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Posts posted by randoff

  1. That's probably what BadEgg looks like.





    A troublemaker; someone who has a bad attitude and causes trouble.



    1) Emily is a real bad egg -- she's always starting fights and causing trouble.

    2) We have to get rid of the bad eggs on the Giants board



  2. Peyton Manning reveals some of what made him the Elite Passer he is . Reading defenses and knowing where to go after the read has been made. also how to tell who on your team what to do with the read. They have been doing this for 11 years .

    Yet you wonder why Eli has struggled in his first 3 years. It could be that the receiving corps needs to working out with him in the spring...... could be?

    Great read....but we HAVE to understand that Eli is NOT his brother. Eli is good, and has the potential to be better than ever....BUT he is not Peyton Manning. Some QB's can read coverages in their sleep...Eli isn't one of those guys. But I think with the right play calling, a qucker paced offense, and a healthy O line will make for a very good Eli.

  3. 4 guys who might help.


    Cory Schlesinger, can't hurt bringing in a guy with his experience, I don't like the idea of Droughans playing fullback and Douglas is too inexperienced

    When you look at us now, we are in need of some bodies, and these guys have some experience.

    Where would Cory fit in? Do we let go of Ward? Or Douglas?

  4. Wait one moment! Hold up! Although the Giants are predicted to finish with the same record as the Skins, they are predicted to take 3rd I suppose by some sort of tie-breaker. So, it's not like there is no pressure on the G-men this year...Let the meltdown begin!

    Let's break down the sensability of this Egg's opinion:

    Although the Giants are predicted to finish to take 3rd I suppose by some sort of tie-breaker. Let the meltdown begin!


    Meltdown is third place? Wow! So what would you call The Cowboys every year since 1996? Tsunami?


    When so called experts continue to pick the 'Boys to win the NFC championship (or whatever) and they don't win ONE playoff game....MELTDOWN isn't even a strong enough word Eggo! :P

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