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Posts posted by randoff

  1. oh yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah its the TOYOTA half time report I think I better go out and buy one right now cause all the hip kids are doing it.

    Why don't you smash your Ford Ranger...so you'd have an excuse to get a TOYOTA>


    Question? On offense...what's the Giants philosophy? Are we a passing team? Short passing team? Running team? For example the Jags and the Steelers are run teams that rely on the QB to make good throws when needed. Garrard(sp) has 2 picks on the year......so we know his team RUNS the ball more often. What are we on Offense?

  2. .....what a tough crowd you have in NY. Well fuck you Al Michaels....that was one of the worst halves of football that I have seen by a so-called playoff team. So if I paid my fucking hard earned to see this shit....I would boo them on every fucking play.

    Let's not forget you'd be sitting out there with wind blowing up your ass to watch ineptness. Collins looks like he's played there for 5 years....it's his first start since 1995, what's Eli's excuse?


    Let me guess....play calling, dropsies, poor footwork, poor field conditions, Tom C, Gilbride, Shockey....


    (I am so pissed)

  3. HOLY FUCK 3 POINTS....Were such a playoff team now......were the fucking disgrace of the nfc.....

    You know the Giants will make it 'close' and proceed to send us over the edge. If and when they lose tonite it'll be a situation where the Giants will HAVE to win vs New England in order to make the playoffs.

  4. you got that right. I still think some bloke slipped them a mickey in the giants hotel water fountain

    Moss is a Bust....Toomer's 'hands' are HARD! Shockey hasn't wow'd me since his rookie year and Plax is one dimensional. Plus Brandon is 262 pounds and tip toeing into the holes!!!! Fuck!

  5. i'm about to send my wife to the kitchen for a paper bag.if that pass had not been knocked down, i'd be wearing it now.

    If Cooley had caught that for the TD......Giants woulda been done. Now they can hope to get two FG's to tie this one. Heart attack here it comes.

  6. It was raining, but that field has great drainage design.

    There was a shot of the crowd, sitting in the cold rain, after the kick. Lol...you should have seen the faces of the fans.

    My boyfriend is an Eagles fan and even he laughed...."look at those poor suckers...cold, wet, losing...and I sit here on my girlfriends couch, watching her 50 inch plasma, rubbing her boobs. You tell me who the asshole is?"



    Pics? :rolleyes:

  7. I'm fine with something illegal. Like a crowbar to the knee ala Tonya Harding.

    Both of those sold their souls to the devil. Did you see the throw Romo made under pressure?

    He throws it up for grabs off his back foot, and Barber just happens to run right under it in stride for the td.

    And when Favre does that he's labeled a 'gunslinger' and 'great'. Eli does that and we (including me) critizice it all WEEK!


    I'm so tired of the Patriots and Brady talk, and the Romo love!!!

  8. Man.... I am 22 years old and have not missed a Giants game since I was 8. I have never seen them have a defense that has played this well over the course of a year. We are consistently holding teams to less than 20 points and our corners and d backs have not been a problem all year. We have 3 guys who will have more than 10 sacks at the end of the year and the D has become the stronger part of our team. Who woulda thought... way to go spags!!!

    1990 (1991 SB win)

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