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Posts posted by randoff

  1. I am sitting here having anxiety attacks. No Westbrook, no LJ Smith....and I still see the Giants struggling to compete.


    I wish we could have more games like the NFC Champ. gm vs Minny...They need to put a good whupin on someone


    When's the last time (as a Giant fan) in the regular season where you just could relax, because we whupped on a team. My last time was the Redskin game the week Mara or Tisch passed away...Tiki and Co. tore some Redskin ass!

  2. Why is that? The Giants shoulda KILLED Washington. Giants had Green Bay on the ropes and gave it up. And Dallas was a winnable game IF the Giants woulda got two 2 and outs from Dallas.


    Dallas breezes thru Saint Louis. But IF the Giants would play St. Louis...it would prolly come down to a FG to win it.



  3. to be fair we're juding him on 6 rushes, and im sure the coaching staff .....since he was supposed to have been relied on to carry the load all season

    I wasn't worried about his speed nor heart....I was worried about this very same thing. Durability. 6 carries and he's already hurt. Can he carry the load?

  4. I can't believe how much this fan base gives up. You think the team gives up easily, you should take two steps back and see the way it looks.


    That's why the stadium is quiet; that's why other teams have vibrant fan bases that stick.


    I don't know if we'll rebound; so far, we look terrible on D. We can't get worse and I've never seen a team or a unit stay this bad all year.


    So, to the originator of this thread: I think we'll bounce back too and show some guts. We can only go up and it's hard to keep good men down. Did we all of a sudden become the weakest on D? I don't think so...

    You are partially correct. But the 'Stadium being quiet' thing is a result of long time fans pissed at the product on D. You cannot tell a HARD working citizen that paid big bucks for his seats to LOVE this 'new' weak ass D we got! Would you like the Giants stadium fans to boo the D? Or remain quiet. Face it, I don't know any true Giants fans that can get used to this soft ass D. Blue used to wreck shop!!!!


    And right now...I'd have to say that the Raiders, Texans and Detriot's D is better than the Giants. For real!

  5. Stop with the "Return of the Wills" will ya. They were overated. So you don't want Madison and Webster, but you don't replace them with 2 guys who seemed to always have "upside". That's not a major improvement.

    Allright, the "Wills" aren't the answer either but Madison, McQ, Webster, etc are the worst secondary in the NFL. Even the Raiders secondary is better (is or are??).


    But why do you think after 2 weeks (and part of last year) this secondary hasn't gotten it?

  6. NEVER thought I would say this but...I miss....

    Will Allen and Will Peterson.

    I'd take Will Allen back in a heartbeat right now.


    Very good point. I am with you on that one. We had minor secondary problems with the "Wills" but now!!!! Shit is all jacked up!

  7. Should be the other way around, let Jacobs pound the first half to 3 quarters then put the quicker guy in who can also catch. But I say stick with Jacobs when he comes back, this is his season to prove his salt. Not like we're going anywhere anyway.

    Well IMO, I believe Jacobs had better adjust his running style when he returns. When he's trying to be 'elusive' he absorbs more hits to the legs and ankles. Memo to Jacobs: U ARE NOT 'Elusive'.

  8. Yes but did the Giants give up 80 points in 2 games? The coverage is bad and the tackling is abysmal.

    You are correct. But as pissed as I am about our weak ass D.....Cleveland drops a 51 on Cincy (and it aint over yet....it could end up being 60).


    Pierce, Torbor, Kiwi, Mitchell are all second stringers as far as LB's


    Webster is lost, McQ sucks, Madison is 47 years old, Ross is too 'green'.


    Strahan is not the man anymore....



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