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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Jakk .....for fuck's sake ...you have hated Pierce and adored Blackburn for the last 3 bloody years !


    hahah somebody got put on the spot here!!!




    Maybe i should of change the title to "most dislike"... here's mine.


    Tyne : everytime he get on the field for a kick it remind me of how we almost didn't make it to the super bowl!!

    Pierce: thank you for being a leader, but you're slow and you give late hits which is dirty..

    Hixon: Your foot work on special team made us thought you were a #1, thanks for fooling us.

  2. AGree.. these guys need to start having fun again instead of the all business and no fun crap that's been going on for the last few seasons..



  3. tell GilFart to lay off the dam pipe.... freaking clown..


    all hate aside, i really don't want this clown to have a big year because it's contract year, and why should we forking out big cash to resign him after all this heartach??? he should join Charles Roger (lions 2th pick) on the "kick me for a dollar" corner..

  4. If I were black, Id name one of my kids Gofuckyourself and tell people its pronounced Michael.



    :worshippy: hahahahaha


    back the the Gallery pick... is Tackle a harder job than Guard?? well considering the fact that DE are faster and has some crazy moves to defend but.. is it really that hard??.. is that why Tackles are paid more (or do they)??



  5. levi was a top ten pick.. but so was tim couch or akili smith or that clown ryan leaft..


    we have a bunch of young guys that can stand in if anyone is hurt.. we won't waste high dollar for this levi dude.. Reese is too smart to make that type of move,, maybe Al davis might pull the trigger.. heard Gallory sucks balls..

  6. o.k.. just back from the strip club... and all i have to say is... do we even have the dollar bills to pay for these guys??. do we??


    another thing, if they were so great WR (boldin and Edwards), why are they still on the market??..


    We tip the hot stripper but pay lap dance for the one that works the most.... if that even make sense.. i guess that's all i have to say..


    oo yeh i'm drunk as well...

  7. this is BS... another year with another late round QB pick??/ what the hell.. what happen to that other WOodson kid we drafted last year??.. so this year another QB???.. is this some type of lucky trend??

  8. GAWD the Raiders are stupid! You have to think Raider Nation is just itching for ole' Al to kick the bucket. DHB was not the best WR in this draft. I mean, the dude had only 600 yards and 6 TDs in college in his final year.... and you have Crabtree sitting pretty there? WTF? The Raiders are the worst franchise in the NFL, bar none. Seriously, Lions fans, take solace, because Matt Millen is gone and at least you don't have Al Davis. That was the dumbest pick I've seen in a long time.



    i was jumping in JOY when good old AL did what he did.... i was praying for Jerry Reese to pull the trigger move up to grab Crabtree.. but oo wells.. eve if he didn't.. i still thought we'll either get one of the top WR we had on our board, which we did..


    p.s.. i'm so glad our OWNER isn't some old fart that's insane.. speaking of good old Al he looks like my freaking grandfather(the asian version)..

  9. Im glad Im not our GM. I was cursing the TV out when we picked Eli instead of Gallery. I also was sure that Tyrone Wheatley was our savior and that this other kid from Michigan, some dude named Toomer or something like that, would only last a yr or two. <_<



    you me same....


    after that draft i learn a lesson, and that is, i'm no pro.. and either are the clowns in ESPN...



    by the way, they were waving how great Gallery was.... how is he doing now???..

  10. if you're on a diet with chicken and tofu. why not make a meal out of it???.. i'm sure there's a recipe for "tofu chicken and some veggies"...


    i try to cook tofu as much as i can but they go bad within a day or two after opening. After work i don't feel like cooking and it'll just become waste...



    as for the tRADE talk.. agree with above, talk is not dead yet. and they won't get KIWI for Ed straight up... i don't care where they were drafted at because we can get almost anyone from a round two for bradshaw (drafted in round 9)..

  11. I dont get it. Why the sudden drop off for Wang? I mean, he's HORRENDOUS. :puke: I agree, Phil needs to be ready, but I hope they pull him at 10 runs. :P



    wow. easy there.. my boy Wang came back from injury .. wouldn't you give him some time??. you wouldn't be typing those words judging by his last two seasons.... give the man a break, i'll still take him over Phil ..




    back to TOPIC,, Gap is my favorite player of all time..... i'm still kicking myself for not attending any of the games that he was playing........

  12. I agree with this outlook. But I have one question......Who is Larry Fiz and Michael Johnson? :huh:





    Larry Fitzgerald n Calvin Johnson


    one of those nights again.. blame it on the a a a a alcohol



    i haven't finish the whole thread cuz i'm at work. but someone stated a great point... the so call *EXperts are basically comparing him with the rest of this year's group of WRs... come on now.


    are you seriously saying.. crabtree's on the level with the two players that i listed????...

  13. socal, your comparing the mid and late 80's to now?!? First off we don't have no where near as dominant of a defense as back then, and rules have changed. The NFL is "quarterback friendly" now. 2nd off how many teams have won the Super Bowl since then that didn't have a good 1st wr? Dude your comparing apples to oranges. You need balance in today's NFL. You live too much on the past. Just like how you feel about the Yanks. Guess what, times have changed, brotha



    I believe Super Bowls are won by great Defense. Raven's won it by great d, and i can't seem to remember their TOP WR.. hell, their QB was the worst of them all. Then there's the steelers, Great defense, their top guy was Hines Ward.. can someone put him on the top 10 as far as making a catch? Then there's new england, i can't seem to remember all those years where they won the SB with a big name WR???. and when the year they did have a big timer, they lost to a team with great defense.


    You can say when the Rams and colts won , they didn't have much of a De.. but the pass 10 or so years more team with D won it than teams that can put points on the board...


    anyways, back to the topic, WR is like gambling not all great WR were first picks... if you can say Crabtree is of what Larry Fiz, or Michael Johnson type of player, then yeh i'll go with them. but i can't seem to put his name next to LF or MJ....

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