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Posts posted by randoff

  1. You don't think the Jets would like to be "stuck" with Eli?

    You don't think the Dolphins would like to be "stuck" with Eli?

    You don't think Bills would like to be "stuck" with Eli?

    Don't think the Texans would like to be "stuck" with Eli?

    I'm sure Arizona would like to be "stuck" with him.

    I know for damn sure Chicago would LOVE to be "stuck" with Eli.

    The Lions.

    The Vikings.

    The Ravens.

    The Chiefs.

    Hell..the Eagles would love to "stuck" with him too.

    Not so sure about the Bears. Grossman is better right now. Mcnabb for the Eagles is better than Eli. In this game (so far) Eli is shell shocked. Why does he continue to throw to an 'area' if for example Shockey can't get to a spot? He threw the pick right to Urlacher!

  2. I find it disturbing how quickly fans turn on their guy. I'm not the oldest here but in my life time the Giants haven't had a better QB than Eli. You all can sing Simms' praises all you want, my understanding is the guy didn't flourish till late in his career. Come to think of it, I would like to see a complete comparison between Phil and Eli..


    My guess is Eli was pressing. I'm tired of seeing our WR not get open or make the tough catches.. or the easy ones for that matter. Looking at this team, the QB position is not what worries me... it's the CB position.

    I'm not one of those fans that's turned on Eli. BUT...BUT the Giants touted this Eli guy to be the QB!!! Gave up a LOT for this guy. We expect him to be 11 times better than Simms. And we ALL expect Eli to be much more accurate at this point. He is STILL throwing off the wrong foot too much. He stilll throws the silly INT right before the half too much. The wobbly passes, the underthrows...start from the QB position. Can't lay all the blame on Shockey not running a full route or Plax not cutting properly. Eli should never throw to a Shockey IF Shockey isn't on his route. Eli should learn how to adjust his throws. Not just chuck it to an area, let it bounce off a DB hands and allow a INT.


    Now if Eli was chosen 22nd in the 1st round and we gave up no 1st rd picks I could kinda accept this up and down performance by him. But that's not the case. Again, I'm not turning on him but I come to realize that Eli is just middle of the road type of QB....and that's a shame.

  3. That's a good point, but it's a bit of a biased list... where's Rivers, Romo, and Big Ben? How about Campbell and Rodgers?


    ....so there's still a slim chance that we might get something outta this kid... but I'm sure not holding my breath.

    I purposely left Big Ben off because he "won" a SB. And leaving of Romo (A - he wasn't a big 1st RD pick and B - Romo has "it") Romo (pains me to say this) gets it done. Campbell and Rodgers are too fresh into the season to judge. Rivers true colors are comin' out he's struggling....Ladanian (for whatever reason) isn't the same as last yr....and Rivers HAD a easy go of it. Hand to Ladanian and 7 yd passes to Gates.

  4. Where is the QB coach in all of this Eli mess? Isn't the QB coach there to also correct Eli on his shoddy mechanics? Aren't the coaches working on Eli? I realize that practice speed and real game speed is different....but sometimes it seems like Shockey and Plax aren't practicing with Eli and are 'strange' recievers to Eli.


    When Tiki was a fumbler, the COACHING staff fixed it! Eli's a mechanical mess and I don't see a fix. They seem to be letting him continue to chuck no look passes, allow him to get too many passes batted and this 'off the back foot' throwing is so habitual for Eli. We notice it as fans BUT are the coaches noticing it? :unsure:

  5. We can argue all we want; the kid's going to be here for few more years.

    Also, he's never going to be great; he is as Salsbury and Co. stated: good, not great and wholly dependent upon play action; he's not a pure pocket passer which to me (means) that he can't read defenses well.


    Quote the stats about TD's, compare him with his brother, but in the end, he's only able to throw to a really tall receiver and he can't throw into tight spots. He is a 54 million dollar error that we're stuck with, that is until next draft season when we can put someone behind him that has a spark. I don't know who, but we need to push him, the kid's leash is getting shorter and we need to prepare as if he'll not change his habits.


    Well put!

  6. If you are indeed using your brain, wtf does this mean? Please explain. Criticize the team all you want, but don't make up shit like this. There's enough to be criticized without fabricating shit like a 'few 8-8 seasons' and a 'perennial crash'.

    Didn't I adress this a few posts ago? ;)YOU ARE RIGHT, I am WRONG! :)


    I will never make up shit like that again, we cool?

  7. I can't wait until we have a season when the Giants really are as good as their record would indicate.

    And would you LOVE for just one season not worry about your team week to week stinking up the joint like they did today. Good teams would have punished the Peterson-less Vikes. Good teams would have smashed on Miami (not squeak by 13-10). And knowing that Detroit passes a lot good teams would have grinded them out on the ground and won by 3 TDs.


    Watch tonite how New England handles a Donovon-less Eagle team. I know it's unfair to compare the Giants and the Pats but SHIT!!!!


    (Fuck the 'running up the score' news hype. Pats will smash the Eagles and score at least 48)

  8. So we got rid of one Kerry Collins for another.

    Dunno yet? Who knows. But when do you start to say enough is enough IF Eli's mechanics, accuracy and desicion making doesn't improve? Do we give it 100 starts? Do we draft anothe rQB and put fire to Eli's ass? What to do.

  9. Randoff and Nesta are trading arguments. Both make compelling cases for the glass being half full vs the glass being half empty.

    We're 7-3 (not great Nesta).. we're 7-3 (we don't suck Randoff). We are who we think we are.. a middle of the pack team who can get lucky and something great this year..

    All I'm sayin' is can we move from the middle of the pack and take control of a weak NFC? Besides Dallas and Green Bay, we had a chance to propel over the likes of Tampa Bay and Seattle....now it is what it is....7-4. Thank you. Goodnight!!!!! :)

  10. Was it me or did a lot of Eli's long passes seem to be under thrown? On more than one occasion it appeared that the receivers were waiting for the ball, only to drop it when it was thrown to them. :doh:

    I saw that too. Hence do you think Burress, Toomer, and Shock trust Eli in getting it to them accurately? I don't.


    ...Eli scares me. Makes me so nervous watching him. Will we get this Eli next week or the same Eli who looked good vs the Falcons?

  11. Eli has been chucking the ball 40 times since he was a rookie. Ben has had a great defense to overcome his learning curve and to keep ben from having to put up 30 points per week.

    .....Eli would be thriving in Pit and Ben would be struggling here. Our play calling has never been a benefit to Eli.

    So let's just say you had a chance to be an O coordinator to work with Eli. Would you have confidence in Eli making 15-20 accurate throws (instead of chucking it 40 times) knowing that Eli is a mechanical mess? Which types of plays would you have Eli making in the pass dept? I guess the question is, can u even trust Eli to throw an accurate pass to Shockey for 10 yds, or a pass to Smith for 11 yds 10 times a game???

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