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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. i was really shock at the JPP pick as well as everyone else... but just a few years back when we chose this dude name OSI in the second round.. everyone was about to punch a stuff animal in the face... :05-mafia:


    i'll give it time and see how it turns out.. this pick give us more leverage anyways.. i'm not happy with the pick nor am i pissed.. but let's see what happens.. i know LB is what we need but once old fart AL got McClain.. i knew we would of gotten someone unexpected... if JPP can do backflips and still sack the QB.. so before everyone start going ape shit, let's give it time.. i'm sure in the later Rounds we'll get a LB.. i mean Tuck was drafted in the later rounds and it took a year or two for him to get inform .....


    in Reese i trust!!!!

  2. Sinc the season is over for us. I decided to pop in the glory dice


    Some things I notice. Gilfart was still calling the same old plays. Pass on 3 n 1. Stupid screen plays. But those plays cought people by surprice at first. He need to really change it up with some of his X n Os. Also. Jacobs was running like a human train. WTF happen to him???? That power n that passion is gone!!

    Toomer was such a big part of the team. Image if we kept him. The leaders he would of brought to all our young WRs.


    As for the defense. Boy. We miss strahan. He open up so much holes for everyone else.


    Anyone else has the DVD collection ? Post your thoughs.

  3. I was so hype going into this year with the upgrade( or so it lead me to believe). Canty. Rocky bumnard and osi returning. What a freaking let down. With the money rocky stole from us I think we need to cut the clown and pay Robbins and canty for backups. They both are well deserving of it.


    Some of you point out we need LBs. But who are some of the top lbs that are coming out for the draft!!! It's known we have a few holes and I think Reese will draft the best player for one of those holes with the first round. Not saying a lb would be number one

  4. It really does have that North Jersey flavor to it, like toxic waste and diesel fumes. :smartass:

    Hahahha. Couldn't agree more.


    The seats smells like sweat and the restroom was like a run down high school..



    Let's go defense. !!!!!

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