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Posts posted by randoff

  1. I literally hate when our offense continuously lets the playclock run to 1-2 seconds before snapping. At 8 minutes to go tonight I am yelling at them to just snap the ball.

    QUOTE(randoff @ Dec 17 2007, 12:14 AM)

    My wife and son wonders why I say "Fuck, snap the ball" or "Hey, get the freakin play OFF already" 34 times a game to my TV. "Omaha -Omaha!!!!" the pointing and the burning the play clock is annoying. Giants, we are gonna do THREE things from the shotgun....a draw play, check down to a back or a chuck to Plax or Toomer....THAT'S it!!!!! No secrets! Defenses know this.....that is why Landry played center field. 10 D guys against eleven and we kept chucking it.

  2. You took the words right out of my mouth Bro.....half the time when he says "Omaha"....the defense checks back to their original coverage and the next thing you know Opie is playing defense as the ball is coming back at him.


    Its the little things. Everyone is so enamored of Opie's big brother and the masterful psych out that he does at the line spouting out War and Peace when he basically is going with the play called in the huddle. I laugh seeing the defense trying to adjust to his antics and I wan to say to them this guy is pysching you out so badly. :P

    All that 'show' and pointing (IMO) spells "We have no confidence in the play". A strong offensive team that is confident runs the play!!! Not waiting till the play clock is down to 2 seconds. Giants are way too complicated on Offense. Line up, snap the ball and let the O-Line smash some heads! We got the BIGGEST RB in the league, we got one of the tallest WR in the league and we are watching pointing and Omaha-ing on every play!

  3. You know what, I'll take the playoffs every time. Sorry, I've been through enough seasons stuck outside looking in. At this point, I'll take the playoffs even if it's because the rest of the teams in the East forfeit.

    The frustrating part is this team is right on the edge of being a lot better. This 'backing' into the playoffs is not fun as a fan to me. NFC is weak and the Giants could have did a few things better in preparing for some of these games. And easily could have been 10-4 today and possibly 11-3. Playing down to the competition and playing unprepared (or not willing to adjust) hurts ME!!!!

  4. It seems clear to me that Coughlin coaches better on the road, not because of the obvious, but he seems all distracted and flustered at home. I wish the Giants would hire that big Wrestler from years ago, Giant Gonzales or whatever, he was like almost 8 feet tall, and give him a Giant windbreaker and tell him that it's his job to way his arms in the air and implore the crowd so as to save Coughlin from doing it. Seriously, if you think I'm joking, why would a coach who is supposed to be worried about what's going on on the field, be worried about the crowd noise. Gilbride running the ball when we're behind as an offensive mix, isn't so bad. It's not running it earlier that should bother people.



    Tommy the Head Coach of the Cheer Team. Most coaches on any level are involved with the players helping them adjust....helping them stay confident....talking to Eli when he's 'down'...but not our TC!!!! He heads the Cheer Team. I say he should head up the 'get the Giants some cheerleaders' campaign. ;)

  5. Listening to the radio feed and Howard Cross was speaking to Moss and saying that during the latter part of the year the Giants would be practicing inside of Giants stadium as opposed to the Bubble, so as to get used to the conditions. Moss said that it never occurred to him and maybe (MAYBE?) he will mention it to Cheer Leader. Brandon Jacobs: The coach called the plays that he called....and we ran the plays that were called". LOL.

    Brandon??? What 'plays' were those? Because it's obvious Brandon, YOU haven't practiced them or wasn't used to catching passes. Whoa???? This team is something else!

  6. Every time I hear Opie say Omaha I cringe...because I know its going to be a bad adjustment to a blitz that will either be intercepted, sacked for a loss, sacked and fumbling, ball bouncing off of fingers. This is not a crisp offense. Everyone jokes about Fassell but I believe he would be the best coach for Opie right now. He and/or Payton down in the Dike Town would call a better game than Gilfuck.

    My wife and son wonders why I say "Fuck, snap the ball" or "Hey, get the freakin play OFF already" 34 times a game to my TV. "Omaha -Omaha!!!!" the pointing and the burning the play clock is annoying. Giants, we are gonna do THREE things from the shotgun....a draw play, check down to a back or a chuck to Plax or Toomer....THAT'S it!!!!! No secrets! Defenses know this.....that is why Landry played center field. 10 D guys against eleven and we kept chucking it. WoW!!!!

  7. Nobody from the NFC will win the Superbowl anyway. Green Bay MAY represent....because the Farve lovers and the networks would LOVE to see the Great Brett try to win one and retire a la Elway.


    But I am noticing something...if the Jags ever face the Pats...I believe the Jags are the type of team that could take out the Pats in the playoffs.

  8. And he also said that there was a method to throwing the ball there.....a tight spiral with a low arcing almost flat trajectory because of the turtle back field out there. Simms used to get a lot of balls batted down at the line until he changed his delivery.

    Yes....comes with practice and being fiery. Simms had 'it'. Wasn't the best QB but he was a gritty SOB. Stood up to Parcells when necessary. Adjusted his game so he could last in NYC. Seems like these dumb ass coaches aren't working with Eli at all. And seriously, when Gilbride signals in a 'chuck play' to Eli...seems like Eli doesn't wanna do it......case in point...Eli spends too much time at the line pointing and 'Omaha-ing', 2 seconds left on the play clock, Eli takes a 7 step drop and focus in on ONE WR!!!!! I really believe Eli doesn't feel right with the plays. I would send Plax deep...let Landry bite on it and throw passes to the TE underneath or get #44 involved. I'm sure he catches check downs better than Jacobs. Sheeeeez!!!!


    Even a scrub like Collins adjusted his throws tonight.

  9. This was a TE's kind of game....SS playing 30 yards off...and the running game is effective. Boss has the softest hands on the team and he gets one pass thrown to him.....pathetic.

    If the coaches will not work on Eli's accuracy and mechanics....why would you ask Eli to chuck balls into a swirling wind all day???? I don't trust that plan with perfect conditions. Eli and the play calling is a mess!!!!


    ***let's chuck it long, or check down to stone hands Jacobs.....*** What kind of plan is that?

  10. Disgusting.........Eli didnt even connect ONE FUCKING PASS!

    I've seen a lot of "firsts". A QB that threw three INTs returned for TDs (vs Vikes)......11 offensive drops by various recievers on the Giants. 2 fouth down conversions in a row...by the Giants....


    ....frustrating as a fan to see the Giants once again 'back' into a playoffs. And the funny thing is it is possible that the Giants could be eliminated!!!!

  11. I know, I'm just so fucking pissed I mean come on.....I dont even know what to say.

    Get some sleep and re-think it tomorrow. But you do have a point. This 'backing' into the playoffs is hard to stomach as a fan.


    I just saw a clip of Eli on the sidelines talking to Gilbribe. Gilbride wasn't even into to the convo and Eli was explaining something (I think). Wow!


    Again why do yo throw passes deep to guys when the safety is 30 yds off the ball? Someone (other than Jacobs and Droughns) gotta be open.



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