog made a typographical error here...You see randoof, this is what happens when you join the show late......the Doff can also point out that actually it says 'Randoof'. But that's neither here or there. But the Doff fully understands now and that is why communication here is a key component in getting points across that make sense. The Doff can understand the 'mudslinging' that occurs here. Bad Egg has a minor history on these boards. And you'd hafta admit that the Romo farks are funny even if you are not a Giants fan

  17. As far as last season goes, overall Romo played well and deserves a chance to be the starter this year, without having to look over his shoulder. The Cowboys improved in 2006 in that they made the playoffs.


    However, you can't justify losing to Detroit the last game of the season in the manner that they did. You can't blame injuries, schedules, the refs, Romo's inexperience...It was pathetic, inexcusable, and a total failure on many levels. And it was clear after that game that the team, while they made some strides, would not progress deep into the playoffs.


    Just like the Giants losing to Tennessee and Eli's performance in the 4th quarter is indefensible. Yet, certain board members will go to great lengths to do just that...


    In essence, both teams lost very winnable games that would have certainly brought them closer to a home playoff game in part, because of questionable QB decisions...As a fan, why would you want to defend it?

    Fair enough. See how civil folks can be when presented with calmness and intelligence? ;)

  18. Where are you drawing your conclusion from, BigBlue? I never said losing to Detriot was ok. Unlike Ragin, I will never defend the Cowboys or Romo on the basis of their schedule...

    The question is....when DO u defend Romo and the Cowboys. In my thought process IF I was a Cowboy fan I'd defend the Cowboys all day! Maybe the Doff doesn't quite get your statement?


    So if the Romo and company loses to Detroit (a non playoff team) for example you don't defend the Cowboys? Hmmmn....I'm confused. Seems like when the 'Boys lose a game like that you have nothing to defend?

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