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Posts posted by randoff

  1. That aside, what are my boy Romo's specific deficiencies that were "learned" by the defenses?

    Ooooh Ooooh let me get this one. Well the Giants figured him out somewhat from jump. Romo eventually replaced Bledsoe in the second half of a Week 7 battle against the New York Giants. Although he threw for a shaky 227 yards, two touchdowns and three interceptions in relief


    You do realize that 5 INTs vs the Giants is what Romo threw last year. Romo had 9 Turnovers down the stretch and even the Lions 'figured' your boy out. Comon' Egg....are you a real Cowboys fan? Or are you waiting for us to feed you truth about your team?

  2. I have a question Bigblue. Did the Italian Hotdog give you permission to be on the boards or did you sneak on? You are his favorite whipping boy, you know.

    I will go back in time and say that either Itailan Dog/Egg are the same poster OR they share the same cubicle at work. Just a hunch. And another thing: First the Romo 'man love' now the 'mouthpiece' for a guy named Dog?

  3. I certainly hope that Jerry wasn't rude when he turned him away...

    Why would Stray's agent wanna sign him to a .500 team that can't win a playoff, much less a Superbowl.


    (I'm willin' to bet that Strahan will retire BEFORE the Cowboys win a playoff game....and to take it a step further, I'm willin' to bet Wade gets fired before Stray retires...)

  4. This, in bold, I agree with.


    But other than that, I love Shock. The arms flailing at what not, its great. Get pumped up and run people over, and if we start losing, get pissed. You know who doesnt do those things? Randy Moss. Why? Cause he dont give a shit.

    That being said: My list of guys worse than Shockey

    (in no particular order)

    Terrell Owens

    Randy Moss



  5. He's not down with showering with gays, so what? Again, I'm pretty sure that's just a molehill. I've read far more comments from him where he's been extremely supportive of teammates, especially Eli.

    Just pointing out some things he said...I know Shockey has said good things too. But I'm a slight Shockey hater. The arm flailing and the overrated tough guy 'image' isn't my cup of tea. And I haven't forgiven him yet for droppin' that pass in the Wildcard debacle vs SF....then he smiles after....whoa!

  6. Trashing another team's coach...is disruptive how? And it was four years ago, and he denied ever saying it.


    What else?

    Why even go there? Calling a former Giants coach a homo. Or calling another man a Homo on t.v.? Anyway....

    remember this?

    Giants' Shockey speaks, and creates no controversy

    August 2, 2007

    What Shockey did yesterday was to follow the path he set for himself - or perhaps was set for him - after his "We were outcoached" rant after the 42-30 loss in Seattle last Sept. 24. He's been a lightning rod ever since he joined the Giants out of Miami in 2002. He kept that up in his first comments of last year's camp, calling Tom Coughlin "an ass," albeit as part of a compliment, and saying part of his maturation process meant he could party hard but still recover in time to do his workouts in the offseason.

  7. Really? Please, be a pal, and tell me about one prior to 94'. ;)

    He can't! Bandwagon fans act JUST like Egg. All giddy about 3 Superbowl wins back in 95 and shit....

    ...reminds me of these new New England fans, or these Colt fans that all of a sudden are on the map.

  8. It really is a shame. Had Leon not been a bonehead, the Cowboys would have come close to 60 points in that Superbowl game. Did you think the Giants enjoyed watching that Superbowl? It must be tought to choose, because they've watched so many...

    Hey...but you da King of 'lists'. I thought you'd get a kick outta that one. And give me a few days, I'll call Rodney Hampton, Lawrence Taylor, Simms and find out IF he enjoyed that SB.

  9. How can the Cowboys price themseleves out of Romo is he is as bad as you have claimed him to be?

    Ok, this will require an explanation. But first off, do u even follow the Cowboys? Or just spew out silliness concerning Eli and company?


    ....ok let's see this thru ok? U with me?

    Romo's Contract Biggest Question At QB

    ....But with Romo entering the final deal of his contract, the Cowboys must figure out just how and when to re-sign him. Do they give Romo a lucrative deal now with just 10 starts under his belt? Or do they wait until the end of the season, knowing if he plays like they think he will, then it could cost the Cowboys millions more to retain him?


    U follow me?

  10. You left the Eagles off your question and they gave the Cowboys two of the 4 East losses last year. Carolina has talent. Seattle has played well in recent years and picked up some decent players. TB was a playoff team I believe two years ago, and Garcia will do well if Cadillac is healthy.

    Thought you knew about the Eagles....but I'm talkin' TB sunn!

    ...and you've got to say it with conviction! Not like: TB was a playoff team I believe two years ago, Let's go back two years ago to 2004, TB was 5-11 and DID NOT play against the Cowboys. Now in 2005, TB was 11-5 and LOST in the Wildcard game vs the Redskins. Again TB DID NOT play the Cowboys. The 2007 schedule is out and waallaaa!!! Once again TB DOES NOT play the Cowboys. My question is: where does the 'concern' come from concerning TB???

  11. The "pussy approach"? Please......... And that is not a bad move.


    .......a shell that I, for one, was dissappointed that Jerry hired. He does, however, deserve some credit for drafting well.

    You're right... not the Pussy approach....more like the 'Puppet Approach'. Jerry Jones has what he wants in this coaching staff...puppets. Anyway, too bad Wade doesn't have a clue on what to draft, Jerry better pick a good QB because they will price themselves out when they try to work Romo's deal at the end of 2007-08. Then maybe Romo will head to TB, Carolina, or Seattle..... <_<;)

  12. That will be the only thing you will find. Out of curiosity, tell me what comes up when you type "Redsox" chokes? :LMAO:


    Giants and the Redsox? I feel bad, I really do...



    Egg has officially lost it. What's Redsox got to do with your disdain for the Giants?


    Hey Egg do you have NFL Network? You happen to catch the "Top 10 bonehead plays" of all time? Your Boy Lett was on there TWICE! And sorry to say that Romo didn't cut it (Seattle fiasco).

  13. TB has a QB. :LMAO:

    Tampa Bay has 4 QB's (If you wanna count Jake 'the retired' Plummer)

    Anyway, why would any Cowboy fan say that TB is more of a threat to the Cowboys than the Giants? You are really crazy or u do this to get a rise.



    If the Cowboys are fairly healthy, Dallas fans are not considering the Giants. Not even remotely considering the Giants. .......and maybe TB

    Let's break that down shall we? The Giants and Cowboys are in the SAME division, play twice a year BUT you consider Seattle and TB as a mild threat? Seattle I can understand...it's the team Romo effed up against. Tampa Bay? Tampa Bay hasn't did shit for years and aren't looking like a threat this year either. Which Dallas fans are you talking to?

    Let's now talk about divisional records:

    Dallas Cowboys 2006 (2-4) in the division and a SPLIT with the team Cowboy fans are not considering


    So my question is: Why would Seattle, TB and Carolina be on your "list" to consider when yo' team was 2-4 in the East?

  14. i dont care what he says as long as he produces and plays hard

    I expect 70 catches (most on third down conversions) and 5-7 T.D.s


    I DO care what he says.....control your tongue Shockey. When your team loses a hard fought game don't go mouthin' off about other factors (i.e. coaching, playcalling, Tiki not being here, Eli, etc..) Capeesh??

  15. honestly i dont know if i could pick 10 who are better than tyson, so maybe even top ten.


    I wouldn't put lennox lewis in the top ten though, I like tyson better.

    True dat! I'm trying to pick 10 that were better than Tyson....

    Obviously: (In no particular order)




    Joe Louis




    And: (these are guys who are possibly better than Tyson in his prime)


    Lennox Lewis

    Larry Holmes

    Sonny Liston

    Archie Moore (in his prime)


    Guys Tyson would have ate up: (IMO)


    Greg Page



  16. How is this team better off without Strahan?. Whether he leaves or they release him, the team is not better off without him?. Which player on the defense right now could take his slot and be better than him? When he's gotten hurt the last few years, the team's performance suffered, it didn't improve.


    Just cause he whines and complains, hey Welcome to the Giants everyone, where everyone from owners to players like to talk a whole lot.

    So you'd like to see a half assed effort on the field for this season from Strahan (who thinks that this Org has no respect or loyalty to him)....or let his whinny ass retire (because eventually he will retire) and find out NOW who his replacement is.


    And then we as fans gotta go thru the SAME bullshit that Tiki drug us thru!!! Fuck!


    Correct, there is no other 'Strahan' on the Giants but what did we do when LT retired? And LT didn't whine like Strahan is.

  17. No problem man, I have an extra room.


    Speaking of LT. How's Flozell Adams? Is he still not fully recovered?...

    Also, speaking of defense. Umm, maybe it's me. But I don't think its a good thing when the San Antonio police launches a major investigation, trying to find the corprid who shot Terence Newman and Chris Henry's confidence. Not good my friend, not good at all.


    How's Terrell Owens and Terry Glenn? They're not showing their age, are they?


    And has Jason Whitten ever hear of blocking? I know Julius Jones has asked that question once or twice. Ok, ok, three times.


    And for the love of God...Is Bobby Carpenter ever going to see the field?

    Other than that though...No issues at all coming from Cowboys camp.

    You forgot Jerry Jones yelling at one of his 'puppet' coaches. Defensive Coordinator took a tongue lashing from Jerry. Is Jerry the coach now?

  18. Exactly. I'm loyal to the New York Giants, not Michael Strahan. Strahan had a song and dance about his contract a few years ago (that Tiki and Keith Hamilton had to throw in their two cents about, let's not forget), got his way, and enjoyed playing under his contract. Now two young guys who play the same position as him get better deals than his original one, and he wants more money. Too bad, the world's not fair, and it's time to pay the piper.


    Let's not even mention that here in "real person land" none of us will see 4 million dollars in our lifetimes, let alone be paid that exorbitant amount to play a game you're supposed to like playing for what will likely be a 16-week season.


    Gary Meyers said Strahan should retire today, and after reading his article, I can't say I disagree with him. If you "have to think about whether or not you want to play the game anymore," the answer is that you probably don't... you just like the money. And even if he comes back at this point, who wants to hear about this crap all year? The players? The fans?


    Strahan has had some unbelievably great moments with the Giants... his TD return off a deflection against the Eagles Mc Nabb's rookie year, the sacks of Warner, etc... and who can forget the Brett Favre sack? On the other hand, where the hell was he when Jeff Garcia was tossing pass after pass for the Niners in the playoffs a few years back? Where was he the second half of two of the last three years? You've always had to take the good with the bad with this guy... but this year, I have a funny feeling we'd get "Bad Guy Strahan" instead of a guy who'll bring the locker room together and fight his butt off.


    I was sad when Taylor retired, I was sad when we cut Phil Simms... and I'll be sad to see Strahan go, if he goes... but I would not give that guy one more cent then what he's scheduled to make this year.

    Excellent post. Well put! :clap:

  19. What does it say about Tiki and Michaels 'Loyalty' when they up and quit or "retire/holdout" when they have time still left on their proverbial deals?


    I say those guys were never as 'loyal' to the team as we thought they were. So what is the point of this post? Fans loyalty to Stray/Tiki? Or their loyalty to the Giants?

  20. LOL. Whenever I say we should trade Shock and/or Plax and see what we can get for 'em, people call me names.


    I wouldn't want to go to work with a guy who yells and waves his arms every time I turn in a late lesson plan.



    I had to 'settle down' with my Shockey hate too. Folks in here was on my ASS for my Slammin' of Shockey at times. I never forgave Shockey for dropping that pass vs SF in the Wildcard debacle....then Shockey smiled after he dropped it like shit was funny.


    And being an assistant coach for a Football league for kids...I would NOT put up with any kid 'waving his hands' in disgust after his teammate messed up. But our league isn't the pros huh?


    (That's funny....your co worker flailing his arms because your report 'bounced at his feet')

  21. I don't really care about what team he roots for, I won't like the guy until he stops talking like a moron. Third person? Get over yourself.

    I find it quite entertaining (the third person thing)....for example YOU would now state that: "The Lube doesn't really care what team the Dog roots for. The Lube thinks the Dog is a complete moron!"


    And to add one more thing....I've lived in Arizona and now in California....people that talk in third person out here are usually 4er fans or Cardinal fans. It's a thing they do I guess.

  22. It is highly unlikely they will release him. I think it was todays Daily News there was a column that put it perfectly: if he is released Snyder will scoop him up immediately. Strahan could end up like Arrington attitude-wise wanting to beat up on a team he feels disrespected him. If they do get rid of him it will be trading to a non-division team.

    Link? What day in the Daily News? And so what if he goes to the Redskins? Stray is only good for 9-10 games anyway....that has been average for him lately anyway. He'll be injured down the stretch.


    I've thought long and hard about 'our' Giants lately. Eff it...bring in Simeon Rice...and it's time to cut out the locker room cancers. Tiki's gone, Stray SHOULD be gone, Shockey you are next (watch yo' back Plax)!!!!

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