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Posts posted by randoff

  1. Because the fucking coaches feel the need to play the overpriced guys. That's why. Mix is as talented if not more talented than Plax. At least that's my opinion.




    Well I would go that far! :)


    Plax is starting (with a bad ankle) for a reason. He's kinda talented. Mix wouldn't have sniffed any PT over Smith, Moss or Plax. Could he have replaced Toomer?

  2. ....Anderson completes two passes and they bring out Phil Dawson for a field goal.


    His kick hits the left side of the cross bar, then hits the bottom part of the uprights (that curved thing)

    and then ball lands BACK into the field of play. The officials then ruled it as a missed field goal, and

    after a "discussion" they finally call the field goal good, which it was.

    I betcha the Browns kicker couldn't do THAT twice in one lifetime! Real odd FG make!

  3. I was talking about this with a friend yesterday. In the off season we need to spend some big cash in the secondary. Im liking what we've seen from Ross so far. Yea, he makes some Rookie mistakes, but he's the best Rookie corner for the Giants I've ever seen. Johnson (though we all wanted to kill him last week) is not looking to bad either. If both of those guys can improve over the next few games, it could be the difference. In no way am I predicting SB, but in no way am I ruling it out either.

    My co worker is also a big Giants fan...I live in Cali now. And we were discussing how ALL of the media focus is mostly on how Eli is 'progressng' but hardly anyone talks about the Giants secondary esp the old ass corners. My co-worker and I talk about it all the time. And he also points out how Brandon Jacobs runs too much like a halfback and not like a 6' 4" 264 pound wrecking machine! Ward is a halfback, Jacobs you're a PHENOM!!!

  4. Im not saying that yet. There is still aways to go, and time to improve. The Plax ancle thing is really hurting us though, and dont look like its going away anytime soon.

    It's not just the "Plax injury" that's hurting us....it's also the Jurassic Secondary. The Corners cannot hold the likes of Wes Walker, Randy Moss or Stallworth.....

  5. I was ripping my hair out when we were in no huddle last night running fucking draw plays with little time to spare.

    Two things I cannot stand from the Giants playcalling. The 'Shotgun-hand-it to the RB play' AND the 'long drop back passes' when the Giants should be throwing quicker passes to Toomer or Shockey.

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