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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. fucking jacobs and his little bitchass girly dance..... .. just run fucking straight!!!! dam!!!!!!!!! i'm sooo pissed off!!!! this is one of the worst running game i seen for a while...

  2. excellent point...you know, the dog finds it funny. during his tenure the giants offense has consistently improved. they have won a super bowl. they have had one of the best and most consistent run games in recent years. they have a QB that is consistently inconsistent, but regardless they have been successful and worked around this. yet time and time again, everyone wants to pin the blame on him. and yet other organizations in recent years have included him on their list of potential hirings as a head coach. but of course, these professional organizations are completely misguided...(well, maybe in the case of the raiders, but....)...



    for once, the freaking dog has change my mind about Gillfart..... you could be right.. i guess as a fan we always look at what's negative first before anything else..

  3. thanks for your input, but i heard in England, Soccer (football) fans are nutz, they go to every game. that's money pit right there and i guess the commish is trying to dig in on that market.. Unlike the U.S, where we have football, baseball, basketball, hockey all year round. And they are command great fan fair... England has one passionate sport ,..

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