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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Dude, you know nothing. You know what I want??? I want Eli to throw for 400+ yds and 4 TD's, the run game can be average, but i'll still talk about it as a dominant run game, and then i want to lose 40-45. Cause the loss dont matter, Eli will be a fantasy stud, we will all sit around and talk about how great he is and how its crazy for everyone to not think he's the best in the league. And when the season ends, you know what I want? Thats right....you guessed it..............





    A pro Bowl Appearance for Eli.


    Does it get any better than that?



    As Bigblue wakes up


    Hey, whats goin on guys? I just had this crazy dream, that i was a cowboy fan. It was terrible.



    wow.. fantasy over the real team?? you should be ashame...jk. haha i do hope bradshaw brings the house down... spend a 7pick on the boy!!!!!!1

  2. as much as i hate Plex's diva self, that is some BS.. stallworth-a-crap got less than a year for killing someone on DUI, and plex shot himself because he carry a gun to protect himself ?? Steve Smith got rob got him nervous, i don't blame the gun at all.. maybe getting an illegal gun was bad, but dammit,, OJ killed two people and he got free.... this country is worth crap.. bloomberg GFYS.. this is drunk typing.. excuse me..

  3. Eli has a salary cap number of around $14.3m this season


    remember in 2007 the Giants used a buy back option in Eli's. His original rookie contract expired after 2012, the buy back option brought it back to after 2009.


    Eli has already been paid like a top QB and really he the hury is out as to whether he has played up to it (although he has shown potential). Alot of the Giants offesnive problems have come back to poor execution, Eli has more than his fair share.


    I think this may be a make or break year for Eli, if he can take it to the next level, then he certainly has earned his pay, if he doesn't then it gets really interesting.


    The other factor is David Carr, who will have been well established in the Giants system.


    If (and it is a big if) the Giants are ok to consider lif without Eli, then we could franchise and trade him. There are a few teams in need of a QB who would consider a trade (eg: San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Jacksonville, Buffalo)


    Maybe it could come down to do we pay Eli his $20m/year + (with alot guaranteed) or do we go with say David Carr (perhaps $6m-7m) and have extra draft picks.


    I think it comes down to performance, does Eli become a truly elite QB or does he remain just a good one.



    i kinda don't agree with this.. you know how hard it is to find a QB? teams such as Raiders, Minny , SF to name a few has spend millions on top of millions looking for their QB. Having Carr replace Eli to save a few(million) bucks is just insane. This entire team is build around Eli and his mellow personality and to replace him is like rebuilding again. You're right that he doesn't perform like a top QB especially during windy games. But you can't say he's the worst QB we ever had. Record breaking payout? No, but near the air up there, yeh..

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