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Posts posted by randoff

  1. Now here's a question? IF or when Ward runs for at least 90 yds today....do you demote Jacobs when he comes back? Jacobs being #2 and the power back in goal line/short yd situations?


    IMO, I would slide Jacobs back to his original power back spot.

  2. If thats true...I can't help but think about throwing in the towel for this season.

    Don't know if it's true....but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. :rolleyes:


    Seriously.....in the last 4-5 seasons, I've become used to injuries on our team. Soft defense and Offense is what I am not used to.

  3. I thought this Spagster guy was actually good and a wizard with LBer. So why the fuck was Kiwi looking like a retard in pet-store today? He was absolutely clueless!!

    Can we scrap the Kiwi LB experiment???? And find some real LBers? Torbor is a stiff....I didn't even see Kavika (sp) Mitchell and Pierce is lost too.

  4. If the injury happened on the play they think it did, Eli looked great AFTER the injury.

    I want to retract all of the bad shit I said about Eli....THIS game right here excellerated Eli to big boy status. And when he does come back,,,,look out!


    Write that down!

  5. this game sucked all the way around.

    Eli haters....... enjoy your boy Jared. maybe you'll shut up about how bad eli is.

    (Not to say u blamed Eli for the 45 points) but how can ANYBODY blame Eli and the offense for that loss?


    Kiwinuka was lost. definately not ready to play lb. TRUE

    I am fearful of the injuries BUT if they aren't serious and IF this wasn't a one game fluke then perhaps the Jacobs scare could help in that they see they do not have to give 300 carries to a single back they can rotate and platoon Jacobs, power, Drougns, power, and Ward, receiving, to keep everybody fresh AGREED

    A loss i can deal with, making Romo look like fucking Dan Marino, doesn't sit well. A EFFEN MEN!

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