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Posts posted by randoff

  1. This is what I'm talking about. You're not even aware of your own teams record over the last 3 years. You hear 'giants perennial crash' and your brain stops working.

    We were 11 and fucking 5 only 2 years ago. We were 5-3 in the last 8 games. What defines the annual crash that season? You're already to resign the season to 8-8 because we lost 2 guys. And last year we were 8-8 after losing more than half the defense and the two of the most important offensive players.

    But yeah same shit different year. wtf is wrong with you people?

    Everything is wrong. You are right. Giants are perfect and I cannot be critical of any Giants team. ESPN has got me 'poisoned'.


    Can the Giants beat Tampa Bay in a Wildcard game? (scenario)?

  2. ...size, arm strength, scrambling ability, and decision making are better than Eli or Rivers to this point. .....but every week Ben is putting up 25-40 points and Eli is hitting single digits (aside from week one, where Eli really lit it up).



    And if we had a team like Pittsburgh we'd be consistent too. But like I said before QB is so important esp for us. Accuracy is an issue with Eli. Wobbly throws, overthrowing and underthrowing is a huge problem. I'm a D coordinator and all I have to do is disquise my blitzes, hurry Eli into a wobbly, off the wrong foot throw and I beat the Giants. Take away Toomer, blitz more than the Giants have to protect (to force Shockey to block) and we all know that Plax is the fly pattern guy(only) due to his ankle being hurt. Limits us in what we can do huh?

  3. You call those 3 games crashing, and I call it 2-1. That's why you guys suck.

    You've got this perennial crash in your head from espn. Stop watching it.

    No, I got it from a few 8-8 seasons and a few first rd bounces in the playoffs. And you gotta be kidding me if you think that stiff Torbor is the answer at LB. Kiwi is an upgrade when healthy. And Droughns being the only strong back there hurts. Ward was the real deal. Now I do believe that Giants injuries are hurting us this year TOO!(just like last year)! See Plax, Jacobs, Ward, Kiwi, Osi (one game) and Steve Smith.

  4. I'd take Big Ben.

    None of the above!


    Well let's say the Giants would have taken Ben. This Offense would have him throwing it 35-40 times a game and is Ben built for that? I say no...Ben is built to manage a game and complete 13-15 passes. Handing off to a RB doesn't make you better.


    So I wouldn't take Ben for the Giants system. O coordinator would 'force' Ben to do shit that wasn't in Ben's comfort zone. Ben looks better handing the ball off and throwing 20 passes max.

  5. Again, how many times do we have to hear this perennial crashing bullshit? Stop watching sportscenter for christs sake. In 04 we started a rookie qb against the best defenses in the league, in '05 we finished 5-3 and made the playoffs, in '06 we were decimated by injuries and still made the playoffs. How is that perennial crashing?


    Jesus NY fans suck. You're all ready to throw in the towel every fucking year.

    Son, U don't have to watch Sportscenter to brace yourself for the 'crash'. This team cannot stay healthy at key positions exept the QB spot. No depth! We start off great and lately we slip. Will it happen this year? Who knows? But Offensively it's already happening. The Dolphin game....13 points, Detroit...16 points, this game 17 points and terrible overall play! Trend? I say yes...and I didn't need ESPN to tell me that.

  6. There is a reason there are few 70 year old giants fans who ain't loaded ($$), and few Giants fans under 50 who ain't loaded ( :cheers: )

    Since being a Giant fan (1981), I can probably say I've seen 12-15 games where I didn't have one once of worry about us crushing the opposition.


    Some of the games where I just felt 'safe' about the victory:


    Giants beat Vikes in that playoff game en route to the SB (2000-2001)

    Giants beat the Bears in a playoff game in the early 90's

    All of the early 90's victories vs the Cardinals

    Giants beat the Redskins when Tiki rushed for 200 plus yards (2005 or 2004)


  7. I noticed that too this time. Dog comes in only after Eli starts stinking it up, Egg follows not long after. To top it off, both were no shows after Egg's failed prediction of what would happen last week.

    They're roomies, co-workers or the SAME poster. I like it, it's very comical!

  8. Granted I'm sad the Giants lost but no way in hell would I actually

    say some of the shit I say I would after the game. Last year I pledged

    to just start shooting up heroin after the Seattle game.

    Sometimes you have to put things in perspective and realize it's game.



    ...you've got to admit. That almost everything these Giants do...it's always got to be gut wrenching, difficult, worrysome and tiring on your soul.

    Teams the Giants should smoke ends up being a close game a la 13-10 over the Dolphins. 16 points vs Detroit (Before you say it that Detroit is a very good team...they aren't shit on defense).


    The last real non worry game that I've seen the Giants win cnvincingly was the Washington game when Tiki rushed for 200 plus yds. Even this years victory over the hapless Falcons had me worried a little.

  9. Let's not hit the panic button guys. The Jets beat the steelers; does that mean the steelers suck?


    This is so unlike the Giants we know. We sucked so bad I hope this game gets the suckyness out of the teams system.

    But it is like the Giants we know. Spiraling and crashing at the latter part of a season. And yes, the Steelers do suck for losing to the Jets. But the Steelers aren't perennial 'crashers' at the end of a season.....they stay healthy, they fix whats wrong on Offense and they crush teams when it counts.


    Jets = even the sun shines on a dogs ass once in a while. :P

  10. :furious::furious::furious::furious: Does anyone share my pain and dissapointment? This morning I had owned 12 NY Giants jerseys...Don't know how many I will have when I go to bed...I have already set an Eli jersey a blaze!!! I'l be sure to record the next one I burn... WTF happened?!!!!!!!!! :confused::furious::furious::furious:

    11 fires, 9 posts of the SAME thing! U funny man.


    Fuck that! I aint setting none of my jerseys on fire. I have a authentic #56 and #27 (Hampton not Dayne or Jacobs). I might as well burn $455.00 if Imma do that!

  11. Why you are asking a question to a random letter, I will never understand. I'll pretend you were asking me the question, of course I'm not happy with his performance in this game, that would be idiotic, shit happens. Would I take Peyton Manning or Tom Brady over Eli Manning, hell yeah, but I'm not disappointed with our acquisition or Eli Manning either.

    U = You. Sorry, I didn't feel like typing 'you'. But we are sorta stuck with Eli and since the QB position is so important in Football. I am STILL waiting for Eli to step his game up. Maybe it wont happen. Maybe this is the best we are gonna get??? Who knows? I am not dissapointed with us picking Eli. At the time it was Rivers or Big Ben. And Eli seemed like a better choice back then.


    But can't you understand the frustration of a QB giving up 21 points on fucked up throws? Eli's accuracy and mechanics have been in question since day one by most of us fans. And today it just seems like Plax isn't the only one not practicing.

  12. The Giant's problem is that they let the other teams decide how they are going to play. You don't see the Patriots doing that. The Patriots have the same game plan every game, and force the other teams to come up with ways to stop them. The Giants (coaching staff) out think themselves just about every game.

    And we all can see that the Giants should simplify it on Offense. Droughns for your tackle to tackle runs, Bradshaw to the outside. 12 passes to Shockey, Plax on the fly pattern and Toomer is your 'hot' reciever. #88 and #39 for pass proctection. Fuck the Shotgun handoffs, direct snaps, fancy screens to Moss, and less of the 8 step drop pass plays.

  13. the Dog is not sure he understands this statement...

    I am saying Eli is a good QB....but expectations are higher because he was drafted #1 overall!!!! I probably wouldn't be so critical of Eli if Eli was selected in the third round. Because Eli is playing like a third round pick.


    And Eli is very inconsistant, one week he looks super, the next two weeks he looks confused. And today Eli did it all. Overthrew recievers, hit D lineman in the head, threw picks for TD's....


    ...now saying all of that, watch he light Chicago up next week. <_<;)

  14. I feel sorry for Alex Smith. No one knows how good he is behind the worst Oline in football.


    Eli has lost ground in the three areas he needed to improve on this season; consistency, accuracy and field vision. I was worried at the start of the year before he showed some promise in the first few games, but since London he's been getting worse.

    Eli a good QB....but he's never had accuracy or been consistant. Now I wouldn't be on him so hard IF he was a 3rd round pick or Tavares Jackson. But comon' Eli...you are doing the same shit you've done since 2005!

  15. Another Christmas Present from Opie. Let's just throw this one away.

    Is this 2005? And I just went to the kitchen to get a drink....my son goes "awwwww!" Another Eli pick for a TD.


    Let's just take bets to see if Eli can get five picks against him! :furious:

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