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Posts posted by randoff

  1. I don't want to hear your shit today...... :brooding:

    BadEgg is tryna 'hook up'......I see his game all the way from over here. :rolleyes::LMAO:




    Quote: For some reason, you have a negative opinon of me and the Cowboys, Jerseygiantfan. So, I'll tell you what. Come to Texas Stadium with me, and watch a real team play with a real football fan, and your entire perspective will change. You can thank me later... Un-Quote


  2. Let's see...


    The fact that the "overrated" Cowboys front 7 had 5 sacks while the overhyped Giants' had 2.


    That the "horrible" Cowboys defensive backs, who are only now getting healthy, had 2 picks, and held Burress and Toomer to a combined 61 yards and no TDs.


    I could spend post after post talking about coaching on both sides of the ball.

    Even worse, I could remind you that the team you played yesterday was not Miami, the Jets, the Eagles, the Redskins, Atlanta :P, or Sanfrancisco :lol:.


    IT'S ALL ON THE LINE THIS WEEK: The Season, Coughlin's future, Eli's credibility and possibly his future as well...


    I WILL BE GLUED TO MY TV. What more can an avid football fan want? Cowboys vs. Skins at 4... ;)


    Thank you Captian Obvious. Ever though of working for ESPN? :);)



  3. Yea...even if Romo was there first, Parcells gave him a chance to shine.


    ....and a FOURTH season of mediocricy(sp) 4 in a row!!!!!

    I like to correct myself.....excuse me for the error (I'm pissed)....2 yrs ago the Giants were 11-5.

  4. I think Romo was there before Parcells was.


    ......these Giants ALWAYS start out strong, and finish weak. They have a QB who collapses in the second half of the season, have shitty leadership, and come up small in the big spot.

    8-8; here we come. You heard it here first.

    Yea...even if Romo was there first, Parcells gave him a chance to shine.


    ....and a FOURTH season of mediocricy(sp) 4 in a row!!!!!

  5. Ah and here we are, first loss after 6 wins and we're ready to lynch Eli. Fine, good even. I won't make silly predictions about how great he will be, won't bring up the team failured today, won't bring up the coaching blunders. All I'll say is if you watched that game today and thought Eli stunk it up, you'r expectations are too high for this day and age.


    Eli played a fine game, who was the guy getting shockey in the game there BlueinCanada?


    Whatever, I'll let you all have your day in the sun, crying about Eli is what makes you so happy, so be it. Guess we could try to trade for Peyton or Brady in the offseason, oh, and MvNabb might be available next year. So theres something to look forward to.

    Fucking pathetic.

    I'm not one to 'blame' Eli for losses or annoint him when we win....but you got to understand that this Giants TEAM has been a middle of the road team (meaning 8-8 and barely making a playoff) for 3 to 4 years STRAIGHT. I am waiting for the jump into the next level, like 9-7 or 10-6 divisional winners.

    But VG, are you happy with the way Eli mis managed the clock in the second half? I mean understand that the play clock is facing the QB and if you are a QB and see that you have 3 seconds to run a play....RUN IT or call a t.o.!!!!! But three delay of games?


    This shit ALWAYS happens after a bye week. Why???? And WHEN is it gonna stop???? 4 freakin' years of this bullshit! I am patiently waiting for this team to advance to another level....no to be stuck in the "8-8" hole!



    Are you fucking kidding me?

    In the last start of his rookie season (2004) Eli Manning directed a Giants team who's

    starting receivers didn't catch a touchdown pass that year, he directed a pathetic team

    to a win against the hapless Cowboys by audbling to a draw play for the win in that game.

    This is when I knew we had a quarterback.


    2005, on a cold and blustery day in the New York tri-state area The Giants were getting

    manhandled by the Broncos. Giants get the ball with about 4 minutes left in their territory

    and he directs the team downfield for the winning touchdown.

    This is when I knew we had THE quarterback.


    During that same year, the Giants went punch for punch with the Seattle Seahawks in Seattle.

    He threw a great pass to Amani Toomer and a even better one to Shockey for the two point conversion.

    He then leads them down field for Jay Feely to miss a 40 yard field goal. In overtime he then leads the team

    for TWO more drives and then Jay Feely spits the bit two more times.

    This just re-affirmed that we had THE quarterback.


    In 2006 against the Philadelphia Eagles the Giants were just getting brutally beaten by the Eagles,

    and they even had 9 sacks on Manning and the Giants during the game. Eli Manning did not care for

    the Eagles 9 sacks and utter domination for 55 minutes of the game. Eli Manning just leads the team

    for the game tying field goal and in overtime throws a perfect pass to Plaxico Burress to win it.

    Again, re-affirmed that we had him.


    Lastly in 2005, the Giants played the San Diego Chargers, the team Manning had spurned in the 2004

    draft. It was one of the most hostile crowds I'd ever seen on television...every play was just a chorus

    of boos and it was one of the loudest crowds I'd ever heard too. You know what Manning does? You know what he does? He goes out their and throws for 352 yards and two touchdowns.


    How many times has Manning brought the team back from the depths of hell and gave them new

    life? How many? I can count at least 10 times where the defense or special teams shit the bed.


    Don't give me this shit that Manning hasn't proved anything because that is horse shit. You don't

    like Manning, quit being a fucking Giants fan then.

    I see your point...but MAYBE just MAYBE we just want to see Eli be solid instead of sporatic. 2 good games then 1 lousy one is gut wrenching for me. And all that you've stated above DOES NOT make me feel happy about today's loss. As a team, we are NOT ready to hang with elite teams. Whether it's Eli's streakyness, the poor secondary, the special teams or Tom Coughlin's coaching....the Giants are not ready for prime time. Beating .500 teams is great but........

  7. ...... and he is a Hall-of-Fame QB that has just had a really shitty supporting cast around him on offense, with NO Pro-Bowlers for the past four years.

    Eli will turn it around... remember that game against Denver two years ago?

    I wouldn't annoint Eli with the "Hall of Fame" thing yet....


    and for me...I really don't feel like remembering the past (Denver game) right now. Giants lost today and remembering what Eli did 2 yrs ago doesn't make me feel any better.



  8. I have no hope for the Giants with him under center.


    I mean look at this game this was the one fucking time all season that we got Shockey involved, he was having an awesome game. Then what does that kid do...he takes a giant shit in that start of the second half. I mean god dam 3 delay of game penalties fucking three of them! and don't tell me that little scrawny SoB couldn't of gotten rid of the football on some of those sacks.


    So until this kid proves to me that he can actually step up and show us he has some balls, he's not our QB he's just another scrub that the Giants put in because they have no one better.

    Dead on. Eli has NO fear of losing his job. But on the other hand, this Giants team hasn't advanced (as a whole) in the department of eliteness. We are still a middle of the road team that can beat sub .500 teams.


    By the way the secondary stunk it up again!!!!

  9. :huh::huh:

    Uhhhh, are you people serious???? Did anyone watch the game?? Half assed? Are you kidding me?? Theres a reason Jacobs had a career high rushing and Eli had only 59 yds passing.......YOU COULDNT THROW THE FREAKIN BALL! No one could, not just Eli. That being a swamp of a field is an understatement. Players were sliding for like ten yds when tackled, geez.

    Whoever or whatever was a at fault (weather, half assed, etc)....would you agree that the Giants were supposed to be a much superior team? Eli is a much better QB than Lemon, right? But Lemon throws a perfect strike to Ted Ginn for a late TD and Eli missed a wide open Toomer. So if 'no one' could throw why is it that Lemon (a scrub) completed more passes than Eli? Like I said I do believe the Giants let human nature sink in because they were playing a 0-7 team and the field was sloppy. The G men wanted to get a win instead of punishing the Dolphins. And I say that because IF Eli couldn't throw well in those conditions....he could have fed Jacobs the ball more and I do believe the score would have stayed 13-3. At one point the Giants kept flingng bad passes when Jacobs could have easily had 180 yds rushing.


    (P.S. I will take a win and I am happy with 6-2)

  10. I wouldn't say people are being pessimistic, as opposed to being realists. Truth is, the Giants should have destroyed Miami. I'm as much a fan as the next homer, but seriously, if you were Dallas, watching that game, would you be worried? ......but the consistency of this team is, as usual, in need of improvement.

    Very true indeed. Giants went over there and played half assed. It's human nature with most teams (exept the Patriots) to slightly lay down against an 0-7 opponent. Plus the field was shitty and even the Giants looked like they were playing just to escape injury.

  11. well, you could definitely get into stadiums with whistles and sit close to the field here. but people wouldn't be that dick and they'd probably get thrown out. they just don 't know that what they're doing is disturbing.

    That's true. And you gotta wonder about the safety issues there. Streakers, whistles...terrorists.

  12. College so called 'post season' is garbage. The actual college NCAA game atmosphere is great BUT the coverage and rankings stink to high hell! Too many Bowl games, too much preseason rankings, and too much talk of Strength of Schedule.

  13. What worries me is that these field conditions could cause a career injury for a player. NFL management only cares about making money, otherwise they would have had this game played in a European country that has decent weather and fields that compare to US football fields.

    Wait 'till the NFL has a Superbowl overseas...uggggh! Deprive an AMERICAN city from reaping the Superbowl revenue and allow for example...Frankfurt, GER to 'cash in' !!!

  14. This game being played in a country that has no history of real football shows the stupidity of NFL management. The field is the worst I have ever seen and the weather is awful. No more games in England.

    Wait 'till they move the Superbowl to Germany...... :brooding: :huh::(

  15. More proof as to why the draft "experts" are fucking morons and there is no way of knowing how good of a draft you had..... EA got shit for drafting so many DE's, now we are being applauded for putting 4-6 DE's on the field at one time.

    I am willing to be that at least 85% of the folks in here was on EA for drafting so many DE's.....

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