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Posts posted by randoff

  1. Eli had one game in which he passed 52 times, because they fell behind. This isn't the case every week.

    But side by side stats....Eli has more passing attempts. I was just curious would Gilbride run the same offense? I realize we have a Plax....the guy that 'stretches the field' and Shockey. Would Gilbride have Benny chucking up occasional bombs?

  2. I agree. People point out that Ben is helped significantly by a strong running game (as if Eli isn't) and is not relied upon to be "the man", but he makes plays when he has to, and always seems to come up big, or at least has the confidence that he will step up when needed. He can do it with his arm, legs, and can you picture Eli making that tackle that Big Ben made in '05 to save Pittsburgh's season? He wouldn't even have attempted one.

    ...and Benny can "do it" on a crotch-rocket too. That ONE thing we know for a fact....Eli wouldn't have crashed on a Motorcycle. Just kidding.


    But, I am curious to know...IF the Giants had the same players but had a Big Ben....would Kevin Gilbride have Benny sling it up 45-50 times a game?

  3. Well said. Amazing how some people want to point the finger solely at Eli. We know Eli hasn't been great but to over-simplify our problems and point the finger at him... that's a bit irresponsible. Our WR/TE haven't lived up to expectations. None of them has stood out.. none has made tough catches.. at least consistently.. yet it's always Eli's fault.

    Toomer has made PLENTY of tough catches in Eli's career for Eli. As a matter of fact Toomer has been just about the only reciever making tough catches. See Denver (twice), see this year vs Chicago, see the Buffalo game....Toomer 5 for 99, Eli completed 5 out of 7 passes to Toomer.


    ...but when will we face it. Eli is Eli....not accurate, not a gunslinger, and definitely not a Giants Stadium QB a la Simms. And Eli has thrown some INTs that make me shake my head and say "What did he see that made him throw that pass?" Face it a tall Plax and incredible catches by Toomer has helped Eli be a little accurate.


    Warner the QB for these Giants today???? OSI4THESACK....cut the bullshit!

  4. I turned the sound down AFTER I heard Andrea Kramer/Suzy Kolber talk about a "players only" meeting the Chargers had 5 weeks ago. Ladanian said in the meeting that the Chargers had to make sacrifices....so he stopped drinking his occasional beer. Team laughed because Ladanian doesn't hardly drink. The next thing said by the sideline reporter was that Merriman was gonna 'sacrifice' and give up sex....he supposedly hasn't had sex since they win 5 in a row. ESPN is so whack, son!



  5. The day of the Game...Giants v. Pats...NFL Network is going to start you off with a few re-airs of the Pats wins this year (In thier entirety) then 3 hours of pre game coverage. Nothing like all day dick riding of the Greatest team in NFL History. And if you had NFL Network and watched the all day coverage of the Pats....you'd know EVERYTHING there is to know about the Pats.


    What will they do WHEN the Pats make it to the Superbowl? Give us 72 hour coverage and 24 hour pre game show on the Pats? ;):rolleyes:

  6. ....Wouldn't be surprised if the janitor walked up to Gilbride and said 'wtf man'.

    And the fact that we waited so long to use Bradshaw really pisses me off.

    What if Jacobs did NOT tweak his ankle? Would the Giants have still gave the carries to Bradshaw? Part of me believes that IF Jacobs wasn't hurt, this bonehead Gilbride would have used Jacobs the whole game with Bradshaw only getting 5 touches. I cannot fully thank the janitor nor Gilbride for the excellent running yesterday. But I'll take it!!!! 300 plus yds rushing and the longest run from scrimmage this year in the NFL. Thanks Bradshaw!!!! :rock:

  7. No sense in speculating about TB.

    It all depends on how WE play.

    Offensively their running game can be shut down and they're avg 210 passing per game.

    Garcia is a giant killer, but he hasn't faced a Giant's defense like this one.

    I like our chances, but who's going to show up for us?

    Very true! We gotta play our game (whatever that is) which is run run run then pass intermediate to guys like Toomer, Moss and Smith.


    I believe Boss and Bradshaw will play a HUGE role in a game like this. They will 'show up' for us.

  8. My opinion is: Sit as many players that need to sit. Like Burress, Brandon and Pierce. Manning too! And we all know Bill Bella-Dick will go for the 16-0 season and play his starters.


    I truly hope that the Giants edge out a win with the bench players AND knock Tom Brady out for the playoffs. I am SO Tired of the Patriot coverage all day on the Sports networks. MuthaFuggdaPats!!!!!

  9. At this point I could give a fuck less what Eli's numbers are, I don't care

    and could care less. Simms led the team to a Superbowl with 22 interceptions

    compared to 21 touchdowns. I don't care anymore. I like the win and I'm leaving

    it at that.

    I guess that's what it is all about. Finding a way to win when your QB has struggled for 4 weeks. Run the ball - YES - and the defense did IT!!!!

  10. Real classy....Toomer and other Giants greeting the Giants fans in the endzone. THEY ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE!!! WE LET EM OFF THE HOOK!!!

    Manning was seen doing the same.......errrrr....ummmm.....nevermind........ :rolleyes:


    Great show of respect by Toomer. He came to play today.

  11. Instant solution to the Omaha's......let the line as in Snee call the blocking assignments. Maybe he will call one less Omaha.

    In the Bears/Packers game....Orton asked the center Olin Kruetz ON the LINE "Hey Olin! Who u got?" Olin says "I got #55!"


    What a concept????!!!??? <_<

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