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Posts posted by randoff

  1. As long as the Cowboys play the likes of the Giants twice a year, the hope and swagger will never go away. Barring injury, the Cowboys will sweep the Giants. It's a given. I have already looked past them.


    Eagles, Panthers, Saints = primary home field competition...

    Son???? Are you really serious? What did I teach you? Strong valid points will get you by....knowledge of the game PLUS knowledge of YOUR team will get you respect in here. You are truely sounding like a little boy with your 'points' for your team.


    Barring injury, the Cowboys will sweep the Giants.


    So if the Giants are NOT swept this year by the Cowboys, you will say "we had injuries Ellis was on I.R." Sounds like you don't have confidence.


    Here's an example of a strong statement: The Giants will beat the Cowboys this year because A) Cowboys O line is soft. B) The Cowboys cannot stop the pass and C) Get ready for Brandon Jacobs.


    (Notice there's no room for "barring injuries" or "If's". Smell me Egg???)

  2. You've got to admit (in those old posts) the pre game predictions were dead on! The Giants went thru that sieve of an offensive line Dallas had and tore Dallas a new one. Took Bledsoe OFF the map and started the Tony Romo experiment.

  3. You classless Giants fans whooping it up after an injury... :clap: I hope the Midgets are 100% healthy when they march into Texas Stadium in September...

    You'd be saying the SAME thing if Toni Romo was 'injury prone' and your Jerry Jones passed up on a chance to draft Matt Schaub (for example).


    "Aw man, we drafted the tin man instead of Matt Schaub...thanks Jerry Jones"


    And you'd be 'clapping it up' if Matt Schaub was to get hurt every year, because on the other hand....you'd think Jerry Jones was so "brilliant" for choosing Toni. So cut it out "mr classy" Cowboy fan. <_<

  4. 2 questions...


    How will you feel growing up and finding out your mother was a whore?




    Why do you pee sitting down?

    Because his mom is tired of cleaning up his pee spots. Or "he" could be a "she".

  5. Well that tells us a whole lot of nothing. In or out Mike, whats it gonna be? In fact, to hell with that, just retire already. We dont need guys on the field that are not sure they even want to be there. And BTW when a player says its not about the money, you can be sure, its about the money. :rolleyes:I'll tip a 40 to you bro, thanks for the memories, but its time to move on.

    Couldn't agree more. Get on with your life Mike. Good luck Mike.

  6. good day randoof, the dog is pretty sure that badegg was asking why the contradicition in the opinions on romo, i.e., everyone seems to say that he is overrated and will be weak, yet now you are saying that at the end of the year, they will not be able to afford him based on his level of play...that is the part that needs clarification...

    it could cost the Cowboys millions more to retain him?


    I was NOT one of those guys that said Romo was weak, I merely pointed out Romo's troubles down the stretch. And IMO I do believe it could cost the Cowboys more to retain him IF he has a good '07. So wouldn't it be good to hammer out a deal now?


  7. ...now let's talk Eli.


    Eli for 2006

    9 fumbles, 18 INTs. 16 games


    I am NOT happy with those numbers BUT 9 fumbles in 16 games isn't 9 fumbles in 10 games. 18 INTs in 16 games isn't ok in my book but Damn!!!! Romo had 13 INTs in 10 games.


    Romo was 17-of-29 for 189 yards and a touchdown. He didn't have any turnovers after a spurt of them in recent weeks, although he did fumble once. And, of course, there was the botched hold that mattered most.



    Tony Romo 9 fumbles, 13 INTs in 10 games.


    He has a fumbling problem, IMO of course.




  9. You are correct. The key to whether Romo is a good QB depends on whether they give him time this year. If Romo has time to throw and makes poor decisions or is inaccurrate, Romo needs to go. But I don't think he can be fully evaluated, one way or the other, until he gets blocking.


    As far as the playoff "debacle" goes, Romo played fairly well as a QB considering the constant pressure he was under. Poor coaching, as much as anything else, lost that game for the Cowboys.

    You sure about that?


    ...and how do you suppose that Romo stops the fumbling. Yes....Romo is a fumbler. So was Warren Moon, Culpepper and Kurt Warner.

  10. Hey Randoff, what's up with the gun? A little hostile, I must say...

    How old are you?

    What up with the Monkey? :confused:


    Let me explain it to you REAL SLOW (again). "The Big Gun" = a nickname. Hence a gun for my avatar. With me so far? So if my nickname is the "Big Gun" why would I place a 'flower' as my Avatar? Can u grasp that logic? No need to thank me....I'll be here all day. :worshippy: :)

  11. It is natural to want a ring.....as it is unnatural to want the clap. Which is why the TO signing is such a strange concept to get ones head around.


    C. Wagon


    So IF I was to read between the lines, Terrell is about to 'jump ship' because Dallas isn't even close to winning a SB.....hell I don't know if there close to winning playoff game in this decade.

  12. With actually doing some work, which I am not going to do at this hour, I don't know who should specifically sign Mike. Anyone who needs depth at DE or possibly a situational pass rushing DE I suppose. I don't know what Denver specifically did in the offseason, but that is a team that will be competitive and that has had shaky D-lines in recent years.


    But what I do know is that if Mike wants a ring, he needs to get out of NY. And fast. As in yesterday...

    Now see isn't that like 12% better that just typing in BIG ASS LETTERS:







    Now going to an AFC team (Strahan) and figuring Mike has 2 good years left....you figure Denver is that team? 2 years with San Diego, Indy, New England and possibly the Bengals all vying for titles? And how would Stray be a 'situational' pass rusher? He was a starter in NYC. Simeon Rice is a situational pass rusher IMO of course.












    Hey Egg? Tell us what team should sign Mike. Please don't say the Cowboys....get serious and discuss FOOTBALL with an adult point of view, ok?

  14. Randoff, I am not HD, nor does he or she work with me, nor am I his or her mouth piece. I may be many things but I am not a liar. But anyone who has been on this board at all this past month has seen the Dog all over Bigblue.

    HD, how cute ;)


    "...he or she" WOW! :rolleyes:

  15. Randoff, I am not HD, nor does he or she work with me, nor am I his or her mouth piece. I may be many things but I am not a liar. But anyone who has been on this board at all this past month has seen the Dog all over Bigblue.


    People could say the same about me making YOU look 'smart' for the last month. Doesn't mean (for ex.) CharlieTags has to ask you does "The Doff allow you Egg to post, because he does own you". Take a breath, mull that over and see how weird that sounds. That's all.

  16. But what are his "specific" deficiencies?

    Once again YOU have to be typed to REAL SLOW. Now you being a Dallas fan and I am sure you've watched a Dallas game or two....didja see his last 4-5 games? If a QB's INT's are going up at the end of the season TEAMS are catching on to his tendencies to throw to an area (or a favorite reciever). Meaning defensive backs have a read on his throws based on film, tendecies or same plays he ran before. Tony Romo did not adjust his game for whatever reason down the stretch. So answer me this: Since this is a Giants message board, why do YOU think Tony threw 5 picks to the Giants?


    Are you still with me? Egg? Over here....the monitor??? Read it son! :rolleyes:

  17. I am not the Italian Hotdog nor am I his mouthpiece. I just thouht I would ask if Bigblue had HD's permission to post since the HD seems to own Bigblue.

    So again???? Is the Dog next to you? And why should YOU ask another man if he has permission to post because the 'Dog owns Blue'? Mouthpiece = you speak for him. Am I right?

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