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Posts posted by randoff

  1. Apparently, Eli is the third best-looking QB in camp. Wright has looked pretty sharp, and Lorenzen is apparently playing lights-out football. Eli looks inconsistent and erratic... in other words, he looks like Eli. I know "it's still training camp," but to have the fourth season in a row where Eli looks "inconsistent and erratic" is pretty troubling, considering he's been playing QB since birth.


    By all accounts, Hasselbeck looks awful, missing passes, underthrowing receivers by five yards, ugly passes... in other words, he looks like Hasselbeck. He sucks, has sucked, and always will suck. I've always said that guy couldn't start in the Arena League; I have no idea how he still has a job.

    I gather that (based on your mini camp report), J-Load should start, Wright should be #2, Eli #3 and cut Tim?

  2. Sounds like a random simulated season in Madden to me.


    The only way the NFC Championship Game has a chance of being played in Dallas is if New Orleans is the host and is displaced due to another hurricane.

    Whoa! Ouch! :LMAO:

  3. Who here has ever claimed we're a championship calibre team? Who at the Giants has claimed it? No one.


    You'll disappear as soon as your team tanks, just like you did last season.

    Funny thing is the Cowboys are really the same (record wise) as the Giants lately. Throw out the very few playoff wins by the Giants vs the ZERO playoff wins (recently) by the 'Boys....and you have basically the SAME two teams. But my bad...Cowboys are America's team!

  4. :worshippy: :clap:


    Bravo! Fresh 'material' coming from Eggy. You took my advice huh? Found some Strahan 'stuff' to elaborate on. Beats that 'reach' of a story concerning blue dots on nets huh?


    But what does this mean? At least he'll have a legitimate chance to get back to the Superbowl.... So working for Fox his FIRST year will land him a sideline reporting job at the 2008 Superbowl?

  5. Agreed. I would have no problem playing Tuck at LE, and having Willie Joe spell him when need be.


    You know, this whole team needs an enema. The legacy of douchenozzle Earnie Accorsi continues. i can't wait till the whole team gets turned over. I'm reeeeeeeeeeeally gonna have a hard time rooting for this team this year, especially if Strahan plays. I hate Shockey, TC is stuck in the past, Plaxico is one of the dumbest fucks on the planet, & Osi is a drama queen bitch in the mold of Strahan. I hope Jacobs can go apeshit now that the asshole has moved on, Eli gets a brain & some nads, & that our young secondary shows some improvement. That happens, I'll be content. Otherwise, I'll be going through a 1/2 a week.


    I'll be going through a 1/2 a week What exactly does that mean? :confused:


    ...and your usage of 'enema' and 'Douche Nozzle' is clever....I love it! :LMAO:

  6. ????

    The other DE being???? :confused:


    Remind me who had problems stopping the run, because thats our front sevens strong point.

    I think he's saying IF we sign Rice...we'd have Rice AND Strahan, who neither one could stop the run. Strahan is a very good run stopper, Rice may not be.

  7. HA HA HA...Even if you hate Romo and the Cowboys, you have to give him credit for hanging with Carrie! :TU:

    However, I am happy to read they are no longer together, irrespective of who dumped who. I don't want Tony married or distracted during the season. Troy and Michael were not married early in their careers...and we all know what happend there. :cheers:

    Yea...Irvin 'became' a crack head and Troy a concussed QB turned announcer. And your 'Boys haven't found anybody to replace Troy YET???

    (Rumor has it that Troy's marriage is a front and Troy is gay.)

  8. Today in the Sportswrath News:


    Link? Hehehehehehe!!!!!



    Romo thinking positive as contract year begins

    The Pro Bowler is driven to atone for one crushing gutter ball, dropping the snap for what would have been Martin Gramatica's 19-yard kick with 1:19 to play in what became a 21-20 wild-card loss to the Seahawks in Seattle.

    But there also is matter of defining himself in the final season of his contract. Is he the quarterback who, after replacing Drew Bledsoe on Oct. 29, led the Cowboys to four wins in his first five starts while throwing 10 touchdowns with two interceptions and two lost fumbles? Or, is he the quarterback who went 2-3 in his last five regular-season games, with six touchdown passes, eight interceptions and seven fumbles, four of which were lost?

    "In some ways, I'm a question mark," says Romo, who will be working with a new offensive coordinator, Jason Garrett. "I know I have to play well for this team to be successful."

    If it was me and I wasn't married with four kids, I'd be making more of an effort with Carrie Underwood." Said Tony's father

    Romo's love life has become tabloid fodder.

    "I get a kick out of it," the elder Romo says. "My wife gets a little paranoid when she sees it. Tony's personal life is really none of our business. But for a young guy in his position, 'Enjoy it, son. But never let it get in the way of what you're trying to accomplish.' "

    Romo says: "I'm not dating anyone right now. I'd be a bad boyfriend if I was in a relationship right now. Eventually … I'll settle down. If I'm really going to be in a relationship, I'd like it to go to the next level at some point. But it can't with the way my life is right now."

    "We have a chance to have a really, really special season," he says. "I know if I work as hard as I can, I can be as good one day as I can be. I don't know if that's really, really good or solid. But it will be fun to try and see."


    Hmmmn "In some ways, I'm a question mark". What 'confidence' your starting QB has. No wonder Jerry Jones hasn't extended his contract. And even Romo's father seems to be questioning his son's social life. I smell Homo.

    U can't make this stuff up.

  9. I can't make this stuff up.


    Carrie Underwood & Tony Romo 'Spending Time Together'

    American Idol season-4 winner Carrie Underwood helped Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo celebrate his 27th birthday in Dallas over the weekend – and the pair looked very cozy, sources tell PEOPLE.

    They showed up together Saturday night at Dallas's hip Ghostbar, where they were joined by nearly the entire Dallas Cowboys team.

    "Carrie and Tony were having a great time in the deejay booth," an insider tells PEOPLE. "They were laughing, singing together, holding hands and their arms were around each other all night"......this was not the first time Underwood and Romo have been spotted together. On Christmas Day, she showed up to watch the Cowboys play the Eagles, and Romo was spotted hugging her before the game.

    But in February, the football star told reporters at a pre-Super Bowl press conference that he and the singer weren't an item. "She's a very nice, sweet girl, I care for her and whoever ends up with her will be a very lucky guy," he said at the time.

    A call to Romo's rep was not immediately returned.


    Also Known as She Dumped him (February) after he single handedly LOST the Seattle playoff game. U can't "make this stuff up". :clap:

  10. Yeah, we talk about that all the time. When they say we gotta use Shockey more, Im like fuck, we want to but he's gotta help block all the time!lol


    Well, his TD's are in that range, but if he got more catches, imagine what range it would be in then. He's great in the Red Zone.

    True dat True dat!

    ...I was assuming that Toomer (a healthy Toomer) would get some of those Tds too...5-7 Td range.


    Who's the 'third' TE? Giants should run Two TE (Shockey and ???) since we have NO FB (yet). That second TE could help block and allow Shockey to do what he can do as a reciever.

  11. See, Im like Reese, I dont see this as our biggest concern. LT, OL, yes, they are important. But Diehl can do the job, and like he said, Luke was consistent for us, but not pro bowl, cant lose type player. Plus, I think BJ will do fine pickin up blitzes, and Shock helps block too. If Diehl is mediocre in camp, then we got a bit of a prob, but I dont see that happening.

    I'm hoping that in 2007 Shockey blocks less and has a 75-80 catch season with 5-7 TDs.

  12. You people talk every preseason as if you are going to win the Superbowl. This is amusing. And when the Giants let you down........ So you expect the world but are satisified with mediocrity.


    But the more I think about, I believe I have been too hard on you. You have no ammunition. What else have the Giants given you recently? Besides disappointment?


    I don't expect a Superbowl every year. It's impossible. These people are paid an incredible amount of money to play the game, and fans pay an incredible amount just to go watch one live. 9th place is not good enough.

    But I will tell you this: If they go this decade without winning a Superbowl, the decade was a failure. That's not to say that I will regret rooting for them or watching them play. I will never regret that. But if I were forced to describe the decade in one word, it would be "failure." Frankly, I wouldn't give a damn if they had the 2nd winning percentage of the decade.


    You people talk every preseason as if you are going to win the Superbowl

    There's the discrepancy. You dog us out for rooting for a team to win a Superbowl then...you expect the world but are satisified with mediocrity.....comment pops up. Make up our minds Egg. As a fan YOU don't have expectations for your team to win it all, or are you hoping for 9-7 and a first round playoff loss???


    And you Cannot "Pat your team on the back" for being ninth at anything because the Cowboys are most likely 10th or lower. So let's just say your Cowboys are ranked 9th best franchise in the NFL (as far as playoffs and winning Superbowls...with New England being one)...what would you do? Disown them, stop being a fan and jump to the Patriots? You make no sense with that "9th best" crack. So what do you say to YOUR Cowboys being the 9th best team in the NFC last year(as far as win loss goes) Still wanna disown them???


    What else have the Giants given you recently? Besides disappointment?

    Wow where do I start. I'll start here,,,with a question...What has the Cowboys given YOU recently? I can answer some of that. Playoff losses, Drew Bledsoe, Botched Romo snap, Jerry Jones not signing Romo yet, Terrell's Suicide fiasco....the RECENT records of .500 or below over a recent period of time....o yes 11 years is recent don't ya think? So should we ALL be asking you....why do you set yourself up (as a FAN) for failure? Your Cowboys are damn near the favorite to get the NFC East almost every year and fall short...so maybe deep down inside you expect the world but are satisified with mediocrity.....quoted straight from Eggs words. OUT HERE! 10-4!

  13. I love this place. Point to a post in which I am pumping the Cowboys for their performance this decade. You can't. Thus far, it's unacceptable. We expect two or three Superbowls per decade.


    You see, Cowboys fans expect more. We don't wallow in medicority, as you Giants fans seem to do. This "9th best winning percentage of this decade" argument is embarrassing.


    However, if you are comparing two franchises, the only accurrate measure of success is head-to-head from the beginning. You are kidding yourself if you believe otherwise.

    Egg you are sayin' the SAME stuff MOST people say. And let me remind you you are on a GIANTS board. Do you expect the fan base here all to be pessimists? Giants fans also 'expect more'! Can't you see that? Or should I copy posts from other Giants posters.


    Speaking of 'wallowing in mediocrity'.....if the Giants have the slight nod in wins overall AND they have won a few playoff games lately. If what you call that is 'mediocrity' what the heck do you call the Cowboys???? The Patriots????

    The ONLY measure for success is 'Head to Head' WOW Egg!!!!! Are you the ONLY Cowboy fan that lives for your team to beat the Giants? For example, I cannot STAND the Eagles but I would not ever say(let me quote YOU) "the only accurrate measure of success is head-to-head from the beginning." Number one, who really cares. Are the Giants winning playoffs? Are the Giants winning divisions? I really don't understand you being a fan and hoping just to be up on a team head to head. "Oh our Cowboys are 4-12, but at least we beat the Giants twice". Number two: Your Cowboys haven't did shit since you've been a fan. But I've said that already.


    Remember, you are on a Giants Board. What do you expect....Patriot talk?

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