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Posts posted by randoff

  1. The dude has 7 sacks. Which means we actually have a DE that can destroy starting RTs even while Osi is double teamed.

    Lawrence Tynes on the other hand is such a toolbag though. I hate that fucker, just plain lazy kicking...it should be fluid, bang bang every single time, but missing XPs is inexcusable...what is there to make me believe he could ever kick a game winner for us??

    There was SO many people complaining about drafting 'another DE' but hmmmmn where are they now?? <_<:)

    And is it me or does Tynes make you nervous on EVERY XP attempt, every FG attempt and even Kickoffs??

  2. wow - the Dog can't sit in the garden and journal for two hours without something like this happening...now, about that parade you were planning...will there be clowns? because the Dog is pretty sure there is someone here that posts all to often that may be of assistance should you need a clown...

    No Clowns. The Doff has a Clown Phobia. Doff doesn't know the official term for that type of fear.


    ...But like it was stated before...Doff is happy that the Giants won the Jersey Bowl. Where's the Kool Aid?

  3. I have seen nowhere here on this MB where people think the Giants are "sb bound" as badegg claims or "planning a parade" as his stupidit enlightens us with. I recall one thread by my man Dub where he said we "can be" 6-2.


    Seems to me that someone is a tad bith bothered the Giants are not 0-5 and doing what he hammered home all off season would happen.


    Are we 5-0? Nope. Did we lose to the Cowboys? Yup. Are we as good as the Cowboys? Nope. Have we beaten bad teams? Yup 2 wins vs 1 win teams, 1 vs 3 win team. Are we better at this point at 3-2 than most thought. Yeah, the hundreds of topic started by badbreath hammer home that point. I think that sums it all up. Lets recap for the retarded shall we.

    We are not SB bound at this point!

    There are no parades being planned!

    At this point we have beaten on our schedule who we should beat and lost to a better team in week 1 and 2

    We are better than most thought.

    We hve a shot to redeem what was done in week 1 and win some games in getting there.

    Just some food for thought?

    Have we played 3 winless teams? Well no, we have not.


    Bump! For Mr. Egg!!!


  4. For the record, If you have something remotely relevant or stimulating to say, by all means, let's attempt to..... In the meantime, I intend to sit back and watch the Dog spin circles around you and your inconsistencies...

    Now we are back to square one....back to the 'good ol' dayz'. Are you and the Italian Dog the same poster? IMO, I say yes! :)

  5. For you to read Egg


    From players to fans, anyone aligned with the Cowboys sees this as a tantalizing matchup, a chance to show that "America's Team" is headed back to the top. With Romo leading them to their best start since 1983, this game should show whether they're as good as they think they are. Even impartial observers are calling this a possible Super Bowl preview. If nothing else, it will show how the NFC's best stacks up against one of the AFC's big boys.


  6. But you guys are a different story. Beat the Jets and it's the "Giants get no respect/We are going to the Superbowl" rally cry. It's unbelievable and it is this time of the year, followed by the inevitable crash, that makes me love this place! :o

    I'd like to see proof that anyone here has said such things about the Giants. But IF I had time I could go to various Dallas Cowboy boards and find that Superbowl talk there in abundance.


    (Memo to Cowboy fans: First win a playoff game in this millenium)

  7. Look at you. Talking trash when the Cowboys, Packers, and every other halfway decent team on the Giants schedule is either safely in the rear view mirror or weeks away...


    Be careful, though. Don't let that Jersey State Championship go to your heads just yet! While the Jets are certainly the team to be beat, we should let the season play out a little bit more before we plan the parade...

    Prove it that we are 'planning parades'??? I've searched all over this board and could not find one fan that stated that the Giants are this 'great team'. And wouldn't u talk with a little hope after you've seen a defensive mess in games one and two from your team to shutting down the Redskins (div. foe) in the second half? Or the very next game we as Giants fans witnessed 12 sacks? And like you've stated so sweetly...the last game we won was the Jersey Championship? What was we supposed to think? Oooooh I know, let's just say "Giants it's ONLY a Jersey Championship, it's only 3 in a row, it's only a defensive surge....it means nothing! Pass me some Kool Aid and let's worship Dallas". <_<:)

  8. What is your point? I agree with your list. And, interestingly enough, the reason the Giants can't be there is because they lost to.....


    But keep drinking the Koolaid and hop on board!!!

    My point is: Order Your Playoff Tickets! You're in! Dallas are the NFC Champs!! Don't be scared.


    "Drinking the Koolaid" wow! You are FUNNY! I guess I am supposed to say "Aw Egg, my Giants beat the Jets but we still suck at 3-2" or "I know we haven't played any halfway decent teams so I wont believe we are good". Memo to Egg: I am a fan of the Giants not the Patriots.


    I have no need to defend myself. I am merely pointing that when one begins to question the Giants, the conversation mysteriously drifts back to Dallas.


    For the 54th time....I must remind you this IS a Giants board and we ALL know you got 'love' for the Cowboys. Hmmmn?

  9. You guys always go back to Dallas. I'm not talking about Dallas. I'm talking about the Giants. I haven't ordered any playoff tickets yet. The season is still young. It's you people that get all hyped up over winning the Jersey state championship game. You know, Buffalo beat the Jets too...

    You guys??? And isn't YOUR team the 'Boys? Anyway, I know one thing....your 'Boys do have Buffalos "number". I must say this, the Bills are a bad team and Dallas 'crushed' them.


    Don't be scared....order your playoff tickets NOW! 5-0 and Dallas is the 4th best team in the NFL today. :TU:


    1. New England

    2. Indianapolis

    3. Pittsburgh

    4. Dallas

    5. Green Bay??

  10. Every year the Giant roller coaster gets you guys all jazzed up by manhandling bad teams (last season, for example, it was Atlanta). Inevitably, the roller coaster derails when tougher opponents appear on the horizon, or when the Giants limp into the playoffs...

    By all means, have some more Koolaid and hop on board! :P

    Question? What are the Giants to do against so called 'bad teams'? Lose badly? Or destroy teams that the Giants know they can beat? Well lucky for you, Dallas 'destroyed' Buffalo huh? :rolleyes:;)


    And when the Giants so called 'limped' into the playoffs....and lost in the first round. What was up with Dallas? Lost in the first round and I do believe that Dallas was 'healthy'??? Same result - first round loss. Hmmmmn?

  11. Pennington helped with that very ill advised lob that Ross picked off at the one. That was a rare dumb move by Chad.

    Not to mention that the pressure from the Giants 'forced' the rare dumb pass by Chad. I am not a Jet fan and really haven't followed the Jets lately, but Chad does not have a rocket arm....so coupled with pressure and Chad's soft arm I can see why the "ill advised lob" was intercepted.

  12. This is why Burress has been frustrating to watch as a Giant at times. Can you imagine how good he'd be if he had the heart of someone like Wayne Chrebet? He'd be the best in the business. He has all the physical tools.

    What if Burrress had the 'heart' of a Shockey? Wow! Burress would be the best on the planet! ;)


    But me being a old time Giants fan for years....at first I thought the best set of recievers we had was Hilliard and Toomer (the year they both got 1000 yds with Kerry). But Burress has single handedly convinced me that he is the best reciever (that I've seen) that the Giants ever had.

  13. Once again I long for the Giants to bring out a Derrick Ward jersey, those were tough yards he got last night, and I stand by my statement that when Jacobs comes back, Ward should remain the starter.

    I agree...Ward should start and Jacobs should be short yardage back. Ward is on pace to get 1100-1200 yds.

  14. Who was the fuck who was on Corey Webster's nuts right from the moment we drafted him?


    I think it was Plax4Prez - boy, he must really be feeling like a real nitwit right now :).


    Where is he anyway, havent see him around in a while.

    "He's" out on Burress' campaign trail.

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